Day after huge binge? Help?

I always get SUPER hungry after a day at school and exercising - yesterday was just an awful day and I probably ate around 4000 calories in total. Any suggestions on how to get back on the wagon? I woke up this morning with a food baby and a fresh breaking out of acne (due to all the sugar I consumed in such a rapid amount of time) and feel really icky.

>:( The struggle is real. Can anyone relate? Tips and advice?

Thank you~


  • 2dare2dream
    2dare2dream Posts: 104 Member
    sweety just remember it was just one day.. you can get it back by being extra good for the remainder of the week. you are only human and sometimes you will stumble, whats more important is not the amount of times you stumble but the amount of times you pick yourself up, dust yourself down and get back on track. here's to a better day today x
  • singlefemalelawyer
    singlefemalelawyer Posts: 382 Member
    Just drink lots of water and get right back on track. Don't restrict your food intake to make up for it. Make sure you are eating enough throughout the day, maybe eat more protein to help curb cravings. Just don't be too hard on yourself - it happens to the best of us.
  • LauraFouhse
    LauraFouhse Posts: 115
    I'm a binger.. I get it.

    I always find the day after a binge the hardest... it's this weird thing where I feel like complete crap yet all I want to do is eat more. It's like the binge triggers the crazy gremlin in my head.

    These are the things that work for me:
    1. drink LOTS of water (I put a little lemon in) to flush out the crap
    2 . Move... go for a walk, to the gym.. whatever... just move
    3. call a friend
    4. avoid being around my trigger food
  • Phrick
    Phrick Posts: 2,765 Member
    all you can really do is dust yourself off and move on. You can't undo what's been done, and there is no sense in beating yourself up over it. Today is a new day, get on with it, that's all.

    If this happens regularly you might want to look into finding someone to talk to about it to see if you can identify WHY it happens and make some changes (by "at school" I'm assuming you mean college/university, there will be counseling services available there through student services)
  • rhenry086
    rhenry086 Posts: 17 Member
    Just move on from it.. the other night, I went out and had dinner. I planned everything out, decided I'd treat myself to 1 beer.. well 1 turned into 3, and before you know it, dinner was over 2,000 calories. I woke up feeling cruddy and with a hangover. I did an extra workout (not too much, like 2 extra miles on the treadmill), ate a solid breakfast, and drank lots of water. I was feeling much better by noon, and today is another day!
  • smc864
    smc864 Posts: 570 Member
    Just drink lots of water and get right back on track. Don't restrict your food intake to make up for it. Make sure you are eating enough throughout the day, maybe eat more protein to help curb cravings. Just don't be too hard on yourself - it happens to the best of us.


    A lot of the times after I binge I think I should "make up for it" and eat less the next day, but this is counterproductive and will just lead to another binge.

    4,000 calories really isn't the end of the world. Just think of it as a boost to your metabolism haha! I keep a calendar in my kitchen and everyday I eat under my calorie goal I get a check mark and if I go over I write an "X". This seems very elementary but it really has helped. I've only binged once since implementing this strategy.

    Today is day one. Forget yesterday! You've got this!
  • atlas808
    atlas808 Posts: 6 Member
    Wow, that was fast!

    Thank you all so much for the invaluable support. xx I hope you guys all have a lovely day!!
  • onionparsleysage
    onionparsleysage Posts: 103 Member
    I always get SUPER hungry after a day at school and exercising - yesterday was just an awful day and I probably ate around 4000 calories in total. Any suggestions on how to get back on the wagon? I woke up this morning with a food baby and a fresh breaking out of acne (due to all the sugar I consumed in such a rapid amount of time) and feel really icky.

    >:( The struggle is real. Can anyone relate? Tips and advice?

    Thank you~

    Are you sure that you're eating enough on a regular basis?

    From logging on MFP, I found that after a few days of eating 1200 calories I would end up binging on around 3000. Which is counterproductive! This is just my eating habits - I don't like eating a lot routinely, but then my body gets hungry so I binge. I've been trying to fix it by upping my calories on a daily basis closer to my TDEE.

    I mostly mention this b/c you say you're super hungry, so it's not an emotional trigger here.
  • I totally understand how you're feeling. It often happens to me too. As the others said, get back on track as soon as possible. Drink lots of water, get back to your exercise routine and any extra weight will be shed in a day or two, without restricting your calorie intake or killing yourself at the gym.
    You may need to accommodate a 'free day' to your schedule: admit that you might eat a little more on that day and work it out the next one. But don't beat up yourself about it because you'll feel worse and you may be even more discouraged to get on the wagon again.

    Sometimes I also binge and I'm not always that positive, but feel free to add me! We can support each other:smile:
  • daveymac31
    daveymac31 Posts: 118
    Today is a new day. Yesterday is history. I too have had EPIC binge days. I mean epic!!! I felt like crap after, but ya know what. Screw it! It happened. Move on. That's what I did. Also, don't deprive yourself of everything, or you will binge. Its all in your mind. I love chips. They are my Achilles heel. I think its the crunchiness. Instead, I will have some flavoured rice cakes. Helps the craving.
  • kazzyv
    kazzyv Posts: 30 Member
    Put it behind you. Get back to your normal routine as quickly as possible and it will even itself out. I would not cut down to try and make up for it - you will feel over hungry and be tempted to binge again.

    Oh and don't weigh yourself for a couple of days.

    I went out for dinner on Sunday and was quite good but had quite a bit of wine .... result I put on 6lbs according to the scales the next day. If I put everything I ate into a carrier bag it wouldn't have weighed that much ! But 2 days later the weight is back to where it was on Sunday morning - so any increase from a binge is very temporary.

    Keep smiling :smile:
  • MagnumBurrito
    MagnumBurrito Posts: 1,070 Member
    You could always fast the next entire day.

    Another option is lift some heavy a*ss weights for the next couple of days and use those calories to build muscle.

    One day is not a big deal. Figure out your triggers and try to out smart them. Good luck
  • 2013sk
    2013sk Posts: 1,318 Member
    Don't stress about it!

    Drink tons of water and move on!!!

    We all do it from time to time, Were all human - Don't beat yourself up.

    Try and get back on track, eat healthy, do a good workout and your feel tons better : )
  • gypsy_spirit
    gypsy_spirit Posts: 2,107 Member
    I'm pretty sure that if I thought my diet was causing my face to break out - I would adapt my diet. My question is why are you binging? Are you restricting your calories every day until you can't stand it anymore?

    Whatever the reason, you have to decide - in your brain - that losing the rest of the weight is your goal. When you do that, you will stop 'falling off the wagon' and stick with your plan. Over eating a little bit occasionally (within reason) is normal. Some days you eat more, some days less. That should be your first goal. Learning to stay within the calories for the week.

    It's all up to you. There are no tricks. There is just what you decide to do.
  • EvanElric
    EvanElric Posts: 34
    I wouldn't advise fasting or over exercising to make up for it.. could start an extremely unhealthy cycle. Just start fresh tomorrow and next time you start thinking those thoughts that lead you to binge just remember how crappy you feel right now. (:
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Just keep going normally. I ate 4000 calorie in one day 6 days ago, lost weight a week later... no problem.
  • Woodster83
    Woodster83 Posts: 71 Member
    I sometimes drop a pound or two a few days after a high than normal day!

    I think your body will have appreciated the food.

    Trick is, to stop it at day 1, and not carry on the week eating the same :)