Beans, beans, the magical fruit



  • Losing_Sarah
    Losing_Sarah Posts: 279 Member
    Rinsing helps. I soak and cook from dried beans and eat them from a can.

    After soaking dried beans I drain and rinse well. Then after I cook them I also rinse them before adding them to whatever recipe I'm using them for.

    If I use a canned beans I rinse them in a colander really well before I use them.

    It seems to have greatly reduced the amount of gas in my household. Thankfully, even my extra tooty husband!
  • heatblair
    heatblair Posts: 13 Member
    My Mom's trick when making southern pinto beans and corn bread was to boil the pintos, drain the water, and then re-boil or however you cook them. Her trick was dumping the first water, as this contained most of the methane inducing enzymes. Her trick to cornbread was bacon grease and another tip on the pintos is add ham. She can afford to do this as she weighs about 80 lbs. I cannot eat her yummy pintos & corn bread for a loooooong time! Sigh.

    I love hummus too. I could eat it for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and dessert! But I don't know if the boil & dump method works for hummus.
  • heatblair
    heatblair Posts: 13 Member
    Also, does this mean going vegetarian can be stinky?! Haha!
  • monkeywizard
    monkeywizard Posts: 222 Member
    Don't want to try a pill, but love your food?

    Get a dog.. better yet, get two or three. Pugs are great. They have a reputation for being gassy and always around so you'll always have someone to blame it on..

    Of course sometimes it will be the dog.. so there's that. At least I don't think dogs love Hummus though..
  • KellyBurton1
    KellyBurton1 Posts: 529 Member
    I kinda like the special effects… as long as I can get away before I get caught…

    You sound like my husband when we go out shopping!
  • phatguerilla
    phatguerilla Posts: 188 Member
    Asafoetida (Hing) is used in indian cooking for this purpose, a lot of cooking styles that incorporate beans regularly have some form of digestive herb or spice they add to the beans, like the ginger mentioned earlier.

    Asafoetida smells pretty manky but it doesn't seem to flavour the final recipe.
  • freemystery
    freemystery Posts: 184 Member
    My mother often preps gas-inducing foods with the same few ingredients so I wonder if they're beneficial. So any dhal, lentils, beans. beany soups, chickpeas etc always seem to come with:

    Plenty of ginger
    Fennel or fennel seed
    Ajwain seed (aka Bishop's weed or carom seed)
    Mint leaves

    I've had a sensitive stomach since I was a baby and my mother swears that her food doesn't upset my stomach because of the way it's prepared. Not sure how much truth there is to it but I rarely have bloating after I eat at my parents'!
  • UncleMac
    UncleMac Posts: 13,064 Member
    I kinda like the special effects… as long as I can get away before I get caught…

    You sound like my husband when we go out shopping!
    My brother from another mother... :)