picky eater

Hi, im 23 and a very picky eater. Does anyone have any healthy recipes for picky eaters that does not contain nuts, since i am allergic to them. I am trying to lose weight which is very difficult for me to do since i am not a cooker, but i do workout everyday with the jillian michaels 30 day shred, but i am not seeing results and it is very frustrating. i am not eating any sweets and havent for the past 2 weeks. im just looking for some recipes. can anyone help?


  • KatyAverill
    KatyAverill Posts: 166 Member
    I'm 23 too! :smile: My husband is 25 and he's a very picky eater. Last night I made spicy chicken (heavily seasoned with a mixture of whatever spices were on hand), then popped in the oven with a little olive oil at 425 for 35 minutes. For sides, I microwaved corn on the cob and steamed some broccoli.

    Lemon pepper tilapia is another meal that he will eat-just sprinkle the fish with lemon pepper seasoning and drizzled it with lemon juice. I usually just grill those in a frying pan with a dash of olive oil until it starts to get flaky. I usually make another steamed veggie and sweet potatoes for sides.

    For lunch, I often pack him a ham and cheese sandwich along with a couple of those little 100 calorie packs of crackers or chips.

    For my own breakfast, I usually eat a banana or instant oatmeal and a large coffee. For lunch I usually do a bowl of cereal with some greek yogurt. Snacks are usually fruit.
  • fredgiblet
    fredgiblet Posts: 241 Member
    Saying you're a picky eater doesn't help that much unless you cover the things you don't want to eat. Is it JUST nuts? Or are there other things you refuse to eat?
  • cornbread921
    I dont like fish, nuts, avacado. Those are really the main things I wont eat. I only eat certain veggies like broccoli, asparagus, green beans and corn (has to be on the cob). I like all types chicken and meat. Fish is the only thing i will not eat. I do eat shrimp though. I eat a lot of fruits execpt bananas, pears. I dont like oatmeal
  • mkcolombia
    mkcolombia Posts: 71 Member
    that doesn't sound extremely picky... if you google chicken and broccoli recipes you will find hundreds that you could try based off what you like and how much you cook.
  • cornbread921
    i just dont want to keep eating the same thing over and over again. i just started cooking like about 2 months ago lol
  • Beckboo0912
    Beckboo0912 Posts: 447 Member
    Im allergic to fish so I dont eat it but I love putting chicken and a veggie like asparagus or broccoli in a steam bag and put it in the oven with some lemon slices and spices (like pepper, italian seasonings or mrs dashs without salt) in the bag, super easy! I use the perfect portions because they cook about the same as fish in time. Then rice or potatoes or some pasta.
  • kbmnurse
    kbmnurse Posts: 2,484 Member
    Picky eater? Trying to lose weight?
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    I do a healthier version of chicken fried rice..........(I get 2 servings out of it)

    Chicken breast, cut into small pieces
    Steamfresh Brown & Wild Rice w/ broccoli & carrots
    Soy sauce

    One or more of the following....ginger, garlic, water chestnuts, snow peas, mushrooms, scrambled egg, sliced green onion, slivered almonds

    Brown chicken breast (use a little oil) in a non-stick pan.....I like to add some grated ginger...you could add garlic, or minced onion. Add any extra veggies you like. Cook rice in the microwave....add to cooked chicken, sprinkle liberally with soy sauce, and continue to stir. Mix in scrambled egg & sprinkle with slivered almonds.
  • missiontofitness
    missiontofitness Posts: 4,074 Member
    If you want sweets without the sweets, make banana ice cream!

    Freeze 2-3 large bananas
    Add about 1/2 teaspoon of vanilla extract
    A splash of almond or skim milk
    Blend in a food processor, and then add cocoa or carob and blend again.

    Enjoy! It'll come out like soft serve. Try it with some sliced strawberries, or a tablespoon of chocolate chips on top. Healthy way to satisfy a sweet tooth!
  • cornbread921
    yes i am a picky eater that is trying to lose weight lol thanks everyone for the ideas :smile: its just sucks when im not much of a cook and wont eat certain things or am allergic. but thanks for the suggestions and help
  • KristenCook2
    KristenCook2 Posts: 57 Member
    Bump and coming back later to add some ideas!
  • cornbread921
  • epursey
    epursey Posts: 36 Member
    Do you like eggs?

    Omelets are great for breakfast or dinner. Although to be honest I often end up with a scramble ;) You can toss in veggies and cheese, also meat.

    I also LOVE frying potatoes in a little butter (fat of choice) then crack an egg over the top.

    Oh and Yay for learning to cook!

    Wait! How about fried rice. With shrimp? Again that is with egg. OH! Marinated chicken (I often use some kind of Italian dressing) then bake (uncovered) in a 350-400 oven for about 40-60 min. Don't crowd the piece so they cook faster.
  • Michellekutz1
    Anyone can cook,,,,,just follow the recipe! I love Allrecipes .com it has really helped out.
  • wibutterflymagic
    wibutterflymagic Posts: 788 Member
    i just dont want to keep eating the same thing over and over again. i just started cooking like about 2 months ago lol

    Then broaden your horizons and stop being so pig headed about what you will and won't eat. There are tons of fabulous foods you are missing out because you won't be flexible enough to try them.

    Life is way to short to be shortsighted about what things you will and won't try.
  • KristenCook2
    KristenCook2 Posts: 57 Member
    I'm here to tell you it IS possible to be a picky eater and lose weight! I'm a super-picky eater myself and have been successful in the past using WW. I do try new foods but my biggest problem is with fruits. The textures of them get to me so much that I literally gag. I've found that using them to make smoothies works best for me. Another thing that is key for us picky eaters to be successful (IMO) is to plan, plan, plan. I plan out my meals for the week every Sunday. That way I can make sure that I have enough variety going on that I'm not going to feel like I'm always eating the same things.

    As far as finding recipes, check out the food and recipe board - there are often posts there about recipes for picky eaters. Also, Pinterest is a good one, Allrecipes, and finally just a good old-fashioned google search for Low-fat Recipes for Picky Eaters. Also, don't be afraid to try recipes that have things you dislike as ingredients. You can either leave them out entirely or adjust them for your preferences. For instance, I don't like tomatoes so I'll usually sub out tomato sauce or paste if tomatoes are called for in a recipe. You can also puree veggies to add in to things like pasta sauce or stews/soups.

    Finally, keep in mind that tastes change. Continue trying things you don't like. I've found that in my adult life I like many things I couldn't stomach at all as a kid. It takes at least 30 tries before your taste buds truly have the flavor of something. I'll often try new things even if it's only a bite.

    Feel free to friend me for some encouragement along the way and good luck on your journey! You can do it!!!