Summer Challenge! - For a burst of Motviation

Hello Ladies,

I'm encouraging as many of you to join me in a boost to weight loss. I had previously lost 65 pounds 5.5 years ago, then I had a baby and gained it all back. I have been very lackluster in starting over again. Well I felt so much healthier and I ate better and I'm getting older, and and and! ;)

I have a potential wedding coming up this summer, plus I want to be the healthy me again. So I know challenges in the past have been a GREAT jump start for me. Plus the accountability. So I hope to start a thread full of ladies that post daily.

I'm going to start off with I want to lose 8 pounds by Easter. If I successfully do this, I have a mini weekend trip I'm taking that I'll buy a fun new spring dress for. :)

Starting in at 217 here I go!

Crissy (mama of 4)


  • Cmatamoros
    Cmatamoros Posts: 35 Member
    Well til any groupies join me, I'll just post doing good! I came back from lunch which was just a small baked potato with some leftover healthy spaghetti sauce on it, it was thick. Kind of like chili on a potato. Anyway I had a sweet tooth and panicked! So I thankfully had a fruit stash: Applesauce Cup, raisins, mandarin cup, pear cup. I went for the raisins they have satisifed. Plus I tried to resist until at least an hour after lunch. :)

    One mini struggle down! Hope to see some ladies join on a journey!
  • muddyevil
    muddyevil Posts: 31
    Hellooooo Crissy :)

    I love these challenges so I try to join as many as possible! I am currently 177lbs and I have been told to be a healthy weight I need to be 150lbs, even though I see that as being impossible! My main aim of this is to get fit, and if I get slimmer in the process well that's great!

    I also have a wedding this summer and I would love to look great for that - my last wedding I was 3 dress sizes bigger and I hate the photos of me from it :(

    Here's looking forward to getting to know you!

  • losingitnow78
    I want to join! ...but I don't really know how. Teach me and I will! I am trying to get from 170 to 145. I've lost 16 pounds since the first of the year. How do I join in on this?
  • Cmatamoros
    Cmatamoros Posts: 35 Member
    Hello Elizabeth Marjorie,

    What a beautiful name! Oh going from 177 to 150 isn't that big of a jump, but the easiest way to think of this is as baby steps. ;)

    That's why I'm setting mini goals. Feel free to set one for yourself as well, but make sure at your mini goal you also have a mini reward. Whatever you feel would make you happy to achieve. Be it a special me movie night, or a sundress like me! It may be a size I don't wear for long but while I'm in that dress I'm going to love that new 10lbs lighter dress while I have it! ;)

    Just let me know how I can best help you. I know for me I need to be posting to the group my struggles and praises, as that's what really holds me accountable daily. :)

    I am so happy to have another partner in this journey! :) I look forward to getting to know you.

    Oh do tell about your wedding details! :)
  • Cmatamoros
    Cmatamoros Posts: 35 Member
    Hello "LosingItNow78"

    Oh it's super easy, it's mainly about accountability and if you need weight loss tips or advice or even want to share. I used to for a short period of time lead a nutrition class. That nutrition class helped me to lose the first 65lbs I lost. Then I stopped leading had a baby and gained it all back. You woudl think the Leader would follow what they were leading ;)

    Anyway the one thing I can tell you that helped out most is accountability. You definitely want to track your calories, and even better yet if you can do it is do your calories in advance like a budget for the day of what you'll eat. It's like a budget of what you'll spend. ;) When you prebudget your calories you spend those calories wiser. :) Now we don't always do just this in advance but tracking is a huge portion as well.

    So post anything you'd like, struggles, questions or anything, and try and stick to your calorie count and fitness goals. it's an 80/20 rule for weight loss. 80% Nutrition and 20% fitness. So remember those little bites you eat are the majority of where you'll lose the weight.

    Good Luck! Thanks so much for joining our challenge.
  • Cmatamoros
    Cmatamoros Posts: 35 Member
    So update on me, I did a phenomenal job tracking my calories today. My only slip up was that my girlfriend and I decided to have a one last hooray meal, but not too wild. so we had salad with a chicken breast, but it was the margarita hooray that was the most calories and of course the bread. Then we both agreed we would not have anything again til we meet up in 6 weeks and see where our weight loss goals have taken us. If we have succeeded in our goals, then we'll share one more each. :)

    So that is one thing I have not posted please definitely post at least one goal, either your long term goal or a mini goal. Even better is both. Just writing down the goal is a huge step towards success. So I'd love all of us to list at least one goal. :)

    My full goal is now 65lbs by August 31st! eeks Im scared but I will try!!
  • clareyoung80
    clareyoung80 Posts: 177 Member
    I'd like to join! Is there a group or do we post here?

    I'm looking to lose about 32 lbs (to bring my total loss to 71 lbs). I'd gotten down to 132 lbs then lost the motivation and put 20 back on again :-( So, I'm looking to lose that, plus the rest, to get me to 118 lbs. (I refuse to update my ticker with the weight gain - It's going to stay the way it is until I get back down!)

    Ugh! Feels so annoying to lose the weight I'd already lost.

    Some stats:
    SW: 189 lbs
    LW: 132 lbs
    CW: 150 lbs
    GW: 118 lbs OR UK size 8 (US size 4)

    I don't have any particular time-related goals. My first goals are in groups of 5 lbs. So, next goal is 145lbs, then 140lbs, 135lbs and then 132lbs. Then so on and so on. I also add in, because I'm from the UK, my 'stone' goals. So...another goal is 147 lbs (10.5 stone) and 140 lbs is 10 stone, 133lbs is 9.5 stone. Etc... So lots of mini goals!

    Though, honestly, I'm more interested in inches. Currently 31" waist (got down to 28"!!) and goal waist 26".
  • curlytop89
    curlytop89 Posts: 163 Member
    I need some accountability too, I just cant seem to stick with it this past 6-8 months and I have gotten to the number that I said I dont ever want to be above, HELP! I have 3-4 good days, than sabbotage myself. The only consolation I have is that I have still been exercising. Good thing or no telling where I would be! I just want my clothes to not be so tight and feel half way decent in a swimsuit. My profile pic is from a couple years ago, where I would like to be again please, ha! I know I can do it, just have to keep motivated when I am tired and feeling the itch to not give a care.
  • Jenniferckadell
    Jenniferckadell Posts: 4 Member
    Hey!! I want to join!! Do I just post here or is there anything else I need to do to join. SO Christina I lied i didnt come home and fill in all of my food from our final meal lol. i have noticed if I track my meals before I eat them I do SO much better!! I am sticking to this with you! I am at about 193 and want to get down to 150. So I like your idea of minni goals! Help me make one :D
  • amw5471
    amw5471 Posts: 111 Member
    I like to join lots of challenges!!

    CW: 168
    GW - 165 for easter
    GW - 160 for Tough Mudder June 1
    GW - 155 July 4 for America's Birthday
    GW - 150 August 5 for my great move to Texas
    GW: 145 August 25 aka my first day of law school

    I think that covers my goals for the summer!! Thats 23 lbs in 5 months
  • eperk07
    eperk07 Posts: 11 Member
    This is my first post! I also could use some fitness motivation! I started the couch to 5k program in January and have completed my first 5k. I hope to run a 10k this summer and have started training for that! I have lost 16 pounds since January, which has been slow but steady progress. I tend to be very good about planning my meals and being consistent but often end up eating out with friends a few times a week which can be challenging. My goal is to loose 14 more pounds by my 10k in July!
  • xWendyJonesx
    xWendyJonesx Posts: 266 Member
    I'd like to join you all, my goal for the summer is to look good and feel comfortable wearing a bikini for my summer holiday in July.

    I'm only a few lbs away from my goal weigh, my so my main challenge is to tone up.

    I know what I have to do, but recently moral in my office has dropped to an all time low, everyone is comfort eating, I'm finding it so hard to resist the temptations around me, I take food into work with me and I try so hard to stick to my healthy lunch and snacks, but I'm slowly giving in, I make myself workout harder to compensate the extra calories eaten, but this is making me really tired.

    Any help and advice would be very much appreciated.
  • Cmatamoros
    Cmatamoros Posts: 35 Member
    Awesome! Welcome to the board. :) Not really sure how to do a group yet. So I figured I'd start here...maybe we can move to a group later. :)

    Happy to lose weight with ya! :happy:
  • curlytop89
    curlytop89 Posts: 163 Member
    I know what you mean the girls where I work are the same. It seems so easy for everybody to just say I'll just do better tomorrow and then tomorrow never comes. Sometimes I have to just take my lunch and leave my wallet in the car so I'm not tempted to order out when everybody gets talking about it. Just so much easier when everybody is working on a similar goal! Sometimes we start a weight loss competition in our group where we all put in some money then in a month or two, the person that loses the biggest percentage of weights gets the pot of money. That always helps the lease for a few weeks. Hopefully summer will bring about better attitudes!
  • Cmatamoros
    Cmatamoros Posts: 35 Member
    You look awesome in that pic, gosh I think it was Curly. Hope I get the name right.

    My daughter, who's 19 says the best way to get toned is Pilates. She said it'll kick your bootie, you'll feel super sore the first few weeks, but then you'll feel so great and super toned. She said she had a great butt afterwards lol. She advises that once I'm down by some weight and I'm really into the fitness and toning this should be one of the number 1 things I should do.

    I've heard others say similar things. I also know that oh what is it called Core training is great. Man what a workout! Circuit training that's what I meant. So rotating through many different circuits in the hour of your workout. I have a Jillian Michaels 30 day shred, cost me $10 at Best Buy, it's a REALLY great way to feel your workout. Highly recommend that one as well.

    Hope that helps anyone interested! Just remember the 80/20 rule. 80% food will help you lose weight, 20% nutrition.

    I think it was Wendy that mentioned motivation to stay away from Junk. I don't know if this will help you but it really helped me. I dislike bad stuff in my body, obviously drugs or other such items I try and stay away from, they destroy brain cells right. Well I learned in my nutrition class these things about our "office treats"

    - Sugar takes your immune system down for four hours.
    - Sugar eats up all your vitamins in your body due to the immune response to protect your brain from the sugar (which is also what causes the immune system to go down it's being diverted elsewhere.
    - White flour has been known to increase your risk of cancer.

    So when I really struggled and someone offered me a chocolate bundt cake, YUM, I looked at it as if it were a drug. I'd say no cocaine on the brain (ie. Sugar) and I rather avoid cancer when it was a flour item.

    It's REALLY helped with the sugar if I'm feeling under the weather, I wont TOUCH sugar. The white flour I really need to start chanting about again lol. Darn those bagels and bundt cakes! ;)

    I wish you all luck...feel free for everyone to share! I love hearing success tips and points etc!
  • Cmatamoros
    Cmatamoros Posts: 35 Member
    Hey J girlfriend!

    Okay so why don't you try and lose 8 lbs with me by easter!!! I can text ya daily muhahaha! It'll also help me!

    Today I had a vegetable breakfast a salad for lunch and ...uhhh popcorn for dinner lol. airpopped with shredded cheddar! I need to go calculate those calories out. I think I did just fine. I said no to many things, and I read once the more you practice saying no the better you get at it!

    So work on that one too! :) CAN"T wait to see you in 6 weeks girl!

    Let's go preplan our menus for tomorrow! woot!
  • Cmatamoros
    Cmatamoros Posts: 35 Member
    Okay so I'm on day 4, and day 1 was PHENOMENAL, day 2 it was okay because we had a kickoff meal, day 3, I had a vacation day, I MUST plan for my vacation days better, although not horrible, too much cheese! Cheese in the omelet, cheese on the salad, and cheese on my air popped popcorn! lol.

    Today starting off right an egg, turkey bacon and in a smidge here I'll have a fruit! I see my 65lb lighter self coming soon!

    Hoping you are all having a super awesome Thursday!
  • changingL1sa
    changingL1sa Posts: 54 Member
    I'd love to join you all in this challenge! My sister is getting married in July and I want to feel comfortable and look good in my bridesmaid dress ( many pictures). My MFP starting weight was 235 (although I know I was around 250 this time last year). My ultimate goal weight is 160. Current weight is 214. I want to be in "onederland" by the wedding. Would love motivation on this journey and to encourage others to meet their goals!
  • amw5471
    amw5471 Posts: 111 Member
    I'd love to join you all in this challenge! My sister is getting married in July and I want to feel comfortable and look good in my bridesmaid dress ( many pictures). My MFP starting weight was 235 (although I know I was around 250 this time last year). My ultimate goal weight is 160. Current weight is 214. I want to be in "onederland" by the wedding. Would love motivation on this journey and to encourage others to meet their goals!

    Bridesmaid dresses are the current bane of my existence!! Granted the weddings aren't til 2015 but we have started shopping for them and I am not pleased with the way any of them look.
  • Cmatamoros
    Cmatamoros Posts: 35 Member
    I'd love to join you all in this challenge! My sister is getting married in July and I want to feel comfortable and look good in my bridesmaid dress ( many pictures). My MFP starting weight was 235 (although I know I was around 250 this time last year). My ultimate goal weight is 160. Current weight is 214. I want to be in "onederland" by the wedding. Would love motivation on this journey and to encourage others to meet their goals!

    Oh we're at the same weight with the same goal! We can be each others motivation. My goal is 165 by August 31st! It's a stretch but I'm going to PUSH For it!