Has running helped you lose weight?



  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    I love running, and ithelps me get fitter.

    But I dont think it's been that big a factor in my lsing weight - that's really down to diet.

  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    A calorie deficit helped me lose weight. And I weigh and measure my food so I can be sure that I'm in a deficit. That's the most important part - you can't "guess" or estimate. Log everything, track every bite. Weigh and measure. Stick to your deficit.

    I run, anywhere from 12-20 miles per week and I'm losing weight. But it doesn't have anything to do with the running. It has everything to do with the calorie deficit.
  • ninav1980
    ninav1980 Posts: 514 Member
    Running has proved to be the best way to lose weight for me.
    Right now I have added weigt training to my routine and I have not seen the weight come off as quickly as when I would only run

    Running= 3 miles 4/5 times a week
  • Phaedra2014
    Phaedra2014 Posts: 1,254 Member
    Running is awesome for weight loss but you won't simply lose weight from running if you ignore other factors.

    ***For right here and right now considerations***

    Weight loss = caloric deficit

    running = burns in ballpark of 100+ cals a mile + happy cardio system fun time


    If you eat back what you burned when you ran then running will not really help you with weight loss. Cardio system will still be happy though.

    No i don't eat back the extra cals. I'm quite careful to not go over no matter what the activity. I also lift and do HIIT type workouts in addition to running. I didn't initially take up running for weight loss but for fun. I just wondered if it would help move me along. So far it hasn't.
  • greytniki
    greytniki Posts: 51 Member
    When I started this journey I was doing good just to walk a few miles a couple times a week. As I lost weight and got healthier I had to up the exercise and eventually began to run. In November of last year I was running 4-6 times a week 3 to 3.5 miles per time and in between grabbing about another 10 miles in walking here and there. I had back surgery in December and mid January the neurosurgeon said I could start walking slowly again. From December until the middle of January despite the fact that I was eating very healthy I only lost 2 pounds. From January until March I was stuck in a plateau that would not break, I could not jog nor do the eliptical or other machines. I could only walk. March 10th I got the OK to start jogging again and since then I have jogged several times a week averaging about 20 miles a week. I have once again started losing weight. So for me, yes running has helped.
  • DymonNdaRgh40
    DymonNdaRgh40 Posts: 661 Member
    If it has, how much weight did you drop with running?

    How many miles do you run per week?

    If it hasn't helped you lose weight, do you know why?

    I've been running a bit for a few months now an it has not helped me lose weight. I don't eat the exercise cals back.

    Running did help me lose weight for awhile but then my weight loss stalled. Once I added some strength training I started losing weight again. I average around sixteen miles a week now and more when I'm training for a race.

    I think after running for awhile your body adjusts to your speed and mileage so you don't burn as many calories as you did when you started.

    Try adding some strength/weight lifting to your program. It will definitely help.
  • Linli_Anne
    Linli_Anne Posts: 1,360 Member
    Running has been a part of achieving my weight loss goals; right after the foods I eat to fuel my runs.

    However - what I have gained from running far outweighs the number of pounds lost on the scale.


    And not all of these are just in the physical sense.
  • vinniesooner
    vinniesooner Posts: 119 Member
    Ditto! Well said.

    Running has been a part of achieving my weight loss goals; right after the foods I eat to fuel my runs.

    However - what I have gained from running far outweighs the number of pounds lost on the scale.


    And not all of these are just in the physical sense.
  • langurmonkey
    Running has been good for me in a lot of ways other than burning calories. I tend to eat them back, but I am pretty much maintaining now, and want to actually get better at sport, so I have to eat. I went from a 130kg unfit person to a 80kg long distance runner in about 2 years. I've made a lot of new friends along the way and become a lot happier and more positive a person. My resting heart rate is now about 45 which kind of blows my mind as it was over 60. I am fit enough now to do just about anything I want to - long hikes in the country, climbing up lots of stairs, running marathons.

    Currently I am running 30 - 50 miles a week (to answer the original question).
  • bojobarb78
    bojobarb78 Posts: 3 Member
    Very good point. You will come to a point where you start losing inches and not pds
  • jenn26point2
    jenn26point2 Posts: 429 Member
    If it has, how much weight did you drop with running?

    How many miles do you run per week?

    If it hasn't helped you lose weight, do you know why?

    I've been running a bit for a few months now an it has not helped me lose weight. I don't eat the exercise cals back.

    Point blank: no. Running has improved my cardiovascular fitness and my mental resiliency. My resting heart rate is 49. My blood pressure is below average (110/67 when last checked). My respers are so shallow, the machines at the hospital think I have quit breathing (per the nurse when the machine kept going off after my c-section almost 4 years ago - I've been running since 2007). All through 2011 I ran 6 half marathons and lost not a single pound. For the last 4 months I've been training for a marathon with zero pounds lost. In 2013, prior to training for half marathons number 7-10, I lost weight using diet and heavy strength training. When I started training for races again, the diet remained the same but the weight loss stopped. When the diet relapsed into poor choices, the weight crept back on - despite running 4 half marathons during that period of time.

    of course, YMMV.