Protein Shakes?

Hello! I'm looking for some clarification on protein shakes for weight loss. Do you use them? How do you incorporate them into your diet? Before or after workout? Any suggestions on brands or specific shakes? I'm not a big breakfast person so I was occasionally drinking them first thing in the morning but I have never consistently drank them. I'm trying to eat 6 meals a day and thought this may be a good option for one of my meals. I've heard different feedback about them such as they make you gain weight, they help you lose weight, etc. Just trying to get some feedback before I go out and buy something that may not necessarily benefit me. Thanks all! :happy:


  • KatissimusDorsi
    They only make you gain weight if they put you over your calorie limit for the day.

    They'd "help you lose weight" because protein is typically satiating, so it may cause you to eat less calories overall.

    So, you should consider purchasing protein powder if:

    1) You find it difficult to get in enough protein
    2) You like the convenience (such as for making great protein shakes for breakfast in the morning)
    3) You enjoy the taste

    Just think of protein powder like another food. Eat it if it helps you get towards your goals and you like it! As far as your specific questions:

    -I do use protein powder on occasion. Usually if I'm feeling too lazy to cook meat and I need to get in more protein for the day.
    -I mix them up with milk, or blend it into a shake with ice and maybe greek yogurt. Sometimes I replace some flour in baked goods with vanilla protein powder for protein baked goods.
    -You could have protein shakes before or after a workout if you'd like. When you get in your protein for the day really doesn't matter that much, though.
    -My favorite brand is Truetein. ON Whey is also good.
  • rachface1234
    rachface1234 Posts: 227 Member
    I personally like protein powder shakes because when I'm in a rush or not in the mood for a hot breakfast, etc. it is a great way to get in protein.

    For example, after a really tough workout this morning, I felt starving but was running low on time so I made a smoothie:
    almond milk
    frozen berries
    plain protein powder 1.5 scoops
    1 tbsp. flax
    1 stevia
    Then I had a piece of toast with almond butter. It helped me get a great balance between proteins/carbs/fats, I felt deliciously full, and got tons of fiber and vitamins all at once.

    Sometimes if I feel hungry at the end of the day but realize that I did not get in enough protein I will blend protein powder with Hershey's cocoa powder, stevia, frozen banana, and almond milk. It tastes a lot like a chocolate shake, so I get my sweet fix, but I fed my muscles protein so even if I am in a deficit I am helping my body to maintain some lean muscle mass :).

    My ideal world would involve cooking every bite from scratch and mostly hot, real food, but with a busy lifestyle protein powder helps me meet my goals.

    Agreed with previous poster, just count the calories, make it work into your day! You could omit fruit and just add ice for a lighter meal, or add some spinach or kale for more vitamins but less cals/carbs... lots of possibilities :)
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,412 MFP Moderator
    Protein shakes are just supplements where you lack for nutrition or time in many cases. Find one that you like the taste and fits in your budget. I like muscle milk and EAS and mix them with Milk. On occasion, I would add a cup of berries too
  • starznholes
    starznholes Posts: 170 Member
    I drink one every morning-- its convenient for me and I definitely don't gain weight.

    Almond milk
    frozen strawberries/blueberries
    1 scoop vanilla protein

    Sometimes I will switch it up and add a banana, peanut butter, tsp cocoa powder, greek yogurt. You can play around and find what you like and what works into your daily intake. I think as long as you are getting some sort of exercise in, and not going over your calories for the day, it wouldn't make a difference to your weight loss.
  • csuhar
    csuhar Posts: 779 Member
    I use protein powder as a way to augment my diet by helping me reach my protein goals without a corresponding high amount of calories that usually come along for the ride when I get protein from regular foods. You may not have as much of an issue, depending on your goals and how much protein you want to consume.

    I think some of the "you will gain weight" aspect can be confusing because some people make it seem that any protein you consume that your body doesn't process into muscle will IMMEDIATELY become fat.

    Generally, however, it seems that it's really an issue of the fact that protein does provide calories and, if your protein goal means you'll be consuming more calories than you'll burn, you'll gain weight due to the "calories in vs. calories burned" aspect.

    If you maintain your desired defecit, you should have no major problems with using protein shakes.
  • steph8679
    steph8679 Posts: 25 Member
    Thanks for all the feedback!
  • ariiibar1022l1
    I like protein shakes because as a busy student on the go, I don't always have time to prepare something healthy, and I don't want to resort to buying a bar from the vending machine or something like that. I am big on snacking on fruit, but I feel like I eat too much fruit and then don't get enough protein.

    I found something called Vemma Bode and I love it. There are multiple protein products, one has 20 grams protein and 5 grams of sugar, (a more orange citrus fruity flavor)and the others have 16 grams of protein and come in vanilla and chocolate ice cream flavors. All the products have the same vemma formula in them: your daily vitamins and minerals, mangosteen (an antioxidant rich super fruit) and aloe. All the ingredients are organic and natural, and the protein comes from whey, pea, and brown rice. The one with 20 grams (Bode Burn) is actually dairy free. I am a huge health nut and super picky when it comes to ingredients but these have passes the test!
  • basowner
    basowner Posts: 32 Member
    I also use when I'm low on Protein for the day and don't feel like making a meal.

    My favorite is Greek yogurt, flax, vanilla powder, milk and some berries or banana

    I've also added some coffee cream to the above for a kick of flavor but would prefer to not use that too often.
  • kmash32
    kmash32 Posts: 275 Member
    I like protein shakes after my workout if I do them before breakfast or after dinner or in the middle of the afternoon. I agree with the person that said you have to work them into your calorie count though.

    I use a brand called Vega as it is all natural protein and not soy as many doctors believe to much soy is not good from women. I like the Berry Burst mixed the unsweetened almond milk and the chocolate too. If I have enough calories that day I will add a spoon of peanut butter to the chocolate one and it is really good.
  • linkirving
    linkirving Posts: 121 Member
    I love them. They're essential for me as a vegetarian who exercises frequently. Without them I might only get about 40g of protein per day unless I made major changes. I like the chocolate peanut butter Body Fortress whey protein. I mix the powder with milk and two handfuls of ice and it comes out tasting like a Frosty from Wendy's. Same texture. Good stuff!
  • J_adoreDior_
    J_adoreDior_ Posts: 57 Member
    Just got into the whole "protein shake" thing... I went to smoothie king and purchased the lean one vanilla (so I could mix it up with much more stuff). I use before/ after workouts and you can also use the lean one as a meal replacement (I don’t). I love using bananas, almond milk, dark chocolate morsels and ice for my favorite shake loll… make sure you watch the calories because it will quickly add up loll !
  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    I am a big fan of a daily protein shake for the following reasons:

    1) I find it difficult to eat often enough and enough protein to hit my macro goals (I try to eat 50% of my calories from protein)
    2) The protein shake I drink is about 360 calories and 72g of protein and is much much more satiating than eating an equivalent amount of calories in carbs. After I drink that I just am not hungry at all for hours and hours.
    3) The protein powder I use I actually think tastes good even mixed with just water. Ends up tasting like I'm drinking chocolate milk which I am A-Okay with.
    4) It is super convenient. Ridiculously easy to prepare (powder goes in water, shake water), it is easy to imbibe (have it at my desk at work and sip away). I don't really bother to take it at a specific time either pre-workout or post-workout. Generally with protein you want to space it out over the day and since 72g of protein is a lot I generally just sip at it at work rather than pound it all at once before or after a workout.

    I use Optimum nutrition Gold Standard 100% Whey powder, double-chocolate flavor.

    In the end though it is just food. It isn't some sort of miracle for building muscle or losing weight, its just another type of food that happens to be very satiating so you don't go hungry even at a large daily caloric deficit.

    Hope that is informative.

  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    I use protein powder as a way to augment my diet by helping me reach my protein goals without a corresponding high amount of calories that usually come along for the ride when I get protein from regular foods.

    I realize I posted much more than I needed to in my post as what this guy said is pretty much all there is to it. Agree 100%. Put more protein in your diet and you can eat less calorically and still feel satiated, protein shakes are a good way to do that.
  • mschicagocubs
    mschicagocubs Posts: 774 Member
    I drink them most days after my workout. They help me reach my protein goal, without it I seem to never get there. There is only so many nuts, eggs, meat I personally can eat a day lol

    My issue is I don't really like the taste of the powder so I have to mask it with milk and peanut butter...which ends up being 351 calories. Which is not bad for a meal, but a rather large snack...maybe I have a high calorie powder ... dunno.
  • Rocbola
    Rocbola Posts: 1,998 Member
    If you haven't been diagnosed with kwashiorkor, there is no need to take protein supplements. If you get your nutrients from whole foods, you will be healthier in the long run.
  • kanstulpants
    kanstulpants Posts: 20 Member
    Lately I've been using vanilla protein powder with chocolate coconut milk, a banana and a few raspberries. (And whipped cream on top)

    Not really a meal replacement but more of a frappuccino replacement. Keeps me from going to Starbucks every day, cheaper and healthier too.
  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    If you haven't been diagnosed with kwashiorkor, there is no need to take protein supplements. If you get your nutrients from whole foods, you will be healthier in the long run.

    No there is no "need" to take protein powder but people have limited time in their day and not everyone has the time to prepare every meal. Do I think eating chicken breast and vegetables would be better than drinking a protein shake? Probably yeah. But sometimes I don't have time for that and still find that the added protein in my diet helps me to hit my desired caloric intake without feeling hungry. At those times I use protein shakes. Is it a crutch? Sure I guess it is, but sometimes we need crutches.

    If you can find the time (and money) to eat nothing but healthy whole foods then sure do that, but if you struggle to do that to the point where you feel like you are going to quit then have a protein shake.
  • RumpusP
    RumpusP Posts: 163 Member
    Others have covered the lose or gain weight point and the nutrient requirement point, so I'll just share the person answer parts:

    I used to drink them just when I first needed to after my surgery when getting protein was hard.

    Then I used them only once in a great while to up my protein when I absolutely felt I had to because the only flavor I liked so far had started to be gag-worthy due to having to have it for a while.

    Then I tried a new flavor that company (PlantFusion) came out with... and I have to sometimes keep myself from drinking them because I'd live off them if I didn't have more self-control and common sense in eating because they taste so. frickin. good. omg.

    So, yeah, I use PlantFusion Cookies n Creme and just now and then to either bump my protein, to just enjoy the fact it tastes like a milkshake or both lol.

    Omg they taste so good.
  • shor0814
    shor0814 Posts: 559 Member
    I drink them most days after my workout. They help me reach my protein goal, without it I seem to never get there. There is only so many nuts, eggs, meat I personally can eat a day lol

    My issue is I don't really like the taste of the powder so I have to mask it with milk and peanut butter...which ends up being 351 calories. Which is not bad for a meal, but a rather large snack...maybe I have a high calorie powder ... dunno.

    You might try a different powder. I really like Trutein because it had a great taste and nice blend of protein sources. It is also around 120 calories per scoop so you have some room for your peanut butter and other additions. I use almond milk instead of regular milk to keep the calories down.

    If you get good flavor it is tastes almost like "cheating"
  • mschicagocubs
    mschicagocubs Posts: 774 Member
    I drink them most days after my workout. They help me reach my protein goal, without it I seem to never get there. There is only so many nuts, eggs, meat I personally can eat a day lol

    My issue is I don't really like the taste of the powder so I have to mask it with milk and peanut butter...which ends up being 351 calories. Which is not bad for a meal, but a rather large snack...maybe I have a high calorie powder ... dunno.

    You might try a different powder. I really like Trutein because it had a great taste and nice blend of protein sources. It is also around 120 calories per scoop so you have some room for your peanut butter and other additions. I use almond milk instead of regular milk to keep the calories down.

    If you get good flavor it is tastes almost like "cheating"

    Thanks, after this protein is gone, I will have to do some shopping around. Cookies N Cream protein sounds fantastic. And Almond milk...I tired it a few years ago, but everyone keeps telling me to have it, I will see if my tastebuds changed :)