Looking for vegetarian/vegan friends or clean eaters!



  • brevislux
    brevislux Posts: 1,093 Member
    The only thing I have noticed that has changed is that my energy is not as strong when I go to the gym. Can anybody give me some advice about this please?

    Thanks in advance. :smile:

    I don't know what you eat, but assuming this is a sudden change, you probably don't have a deficiency (though it's never a bad idea to look into it). It is possible that you're not eating enough calories! Vegan food is less calorie-dense and you need to eat a larger amount of it to get the same amount of calories. So it is possible you haven't been eating enough.
  • Hey, I am trying to look for some vegitarian/vegan MFP friends to add to keep me inspired and motivated to keep tracking and I'll encourage you as well.

    Please add me! :D
  • Noogynoogs
    Noogynoogs Posts: 1,028 Member
    Count me in!
  • Flemstica
    Flemstica Posts: 65 Member
    I'm starting up again after not logging for a very long time and packing the pounds back on :( I am vegetarian, trying to be full vegan and would love some veg friends!!!
  • I'm a vegan, feel free to add me! I eat pretty healthy, avoid processed/junk foods and love home cooking :)
  • IIIIISerenityNowIIIII
    IIIIISerenityNowIIIII Posts: 425 Member
    I've been vegetarian for 16 years and looking for more positive/motivated female friends.
  • Obnoxa
    Obnoxa Posts: 187 Member
    Gluten free, dairy free, pesctarian here. My fish and eggs are exceedingly rare (very particular about sources, it's in my profile) I'd say less than 10x a year, but they do happen.
    Being GF/LF/Pesco forces a reasonable amount of clean eating on my part, but it's all good, I feel better because of it anyway :wink:
    Anyone feel free to add me.
  • RunsSober
    RunsSober Posts: 38
    I am a vegetarian who is slowly transitioning towards veganism. I try to eat as clean as possible and have noticed a dramatic change in my health because of it. Looking for friends who are all of the above for both support and also so I can look at your diaries and get food ideas!
  • unisheep
    unisheep Posts: 16 Member
    Another newbie vegan here! After 20 years as vegetarian I finally made the jump ...

  • brandisteigely
    brandisteigely Posts: 4 Member
    Vegan for over a year :) love to have some clean eaters in my news feed add me :))
  • I was vegan for a year, now Im Vegetarian. I love eating clean and new meal ideas!
  • viglet
    viglet Posts: 299 Member
    Please feel free to add me.

    I LOVE LOVE LOVE meat, BUT we try to eat vegetarian suppers as much as possible (family medical conditions require it).

    (not a clean eater though, I eat a mix of it all)
  • LaLaLovely76
    LaLaLovely76 Posts: 73 Member
    Hey! I follow a plant based diet.. its rough! Was a vegetarian for a few years then went Vegan. Decided to leave the life, ate some chicken and got SICK!! So I'm back at it... I'm always looking for Veggie friends ( only we understand our struggle). Feel free to add me!

    Same here...Went vegetarian first, then quickly vegan and once i ate meat again, was sick, pushed through it and back to regular eating i went....I'm now eating meat no more than twice per week with an 85% Vegetarian/Vegan diet....feel free to add me...any of you!

  • aml019
    aml019 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi! I am currently trying to become FT vegi. Never really ate much meat before but decided becoming vegetarian was best choice for me, still finding my feet with it all and new recipes to try!
  • flidai
    flidai Posts: 1
    Hello - I'm vegetarian, with a view to becoming vegan - currently in the process of inventing some new healthy/tasty recipes.
  • Adreinna
    Adreinna Posts: 2 Member
    Hi. I am new to myfitnesspal. I signed up, but was using sparkpeople. Think I will try this one out. I am working on becoming a clean eater and vegan. I love discussing nutrition and health wellness. seeking friends to discuss with as well
  • angelbella1010
    angelbella1010 Posts: 2 Member
    I've been lacto-ovo vegetarian my entire adult life, eat vegan most days.

    I haven't been able to lose any weight since my last baby was born (he's 16 months), I'm 20 pounds overweight & need some inspiration! I feel like I already eat very healthy (lots of fruits, veggies & beans), so I'm starting to do the exercise thing but I don't have much experience. :)
  • PawPrints89
    PawPrints89 Posts: 16 Member
    I've been vegetarian for a little over 3 years and love promoting it and educating people! Feel free to add me, I need more friends anyway :) Going vegetarian was the best thing I ever did! I grew up on a lot of meat, especially steak, I thought I could never do it. Literally halfway through a ham sandwich I realized I was eating a poor piggy and never ate meat again! I did it for animal rights and my boyfriend did it for health reasons. I'm happy to share ideas, answer questions, etc. I like to share my meals in my news feed sometimes too. For all the newbies, you can do it!

    I will admit, just because you are vegetarian does not mean you are always healthy. Meat didn't put me at this weight, but I did add a lot of it while eating a poor vegetarian diet.
  • zoquo
    zoquo Posts: 75
    Veggie 18 years with 1 year being vegan in there somewhere. Conscious eater, turned veggie/vegan for ethical reasons. Eat healthy most of the time with once a month pizza or equivalent, workout 5-6x a week. Feel free to add me.

  • Ninetta
    Ninetta Posts: 71 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    Feel free to add me as well, it's always great to have veg/vegan friends!!

    I call myself veg but eat mostly vegan (can't give up Nonna's food - homemade Italian cooking!).