How do you stay on track during TOM?

I have the worst cramps and food cravings. It makes me want to eat and sleep... Help!


  • sweetpea03b
    sweetpea03b Posts: 1,124 Member
    Eat everything in sight - ha! just kidding. No seriously... yesterday I had a bag of cookies, a bag of chips, some wine, pretzels... I was a total pig... but I kept it at my goal. Sometimes (not the entire week) you just gotta give in but keep the portions reasonable and keep it under your macros. Also, drink LOTS of water.
  • pghfitgirl
    Yep, lotsa water! Or maybe some warm tea with honey and lemon to relax you. And don't deny yourself a treat if you really want it....that piece of chocolate (or entire candy bar) is sometimes necessary :) Usually I have to up my calories by around 200/day or more during that time of month because of the cravings.

    Just remember that if the scale goes up, it is probably water weight and nothing else.
  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
    Then choose sleep.

    Mostly I refuse to let my uterus be the boss of me. I recognize my cravings and usually indulge for one evening - I'll go about 500 calories over thereby negating my deficit for one day. Then I get back to my usual plan.
  • vjohn04
    vjohn04 Posts: 2,276 Member
    I'm the exact opposite of many of the posters. :-( My uterus owns me for a couple days per month. I get extreme fatigue, eat plenty of everything, and am pretty moody. My cramps at night can be so bad they wake me up. My PCP had diagnosed me with PMDD years ago, but I'm not sure if I buy it. I just think all women go through what I do, and consider it regular PMS.

    I still work out, but find that my normal workouts are exhausting. I usually have one or two days where I am about 1K calories per day over. It evens itself out over time afterward through smaller deficits.

    I'm already pretty grumpy and indulging in tasty treats helps just a little bit.
  • Pirate_chick
    Pirate_chick Posts: 1,216 Member
    I eat what I want. I typically find that exercising makes me feel better.
  • SugarBaby71
    SugarBaby71 Posts: 3,630 Member
    I have no advice. I just try to not kill anybody. (chocolate soothes)
  • Branstin
    Branstin Posts: 2,320 Member
    Aleve and lots of water. Haahaahaa!

    I up my fruits because of the sweet cravings so if I go over my calorie limits, it's with fruits. I also buy the 100 calories snacks beforehand so I'll be ready.
  • snappyapples
    Portion control!!! And skinny cow products. They have an awesome chocolate ice cream bar for 100 calories.

    But like a lot of others on here, I normally go over at least once during TOM, I just try not to get upset about it. It's either go over or murder my friends/family/loved ones.
  • BreakingUpWithObesity2013
    Ugh yesterday and the day before I hate ate everything in site thanks to TOM....i'd love to know how some people stay on for me I'm w/ya on falling off the wagon at that time!
  • CharlottesDK
    I thought it was just me who gets more hungry in that time of the month.
  • _lyndseybrooke_
    _lyndseybrooke_ Posts: 2,561 Member
    Wow, I guess I'm really lucky that I don't have cravings (or cramps) during my TOM. I just go about my life as I always do. The only thing I do differently is make sure I wear pants with pockets so I can hide my tampon on the way to the restroom at work. :)
  • BreakingUpWithObesity2013
    Eat everything in sight - ha! just kidding. No seriously... yesterday I had a bag of cookies, a bag of chips, some wine, pretzels... I was a total pig... but I kept it at my goal. Sometimes (not the entire week) you just gotta give in but keep the portions reasonable and keep it under your macros. Also, drink LOTS of water.

    I also ate everything in site yesterday, including papa johns, 2 packs of powdered doughnuts, a slim jim, and mustard pretzels lol
  • Shuuma
    Shuuma Posts: 465 Member
    I'm ridiculously horrible about portion control already, so I don't dare indulge because my traitorous uterus refuses to die already. (Seriously, 45 and more regular than ever! grrr!)

    Regardless, I take Aleve, and do what I usually do. I gain about 7-9 lbs in water weight that week, increase my water intake, lose it all overnight sometime the next week. My body is weird as well as stubborn.

    Exercise DOES help, though, I have found.
  • meganjcallaghan
    meganjcallaghan Posts: 949 Member
    I've never had cravings at that time. If anything I'm less hungry. Perhaps I'm just lucky.

    That said, it does make sense to be a bit more hungry as apparently you burn up to 100 - 300 more calories per day when menstruating.
  • chunkybun
    chunkybun Posts: 179 Member
    Tea, Midol and exercise. If I really need chocolate, I go for a couple squares of Lindt 75% dark, and enjoy every bite.
  • quirkysterks
    I don't even bother with weighing in- it's just depressing! I'll put on 6-7 lbs from the bloat. It drops off a day or two after, but it's hard to remember that if it's thrown in my face by the scale.

    Exercise definitely helps... I will treat myself to a massage as well (joining a monthly enrollment plan was sooo worth it!). But again, if I'm having a craving for something, I will give in and have a little. Portion control is key, so I'll even splurge and buy the individual packs of whatever I'm craving as opposed to the bulk.

    I also avoid anything with salt (to minimize feeling like a water balloon) and up my water intake (the more you consume, the less your body hoards).

    Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off your goal - Henry Ford
  • lucille_heather
    lucille_heather Posts: 650 Member
    With great difficulty!
    All I want is comfort food! ha
    doesnt help that the boyfriend buys me chocolate and ice cream in bed during too. haha.
  • lindseyas1
    lindseyas1 Posts: 25 Member
    It's really hard to make myself get going, but working out usually really eases cramps and helps my mood. It's hard, but you really will feel so much better after! That and dark chocolate :)
  • danisroots
    danisroots Posts: 2 Member
    I'm the exact opposite of many of the posters. :-( My uterus owns me for a couple days per month. I get extreme fatigue, eat plenty of everything, and am pretty moody. My cramps at night can be so bad they wake me up. My PCP had diagnosed me with PMDD years ago, but I'm not sure if I buy it. I just think all women go through what I do, and consider it regular PMS.

    I still work out, but find that my normal workouts are exhausting. I usually have one or two days where I am about 1K calories per day over. It evens itself out over time afterward through smaller deficits.

    I'm already pretty grumpy and indulging in tasty treats helps just a little bit.

    WOW!!! Thanks Ladies For All of Your Feedback. This is my first post on My Fitness Pal :smile:
    I also have PMDD but I've found that forcing myself to exercise during this time has been helping my attitude a lot. I'm just plain exhausted though and get migraines. The chocolate craving drives me nuts. I'm going to take suggestions and up my water and fruit intake. I could easily scarf down pizza and stuff but I'm going to stay away from it. One bite is too many and 1000 is never enough LOL!!
  • chasetwins
    chasetwins Posts: 702 Member
    I second the Skinny Cow stuff for chocolate cravings. I usually have the chocolate craving the day or two before then that goes away (I do not care for chocolate any other time) - I do crave carbs like no tomorrow though!!!

    For the body - I steal my SIL's IB800 lol and exercise DOES help - I do not know how or why but it does! So I make sure I get that in.

    I usually just try to keep as close to calorie goal as possible...if I go over a little I do not sweat it. Find alternatives for the things you crave and make sure they are on hand during that time :)