So what does your 5 week predictor tell you?

soze Posts: 604 Member
edited September 22 in Motivation and Support
After eating an abnormal low amount of calories yesterday my predictor was telling me I would be tube feeding in 5 weeks.

But the day before it said I'm good to go as Santa Claus.


  • clioandboy
    clioandboy Posts: 963 Member
    I like it lol!
  • Ha! That is so goes by the menu you log on that particular day and I guess it warns us if we keep it up we will pass out on a treadmill from starvation or we will be bigger than we want to be. I get a kick out of it, I find myself altering my daily menu until I hit my goal number and that's what I TRY to stick to :)
  • It is actually quite simple, the predictor simply tells you what would happen if, for the next 35 days, you ate EXACTLY like you did for the previous day. This way, you can see what patterns you go with (say you are always about 1,200 calories and you burn 1,700), it will predict a 5 pound loss. I.e., if you match that each day (or on average), you will meet that weight
  • shanolap
    shanolap Posts: 1,204 Member
    That's kinda funny...and kinda not! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • Dafrog
    Dafrog Posts: 353
    mine lies to me... then again who really gonna eat the same thing everyday for 5 weeks
  • AmberMagdalena
    AmberMagdalena Posts: 461 Member
    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: LMAO! Tube feed :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    I love you, Soze!
  • GorillaNJ
    GorillaNJ Posts: 4,024 Member
    It tells me to get my fat @$$ to the gym!
    MISTTIMG Posts: 136
    Mine just seems confused...:explode:
  • dewoods
    dewoods Posts: 148
    It tells me to get my fat @$$ to the gym!

    @GorillaNJ LMAO on that comment.

    I was trying a new technique of fasting for 24 hours then returning to normal eating. Well as luck would have it I was so wrapped in work that I did it 2 days in a row. Mine set off alarms somewhere and stated I was nominated for anorexic of the week.
  • ♥_Ellybean_♥
    ♥_Ellybean_♥ Posts: 1,646 Member
  • eglass64
    eglass64 Posts: 180
    very funny
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