The intimidating weight section

Hi all, I have been going to the gym and doing cardio only -- switching between machines. I prefer jogging on the treadmill or outside for about 35 minutes but really want to start adding in some weight training. Ever day I go to the gym and tell myself I am not going to be intimidated to go into the weight section since I really don't know what I am doing and everyday I chicken out. Any advise on where I could start. What machines? I have some free weights at home that I have been using but would really like to get my whole workout in at the gym.

Thanks in advance.


  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    starting strength
    strong lifts
    new rules of lifting (for women)
    strong curves

    educate yourself on a lifting program- knowledge removes fear.

    once you have a plan- you will know what you need to do and you won't be so worried about it.

    learn the form at home with a broom stick- and then go when it isn't so busy- take your book and notes and get to it!!!

    Go Forth!!! Be Fabulous!
  • alpine1994
    alpine1994 Posts: 1,915 Member
    I like this one, covers all the bases:

    Print it out and bring it to the gym with you. I would also recommend making a log so you can write down the weight you used for each exercise. When you have the paper in your hand, you will feel like you have a purpose to be in the weight room, since you're following a program. I know it's so weird but strangely it helps!

    There may be better workout routines out there, so maybe other people will have advice too, but my advice to get you in the weight room is to physically bring a program with you. Good luck! You can do it!
  • Kirk_R
    Kirk_R Posts: 112 Member
    Since you're just starting with strength work how about doing it "right" and skipping the machines altogether? Check JoRocka's program ideas...
  • stephcalcott
    stephcalcott Posts: 84 Member
    What Al pine says! If you just go into the weight room with no purpose then you'll feel intimidated. Take some time to make a plan - determine what you're going to do there and then make a spreadsheet that includes the different exercises with a section for weight and reps.

    Take a look at some videos (lots on youtube) of the different exercises so you can see what proper form looks like. Then, take that spreadsheet with you, go to the weight room and just do it! If it helps, put your earphones in and crank it up (makes me feel like I'm in my own little world).

    As long as you have a plan there is no need to be uncomfortable. And enjoy - weight training is fun! Way more fun than cardio IMO.
  • krhengl
    krhengl Posts: 8 Member
    Thank you for all the great advise everyone.