What's your macro breakdown, and what are your goals?

I noticed that the default MFP guided macro breakdown is something like 50% carbs and really low calories, it seems to have been created for a very specific demographic of people who are heavy and just trying to lose weight in general- not people trying to put on mass or maintain muscle while losing fat.
I'm curious how people decided their custom macro/calories according to their goals- does anyone have any advice in choosing a structure?


  • mandamerlot
    mandamerlot Posts: 180 Member
    I just worked out my Macros last night and switched it over to Custom settings.

    Prior, my calories were set at 1200 and I was starving and not losing weight.

    Now, my calories are set at 1626
    Protein is 138G
    Fat 55.2G
    Carbs 144.3G

    I used this site to figure it out: http://www.fat2fittools.com/tools/bmr/
  • dieselbyte
    dieselbyte Posts: 733 Member
    I've customized my macros through experience, but started off with a baseline from calculators on sites such as iifym.com.

    My current macros are
    200g protein (plus or minus 10g)
    400g carbs (plus or minus 25g)
    80-85 fat (plus or minus 5g)

    Currently in maintenance, but my goal is to increase caloric intake slowly and still not gain. Your experience will be the best way to determine in the long run. Calculators really can't account for daily activity and how active you are in general. If I went by online calculators now, I'd lose weight instead of maintain.
  • ancho84
    ancho84 Posts: 40 Member
    Interesting. Mine are currently 50% p, 30%c, and 20% fat.
  • jf1324
    jf1324 Posts: 7 Member
    Hey people, Im from the uk and would really love for someone to help me out with what types of food i can buy to hit my macros. I'm really struggling with this i I'm 17 and I'm a noob but really want to loose weight but I'm struggling to get near by macros. I also want to have verity because i found out the hard way that rice and chicken 2 a day every day gets old. Please help

    for got to mention my macros are Carbs / Day 152.0 g, Fat / Day 54.0 g and Protein / Day 229.0 g
  • ThickMcRunFast
    ThickMcRunFast Posts: 22,511 Member
    5'9, around 148 lbs

    130g protein (minimum)
    70g fat
    whatever else in carbs

    I am maintaining and fueling for performance (ultra marathon training), so I average about 2700 cals/day. On days when I don't work out, I aim for about 2200 (or a bit more if I have an intense workout scheduled the next morning). Long run days top 3000.

    My goals are to maintain as much lean mass (113lbs) as I can during the high running load. I will end up losing a few pounds during the total training cycle.

    130g protein seems like a lot, but because of my needs, it usually shakes out to 20%
  • jramaral
    jramaral Posts: 13 Member
    1 g/lb body weight of protein
    0.4 g/lb fat
    the rest is calculated backwards using your calorie goal for carbs.
  • I have mine set at 40%p 30%c and 30% fat but I tend to be higher on the protein. I think on average I am at 270ish grams of protein per day, 50 g fat per day and usually 130-150 in carbs.
  • baptiste565
    baptiste565 Posts: 590 Member
    200 protein 300 carb 75 fat.. Trying to maintain
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Hey people, Im from the uk and would really love for someone to help me out with what types of food i can buy to hit my macros. I'm really struggling with this i I'm 17 and I'm a noob but really want to loose weight but I'm struggling to get near by macros. I also want to have verity because i found out the hard way that rice and chicken 2 a day every day gets old. Please help

    for got to mention my macros are Carbs / Day 152.0 g, Fat / Day 54.0 g and Protein / Day 229.0 g

    Why so much protein?
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    I generally try to get around 0.8 - 1 gram of protein per Lb of LBM (115 grams - 145 grams)...usually on the higher end on lifting days and on the lower end on non-lifting days, and in particular on endurance long ride days where I'm pretty carb heavy. I try to get around 0.3 - 0.4 grams of fat per Lb of body weight (55 grams - 73 grams)

    Pretty much if I'm anywhere in those ranges I'm happy, I don't care about being bang on...I'm not a competition athlete or body builder or anything so my macros are only of relative importance to my general health and general fitness goals.
  • dukslayer4051
    dukslayer4051 Posts: 66 Member
    try intermittent fasting...helps me hit my cals and macros better if i stick to it