new friends half way mark

Hi there i am currently on mft looking for new friends to follow,motivate, see there progress I have been on a weight loss journey all my life but last year is when i really took things in my hands and now a year later went from 284 to 184, still have A LOT of work to do but not quitting


  • briannagravelle
    briannagravelle Posts: 23 Member
    mfp *
  • sarahmichel101
    sarahmichel101 Posts: 158 Member
    Did you lose 101 in one year? How did you do it? Did you ever slip up and over eat?
  • briannagravelle
    briannagravelle Posts: 23 Member
    hi there yes it as been a year and maybe 2 months, yes for a month period I slip and was not watching what I eat but thankfully did not over eat and kept the same weight during that month.
  • Jeanne130LBS
    Jeanne130LBS Posts: 50 Member
    You are terrific. I admire you for keeping motivated for over a year. It has taken me 2 months to lose 8 lbs and I have 10 more to go, but when I read posts from people like you it is sooo motivating. Congrats and best wishes for your continuing journey. I have so much faith in you to finish your journey. :smooched:
  • freckledjezebel
    freckledjezebel Posts: 65 Member
    What amazing strides you've made so far! You're definitely an inspiration to me as I have almost a hundred pounds to lose.

    Keep it up!
  • briannagravelle
    briannagravelle Posts: 23 Member
    Thanks a lot that made me smile and motivated me even more. I would never of taught someone would say I am a motivation and that made my night it was definitely a hard year but so worth it I am so proud of my progress anyone can do it you just have to have the motivation and not quit!!!
  • detjuan
    detjuan Posts: 3
    Thats awesome! Man what an inspiration.