Very Slow Weight loss

I've embraced a healthy life style since the start of the year.20 days ago, i switched from working out 4 days a week to 6 days a week . I've become consistent with healthy eating (i use to drink on weekends and not pay too much attention to food)and have cut alcohol completely out. I'm working really really hard, i am doing a combination of cardio and strength.(Lesmills Pump, body attack, balance, Grit, bike riding) but my results are so slow. I've lost 2 kilos and 15cms since the start of the year and i know the result are ok , however i do feel that its dragging. i wasn't expecting to lose everything in one day i know it takes time but i look at others they lose at least 1 kg per week and thats with binge drinking alcohol.but if i do the same as them i just maintain my weight. I'm really confused.
what could it be?
my birth control/hormone? i use implanon
slow metabolism? i drink green tea, drink at least 2 litters of water and eat 6 small meal a day
give it more time?
my diet? please have a look at my meal plan
I'm trying cross fit and will be seeing a naturopath if still no result
i don't know, I'm not giving up but would like your views on this.


  • Joiful06
    Joiful06 Posts: 8
    HI, I am in the very same predicament and want to see the response you get. I am also on Implanon and have considered removing it. Plus, I'm supposed to get it removed because it will be yr 3 soon. Personally, I have struggled with eating evening and thought that also it a culprit.
  • LTKeegan
    LTKeegan Posts: 354 Member
    How much weight have you lost and how much do you have to lose? We're you going overboard on drinks? One Long Island iced tea can be 1000+ calories!!

    Usual response of: weigh food. Track everything. Be patient.

    To put in perspective, I eat healthy, have had 2 cheat days since New Years, work out 4-6 times per week log/weigh everything and I've "only" lost 12 lbs.
  • milana2
    milana2 Posts: 5
    i lost 2 kilos and 15 cms since the new year but i never always been consistent on the weekends. i only started being consistent 20 days ago which means throughout the weekends as ideal weight as per BMI is 60 kilos, so i got 18 to go. id be happy at 15kgs even 10. my visceral fat has also decreased. so there are changes , i guess i have to be patient, but its so hard when yr working really hard.
    but like i said I'm not giving up, I'm gonna keep going.
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Hi, I don't have any experience with Implanon; maybe someone else knows more. I can only think of two things: (1) did you fill out everything correctly in the settings (height, weight, how much you want to lose, etc.), so MFP will give you the right amount of calories, and (2) are you being absolutely accurate with logging food? For example, I saw a pork chop in there somewhere. I assume it wasn't boiled, so that probably means you used a little oil or something to cook it. You have to log that, too. All those little things.
    A kilo a week is a lot to lose. A pound would probably be more realistic.

    Just my thoughts; interested to see what others say.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member

    give it more time?

  • dejavuohlala
    dejavuohlala Posts: 1,821 Member
    No Not everyone looses weight at 1KG per week, it has taken me 6 months to lose 19lbs, we are all different, you need to see what works bets for you and sometime need to change thins around a bit to shock the body- good luck i am sure it will come off eventually.:smile:
  • geebusuk
    geebusuk Posts: 3,348 Member
    Your idea of 'healthy' and mine are rather different.
    I'd be going for at least 1g/lb of target body weight in protein a day.
    I doubt green tea makes any particularly significant affect on your metabolism - any caffiene in it may help a little. Eating six meals a day won't do you any better than eating two or three - your metabolism will be increased twice as many times as eating three, but by half the amount each time.
    None of your exercises are really 'strength'. Body pump is the closest, but that's well on the 'endurance' rather than 'strength' side of resistance training.

    I would look at Starting Strength, new rules of lifting or similar to get some actual 'strength' training.

    How are you calculating your exercise calories?

    I do generally lose around 1kg/week, but that's not to say that's ideal for me, never-mind you. I'm also likely a fair bit physically bigger than you, so as a proportion of my body weight (and lean body mass too), that amount isn't as much.
  • LTKeegan
    LTKeegan Posts: 354 Member
    i lost 2 kilos and 15 cms since the new year but i never always been consistent on the weekends. i only started being consistent 20 days ago which means throughout the weekends as ideal weight as per BMI is 60 kilos, so i got 18 to go. id be happy at 15kgs even 10. my visceral fat has also decreased. so there are changes , i guess i have to be patient, but its so hard when yr working really hard.
    but like i said I'm not giving up, I'm gonna keep going.

    You say there are changes, be thrilled!! Use those to help propell you forward, don't discount them because someone else had different changes. This takes time, Rome wasn't built in a day.

    Keep your weekends in check, don't trust MFP for calories burned in exercise, get a HRM. You can do it!!
  • milana2
    milana2 Posts: 5
    thank you everyone for your response. your response have enabled me to change my pattern of thinking about it all. I'm totally relying on mfp for calories burned, which i will now change by investing in those HRM. i will also keep the logging side of things in mind.
    what would class as Strength training? I'm starting the cross fit fundamentals class tonight and maybe will have more knowledge about fitness.

    can someone explain the 1g/lb of protein in a day Please?
  • FITmrsroe
    FITmrsroe Posts: 28 Member
    Have you tried changing around your calorie count? I have finally found that 1400 calories a day is best for my body and that's taken me at least 5 months to figure out. Maybe try changing that and see if it helps. Also, try some different exercises! My Dr. told me that you want to make sure to "confuse" your body. If it gets too used to what you're doing, then you can just tap out and maintain.
  • Parthus02
    Parthus02 Posts: 50 Member
    In addition to everyone being different, strength training can also add muscle, which actually weighs more than fat. You could possibly be gaining muscle which appears to be slowing down your weight "loss." It may be a better measurement of your progress to take measurements of yourself (waist, chest, hips, etc.) to track the loss. Or try doing just cardio for a while if what you really want to see is a dip in the scales.
  • milana2
    milana2 Posts: 5
    In addition to everyone being different, strength training can also add muscle, which actually weighs more than fat. You could possibly be gaining muscle which appears to be slowing down your weight "loss." It may be a better measurement of your progress to take measurements of yourself (waist, chest, hips, etc.) to track the loss. Or try doing just cardio for a while if what you really want to see is a dip in the scales.
    my muscle mass has definitely increased and as i mentioned above i lost 15 cm, but my body fat change is not as much. i went from 44% to 46.7 with muscles while with fat it only decreased by only 1 %(can't remember exact numbers). my visceral fat has gone down too. I'm not only relying on scales only . i don't weigh myself at home as i know I'm more than the scale says. :).i do it at the gym and they record all info like visceral fat , muscle mass etc.
  • milana2
    milana2 Posts: 5
    Have you tried changing around your calorie count? I have finally found that 1400 calories a day is best for my body and that's taken me at least 5 months to figure out. Maybe try changing that and see if it helps. Also, try some different exercises! My Dr. told me that you want to make sure to "confuse" your body. If it gets too used to what you're doing, then you can just tap out and maintain.
    thank you, i will also consider this
  • geebusuk
    geebusuk Posts: 3,348 Member
    what would class as Strength training? I'm starting the cross fit fundamentals class tonight and maybe will have more knowledge about fitness.

    can someone explain the 1g/lb of protein in a day Please?
    Cross fit isn't too far off. Personally for pure strength I'd be looking at something like starting strength where you do reps of three to five reps of five or so for a few compound moves.
    In total I will generally only do 45 full weight movements for my 'workout' - 3 lifts and for each of them 3 sets of 5 reps..
    Yet, I'm sure that helps towards me averaging over 2000 calories a day and still losing 2lb/week.
    Start low, but you soon build up to doing them at the maximum weight you can lift.

    As for the protein, you should consume, say, 1 gram of protein per pound of target of body weight if you've got a bit to go.
    If you're pretty close, I'd go for 0.8 grams per pound of actual body weight.

    Say you weigh 160lb but want to weigh 125lb, I'd go for around 125 grams of protein a day.
    When you get down to 135lb weight, say, work out 0.8 x 135= 108. So you'd eat 108 grams of protein a day.
    It generally doesn't hurt to go over, but see this as a minimum.