Electrolyte Drinks / Coconut Water

psuLemon Posts: 38,401 MFP Moderator
Recently, my wife and I went to see an electrophysiologist because she has a medical condition that is called Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS). It's a form of dysautonomia. As part of the condition, your body will deplete electrolytes extremely quickly. Mostly because even with a beta blocker, her resting HR is still about 90-105. Because of that, our doctor suggested a few things in terms of diet and supplements.

Supplements: potassium (prescription), magensium taurate (it blends amino acids with magnesium for quicker absorption), CoQ10, and Vitamin D 5000iu.

Diet: low carb/sugar and gluten free (been gluten free for a year since we found she was intolerant).

Along with diet, our EP suggested to reduce the amount of water she was drinking (90oz) because it dilutes her electrolytes and start drinking coconut water due to being low sugar and heavy in electolytes 1 to 2x a day. Unfortunately, my wife hates all things coconut. I was hoping some people would have opinions on substitutions for coconut waters (to include powders/tablets).

The other options we found that she kind of likes is bodyarmor and powercoco (grape/blue raspberry). The only issue is each are about $2 per 20oz bottle.

Anyone have any thoughts?

ps- yes, we did call our EP back and awaiting an alternative.


  • JeffGDDG
    JeffGDDG Posts: 252 Member
    There are electrolyte powders like Nuun, Ultima, Emergen-C, Ener-c. As for coconut water, I don't mush care for it either and often mix it with half regular water and maybe an electrolyte tab. Not so bad that way. Good luck!
  • Rosplosion
    Rosplosion Posts: 739 Member
    Coconut water is not necessarily super coconutty. I suggest this brand, which is the best tasting and least crap-filled.


    It's pretty sweet and VERY refreshing. I love it and would drink nothing but, except, you know, water is free-ish and these are about $2.50/bottle.

    ETA I realize that I didn't answer your question. Sorry. But I love the stuff.
  • gettingsexy94
    gettingsexy94 Posts: 156 Member
    If I'm not wrong, apple juice and lime juice both have high electrolyte content. Even orange juice has a reasonably high amount of electrolytes.

    I'm basing this on the fact that doctors ask patients to drink these juices whenever the patient loses large amounts of water like when they have diarrhoea or something.

    Hope this helps.

    :) x
  • LTKeegan
    LTKeegan Posts: 354 Member
    I take MediLyte tablets for my migraines, that might help? A box of 100 for $9.
  • nmtGurl
    nmtGurl Posts: 159 Member
    Has she tried different brands of coconut water? I've found I don't like Vita-Coco. It has sugar from fruit and I think it tastes "off." Also, I've noticed anything not in a glass or paper carton tastes funny too.

    Like Rosplosion mentioned, Taste Nirvana tastes terrific and is my favorite. Harmless Harvest and Amy & Brian are other brands that I've heard are very good too.
  • Rusty612
    Rusty612 Posts: 23 Member
    I second the opinion that coconut water is not coconutty - it tastes a little "green" and may take some getting used to, but it really is gold as far as electrolytes are concerned.
    It's sterile straight from the coconut and was actually used as a blood plasma sub. during war times!

    Seriously - give it a two-week chance and see if it doesn't grow on you.
  • mccindy72
    mccindy72 Posts: 7,001 Member
    Is it possible to add flavoring to the coconut water? One of the sugar free ones like Mio, or Crystal Light, or something like that?
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    I don't know...honestly, it's hard to beat "natures Gatorade"...coconut water is just super packed with electrolytes. Might try some V8...I do low sodium as the potassium seems to be more important for me, but both are pretty loaded with electrolytes. I usually have a 12 ounce low sodium v8 daily, usually at breakfast and a 12 oz coconut water after my lunch ride. I drink more coconut water on my long rides as that's what I fill my bottles with and also more in the summer when I'm sweating a lot more.

    I'm on a diuretic and also workout quite a bit, so I have to do what I have to do to maintain my electrolytes. I didn't really used to be much of a fan of either V8 or the coconut water but now I look forward to them.
  • Kevalicious99
    Kevalicious99 Posts: 1,131 Member
    Having recently suffered dehydration .. I am watching my hydration levels much closer now and hoping my electrolyte levels are ok.

    I normally judge things by my urine now .. the best test of such. Orange = bad. Light-ish yellow = probably ok.

    I have found .. Vitamin water Zero I think, to be ok. Not all that sugar of the others. Also G2 looks promising. Again .. low in calories and not all the sugar. Coconut water .. who knows.

    Most of the sports drinks I have seen are just glorified .. and expensive supposedly healthier versions of pop. I just avoid the sugary ones.
  • zoquo
    zoquo Posts: 75
    I think she should try a different brand of coconut water - i live in the caribbean so i can get it fresh, finding something good might be a bit tricky just don't dismiss it yet try a few first.
  • SherryTeach
    SherryTeach Posts: 2,836 Member
    I'm afraid I don't have any advice for the hydration issue except to say that I love coconut and that coconut water doesn't taste anything like that. . . thought it was undrinkable.
  • foreverloved2005
    foreverloved2005 Posts: 8 Member
    Try chia fresca made with stevia. I lose electrolytes pretty quickly too, but because I'm pre-diabetic, I stay away from even coconut water. This has worked really well. Without it, I get the worst headaches every time I workout.


  • Senneth12
    Senneth12 Posts: 72
    Reducing fluid intake from 90oz seems odd. Is that water intake, or fluid intake? I have POTS, and I've been told I need 2-3 liters of fluids a day as well as sodium tablets and electrolyte drinks. POTS is a secondary condition for me, though (primary is EDS) so maybe that's different.

    I drink a ton of Powerade. Nuun has the highest percentage of sodium I've found in the tablets to put in water, so I'm trying that next.

    I don't drink water unless I'm eating something salty at the same time. So if I drink water, I need a salty snack (salted peanuts, potato chips, etc).
  • MaggieGiamalvo
    MaggieGiamalvo Posts: 397 Member
    In case you don't find an alternative to coconut water...

    I've recently started drinking coconut water (not for medical reasons) and agree that not all commercially produced brands are the same. They really do taste different from brand to brand and between the different types of container materials (glass, plastic, boxes). I don't know why that is. It's just something I've observed. Another thing I noticed... I don't like to drink it warm/room temperature. It has to be really cold, in order for me to be able to drink it straight.

    Does your wife drink smoothies? If so, have her use coconut water as the liquid in that. By adding the fruits, it masks the coconut flavor pretty well.

    I've also used it when cooking lentils, to give them a Thai flavor. It could be added to other recipes, pretty easily.
  • gagnon9691
    gagnon9691 Posts: 75 Member
    I use coconut water in my morning smoothies and I don't like coconut water by itself. I can get in about 14 ozs. You can't even taste it and it has a lot of potassium.
  • mccindy72
    mccindy72 Posts: 7,001 Member
    Reducing fluid intake from 90oz seems odd. Is that water intake, or fluid intake? I have POTS, and I've been told I need 2-3 liters of fluids a day as well as sodium tablets and electrolyte drinks. POTS is a secondary condition for me, though (primary is EDS) so maybe that's different.

    I drink a ton of Powerade. Nuun has the highest percentage of sodium I've found in the tablets to put in water, so I'm trying that next.

    I don't drink water unless I'm eating something salty at the same time. So if I drink water, I need a salty snack (salted peanuts, potato chips, etc).

    when drinking Powerade, Gatorade, etc, I'd stay away from the regular kinds - they're loaded with HFCS. The Powerade Zero has all the electrolytes, and none of the sugar, and the sweetener in it is NOT aspartame, but a more natural type.
  • lavendy17
    lavendy17 Posts: 309 Member
    I didn't like coconut water at first and still don't like most brands. After a while though, I can't drink anything else.
    My favorite is Harmless Harvest (http://harmlessharvest.com/).
    It's so much better than most brands and sometimes the water is a little pink, which tastes even better I think.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,401 MFP Moderator
    Reducing fluid intake from 90oz seems odd. Is that water intake, or fluid intake? I have POTS, and I've been told I need 2-3 liters of fluids a day as well as sodium tablets and electrolyte drinks. POTS is a secondary condition for me, though (primary is EDS) so maybe that's different.

    I drink a ton of Powerade. Nuun has the highest percentage of sodium I've found in the tablets to put in water, so I'm trying that next.

    I don't drink water unless I'm eating something salty at the same time. So if I drink water, I need a salty snack (salted peanuts, potato chips, etc).

    Actually, when my wife started to increase water intake, she started seeing more adverse signs (increased dizziness, fainting, etc..). After some bloodwork, it should signs of dehydration. That is why this EP suggested coconut water. Right now we have only tried a few flavors to include one powder mix. She does like the "flavored" coconut waters: bodyarmor and powercoco (best they are grape or strawberry banana flavors). I will get her to try a couple that have been mentioned in this thread. The issue with the ones i just mentioned are a bit higher in calories and sugars (since mixed).

    She does drink gatorade and powerade when it's the last resort. Mostly because it has a lot of sugar in it (something she was suggested to minimize). We have also use G2 but I feel there are better options out there.

    In terms of food, so does drink shakes most mornings as she isn't big into breakfast. Generally it's 1 cup of berries, 1 cup of unsweetened almond milk and 1 scoop of EAS protein powder. I may try to mix in the coconut powder too as it seems like a good idea.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,401 MFP Moderator
    I didn't like coconut water at first and still don't like most brands. After a while though, I can't drink anything else.
    My favorite is Harmless Harvest (http://harmlessharvest.com/).
    It's so much better than most brands and sometimes the water is a little pink, which tastes even better I think.

    Of the ones suggested in this thread... this brand and the nun look to be the most promising based on their nutritional contents. They are definitely high in the potassium and magnesium and I believe my local Wegmans carries the brand.

    I think NUUN looks like a good midday option if my wife would need a good pick me up
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,401 MFP Moderator
    Coconut water is not necessarily super coconutty. I suggest this brand, which is the best tasting and least crap-filled.


    It's pretty sweet and VERY refreshing. I love it and would drink nothing but, except, you know, water is free-ish and these are about $2.50/bottle.

    ETA I realize that I didn't answer your question. Sorry. But I love the stuff.

    Thanks, I don't think my wife has tried that. So I will check it out.