Electrolyte Drinks / Coconut Water



  • onionparsleysage
    onionparsleysage Posts: 103 Member
    Skratch labs makes the most natural electrolyte sports drink that I've found. Don't want HFCS or any of those nasty artificial sweeteners. And I can't stomach coconut water either...

    Infiniti will whip up a custom electrolyte drink for you - just call & they will customize it to your flavor/protein/carb/electrolyte desires. It's pretty expensive, though, unless you catch it on sale.
  • Senneth12
    Senneth12 Posts: 72
    Reducing fluid intake from 90oz seems odd. Is that water intake, or fluid intake? I have POTS, and I've been told I need 2-3 liters of fluids a day as well as sodium tablets and electrolyte drinks. POTS is a secondary condition for me, though (primary is EDS) so maybe that's different.

    I drink a ton of Powerade. Nuun has the highest percentage of sodium I've found in the tablets to put in water, so I'm trying that next.

    I don't drink water unless I'm eating something salty at the same time. So if I drink water, I need a salty snack (salted peanuts, potato chips, etc).

    Actually, when my wife started to increase water intake, she started seeing more adverse signs (increased dizziness, fainting, etc..). After some bloodwork, it should signs of dehydration. That is why this EP suggested coconut water. Right now we have only tried a few flavors to include one powder mix. She does like the "flavored" coconut waters: bodyarmor and powercoco (best they are grape or strawberry banana flavors). I will get her to try a couple that have been mentioned in this thread. The issue with the ones i just mentioned are a bit higher in calories and sugars (since mixed).

    She does drink gatorade and powerade when it's the last resort. Mostly because it has a lot of sugar in it (something she was suggested to minimize). We have also use G2 but I feel there are better options out there.

    In terms of food, so does drink shakes most mornings as she isn't big into breakfast. Generally it's 1 cup of berries, 1 cup of unsweetened almond milk and 1 scoop of EAS protein powder. I may try to mix in the coconut powder too as it seems like a good idea.

    I don't tolerate plain water well either, unless it's balanced by salty foods, but I get worse when I lower overall fluid intake. Keeping fluid intake high while minimizing drinks without electrolytes is a mess.

    I'm pretty hopeful about the nuun. I bought it at fleet feet so I could try it, but it's cheaper on Amazon.

    Eta: I haven't tried it because I'm lazy, but some people with POTS have good luck with homemade electrolyte drinks. I don't remember all the specifics, but it has lemon juice, and salt, and honey, and calcium and magnesium, I think.
  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member
    Recently, my wife and I went to see an electrophysiologist because she has a medical condition that is called Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS). It's a form of dysautonomia. As part of the condition, your body will deplete electrolytes extremely quickly. Mostly because even with a beta blocker, her resting HR is still about 90-105. Because of that, our doctor suggested a few things in terms of diet and supplements.

    Supplements: potassium (prescription), magensium taurate (it blends amino acids with magnesium for quicker absorption), CoQ10, and Vitamin D 5000iu.

    Diet: low carb/sugar and gluten free (been gluten free for a year since we found she was intolerant).

    Along with diet, our EP suggested to reduce the amount of water she was drinking (90oz) because it dilutes her electrolytes and start drinking coconut water due to being low sugar and heavy in electolytes 1 to 2x a day. Unfortunately, my wife hates all things coconut. I was hoping some people would have opinions on substitutions for coconut waters (to include powders/tablets).

    The other options we found that she kind of likes is bodyarmor and powercoco (grape/blue raspberry). The only issue is each are about $2 per 20oz bottle.

    Anyone have any thoughts?

    ps- yes, we did call our EP back and awaiting an alternative.

    Coconut water doesn't even taste like coconut, she should give it a try..............if that doesn't work, then she can mix it with pineapple juice and she won't taste the coconut water at all.
  • Senneth12
    Senneth12 Posts: 72
    Reducing fluid intake from 90oz seems odd. Is that water intake, or fluid intake? I have POTS, and I've been told I need 2-3 liters of fluids a day as well as sodium tablets and electrolyte drinks. POTS is a secondary condition for me, though (primary is EDS) so maybe that's different.

    I drink a ton of Powerade. Nuun has the highest percentage of sodium I've found in the tablets to put in water, so I'm trying that next.

    I don't drink water unless I'm eating something salty at the same time. So if I drink water, I need a salty snack (salted peanuts, potato chips, etc).

    when drinking Powerade, Gatorade, etc, I'd stay away from the regular kinds - they're loaded with HFCS. The Powerade Zero has all the electrolytes, and none of the sugar, and the sweetener in it is NOT aspartame, but a more natural type.

    There are worse things in life than HFCS, and it's pretty far down on my list of things to worry about.

    The balance of electrolytes in powerade works for me. I'm exploring alternatives, but for now a drink with HFCS is preferable to increasing POTS symptoms again.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,401 MFP Moderator
    Recently, my wife and I went to see an electrophysiologist because she has a medical condition that is called Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS). It's a form of dysautonomia. As part of the condition, your body will deplete electrolytes extremely quickly. Mostly because even with a beta blocker, her resting HR is still about 90-105. Because of that, our doctor suggested a few things in terms of diet and supplements.

    Supplements: potassium (prescription), magensium taurate (it blends amino acids with magnesium for quicker absorption), CoQ10, and Vitamin D 5000iu.

    Diet: low carb/sugar and gluten free (been gluten free for a year since we found she was intolerant).

    Along with diet, our EP suggested to reduce the amount of water she was drinking (90oz) because it dilutes her electrolytes and start drinking coconut water due to being low sugar and heavy in electolytes 1 to 2x a day. Unfortunately, my wife hates all things coconut. I was hoping some people would have opinions on substitutions for coconut waters (to include powders/tablets).

    The other options we found that she kind of likes is bodyarmor and powercoco (grape/blue raspberry). The only issue is each are about $2 per 20oz bottle.

    Anyone have any thoughts?

    ps- yes, we did call our EP back and awaiting an alternative.

    Coconut water doesn't even taste like coconut, she should give it a try..............if that doesn't work, then she can mix it with pineapple juice and she won't taste the coconut water at all.

    She has tried a few brands... hates the taste. That is why i asked for some alternatives.
  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member
    Recently, my wife and I went to see an electrophysiologist because she has a medical condition that is called Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS). It's a form of dysautonomia. As part of the condition, your body will deplete electrolytes extremely quickly. Mostly because even with a beta blocker, her resting HR is still about 90-105. Because of that, our doctor suggested a few things in terms of diet and supplements.

    Supplements: potassium (prescription), magensium taurate (it blends amino acids with magnesium for quicker absorption), CoQ10, and Vitamin D 5000iu.

    Diet: low carb/sugar and gluten free (been gluten free for a year since we found she was intolerant).

    Along with diet, our EP suggested to reduce the amount of water she was drinking (90oz) because it dilutes her electrolytes and start drinking coconut water due to being low sugar and heavy in electolytes 1 to 2x a day. Unfortunately, my wife hates all things coconut. I was hoping some people would have opinions on substitutions for coconut waters (to include powders/tablets).

    The other options we found that she kind of likes is bodyarmor and powercoco (grape/blue raspberry). The only issue is each are about $2 per 20oz bottle.

    Anyone have any thoughts?

    ps- yes, we did call our EP back and awaiting an alternative.

    Coconut water doesn't even taste like coconut, she should give it a try..............if that doesn't work, then she can mix it with pineapple juice and she won't taste the coconut water at all.

    She has tried a few brands... hates the taste. That is why i asked for some alternatives.

    Have her try to mix it with pineapple juice.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,401 MFP Moderator
    Recently, my wife and I went to see an electrophysiologist because she has a medical condition that is called Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS). It's a form of dysautonomia. As part of the condition, your body will deplete electrolytes extremely quickly. Mostly because even with a beta blocker, her resting HR is still about 90-105. Because of that, our doctor suggested a few things in terms of diet and supplements.

    Supplements: potassium (prescription), magensium taurate (it blends amino acids with magnesium for quicker absorption), CoQ10, and Vitamin D 5000iu.

    Diet: low carb/sugar and gluten free (been gluten free for a year since we found she was intolerant).

    Along with diet, our EP suggested to reduce the amount of water she was drinking (90oz) because it dilutes her electrolytes and start drinking coconut water due to being low sugar and heavy in electolytes 1 to 2x a day. Unfortunately, my wife hates all things coconut. I was hoping some people would have opinions on substitutions for coconut waters (to include powders/tablets).

    The other options we found that she kind of likes is bodyarmor and powercoco (grape/blue raspberry). The only issue is each are about $2 per 20oz bottle.

    Anyone have any thoughts?

    ps- yes, we did call our EP back and awaiting an alternative.

    Coconut water doesn't even taste like coconut, she should give it a try..............if that doesn't work, then she can mix it with pineapple juice and she won't taste the coconut water at all.

    She has tried a few brands... hates the taste. That is why i asked for some alternatives.

    Have her try to mix it with pineapple juice.

    I will suggest that, thanks.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,401 MFP Moderator
    My wife wanted me to thank everyone for the ideas. She is now incorporating coconut powder into her shakes as well as using NUUN tablets. Last night both tried a few more types of water and thought they were disgusting. As we find more, we will try them too. Thanks for all the suggestions.
  • kpangersis
    I was diagnosed with POTS earlier this year and was told by my doctor to drink a minimum of 6 servings a day of electrolyte drinks. He said Gatorade. My heart dropped, the thought of consuming that many calories and that much sugar in a drink caused me much anxiety. I tried a lot of different brands out there. I was drinking Nuun for a while because it was the healthiest option and I could get it at a decent price off Amazon, but I had to choke it down because I didn't care for the taste. I ended up getting connected with an Advocare distributor and they suggested trying Rehydrate, which is their brand's electrolyte drink. The stuff is amazing as far as taste goes, and doesn't contain all that added sugar and unnecessary crap. I ended up becoming an Advocare distributor myself just for the Rehydrate because I use so much of it and I get a 40% discount by being a distributor. If you have POTS and electrolytes help your symptoms as much as they help mine, I highly suggest looking into becoming a distributor for Advocare and getting the discount for Rehydrate. Actually for just a yearly membership fee similar to a wholesale club you can get 20% off for life if you didn't want to go as far as being a distributor. And those discounts go for other products too, not just Rehydrate but that stuff is like gold to me haha. The product details are attached so you can see just how high quality this stuff is. If I have to be drinking so much of something, I want it to taste as good as this does, and I want to be able to save as much as possible! The link to purchase it is below too!

