What do you love about yourself and your body?

I know most of us are here to live a healthier lifestyle, to get in shape, or to make better choices.
Sometimes it's hard not to get wrapped up with what you see in the mirror.
It's important to remind ourselves how awesome our bodies are, and how awesome we are.

So I'm issuing a challenge:
- List three things you love about your body, or yourself as a person.
Do you have a kind and caring nature? Can your body do something it couldn't do before? Do you have a hobby you love?

Share it with all of us! :)


  • vaishnavijayasankar
    vaishnavijayasankar Posts: 33 Member
    challenge accecpted ;)
    3 things i luv about myself is that :
    - I m honest
    - I am open minded
    - I laugh a lot :)
    and i luv singing and making greeting card and playing badminton :)
    and yup m a caring person thats why ppl always take me for granted!!!!!!!
  • MarKayDee
    MarKayDee Posts: 196
    Three things I love about myself, in no particular order.

    My neck and shoulders, they're delicate and sloped and do abosolutely no good for holding up bra straps or supporting halter tops.

    I fit in small spaces, despite being the most over weight person I know I am more compact than anyone else.

    My mommy moments, my son is the greatest part of me, he keeps me grounded and reminds me why I should do better as a person.
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    I love---

    1) Running and being able to consistently run faster each time I go longer distances
    2) The fact that even though I am definitely not at my lowest weight, I am smaller and leaner than I ever have been with a nearly flat stomach
    3) To travel and see the world. I like going on vacations and even mini weekend getaways and experiencing new things and other cultures. It makes you more accepting and caring of other people instead of being so small minded all the time.

    I also love animals and every one of my pets (except those in the fish tanks) are rescues. I think I am a very caring person, and that includes the non-humans that I care for. :flowerforyou:

    Hobbies I enjoy...building Legos, playing guitar, playing video games including Warcraft and all the old Nintendo stuff, building Lionel train set-ups, and running.

    I can definitely write more than 3 things, but I guess I will stop there since I've already gone over, lol.
  • Cheechos
    Cheechos Posts: 293
    1) My skin. It's always soft and I never have to use lotion (though sometimes I like to for the scents).
    2) My hair. It's super curly and fun to twirl.
    3) My thighs. They're really squishy and poke-able. :smile:
  • DawnEH612
    DawnEH612 Posts: 574 Member
    There isn't anything that I don't love about me, my body or the way I live my life. I have spent too many years worried, scared and hiding behind food to waste anymore of my time that way. On my journey, I have found and come to KNOW, that I am a beautiful, smart, capable, loveable, tenacious, strong, motivated, determined woman and that there is no obstacle, goal or challenge placed in front of me that I have not been able to surmount. I am not a weak, scared, vulnerable, expendable little girl that I once thought I was, selling myself short and compromising myself (happiness, goals, hopes, dreams, sanity) at the expense of everyone around me... It's an amazingly freeing feeling and I live everyday in peace and serenity!
  • I love the way I can be so comforting, and empathic with understanding, and cheering others up. Cheesy, but I love my eyes, they're this mix of green, and blue, I also love my shoulders, I love seeing my collarbones. :love:
  • rduhlir
    rduhlir Posts: 3,550 Member
    ~I love the fact that I love running hills.
    ~I love the fact that my legs look freaking awesome in running compression shorts:
    ~I love the fact that this body can now break 30 minute 5Ks.
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    I love the way I feel about my body - I'm very comfortable with it and proud of it.
    I am a compassionate person.
    I am a very loyal and affectionate mate.
  • klb0809
    klb0809 Posts: 91 Member
    Good one.
    1. My commitment to God
    2. I love my thighs and my lips.
    3. I love that I am stronger (mentally and physically) than I thought I was. You never know your limits until you are pushed far beyond them.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    Myself: my vocab content
    My body: my mouth to use that when needed.
  • maz504
    maz504 Posts: 450
    1. I love that I'm not lying when I say I love myself. It took me a long time to build my self confidence and I'm so proud that I can accept myself, flaws and all.
    2. I love my booty. Baby got back!
    3. I love my sense of humor. Life is too short to take everything so seriously :P
  • MissySpring
    MissySpring Posts: 442 Member
    1. I have awesome dimples.. on my face ;)

    2. I'm stronger than I ever imagined, both physically and mentally

    3. I laugh with abandon
  • OkamiLavande
    OkamiLavande Posts: 336 Member
    Three things that I love about myself are:

    -My butt. I love my butt. I think it looks nice and looks even better when I workout.
    -I love my waist! It's small and makes my girls look bigger since I'm not as well endowed as other ladies.
    -And I love how understanding I am.
  • mazmataz
    mazmataz Posts: 331 Member
    - My shoulders & collar bones area...don't seem to hand onto any fat which is great!
    - My boobs :-)
    - My sense of adventure!
  • judymoving
    - I have beautiful long thick hair
    - I am an assertive and organized individual
    - I am a loving kind and caring person
  • MrsG31
    MrsG31 Posts: 364 Member
    ooh this is a challenge for me...

    3 things I love about myself...

    1) My butt? It has always been my best feature, even I think it looks a little smaller now. :frown:
    2) I love to dance, so I guess the fact that I CAN - physically that I am able and that I have been told that I am not too shabby at it
    3) Even though I have always felt I was failry average in the looks department, I produced some dang-gorgeous offspring...guess that is partly my husband's doing as well though....:heart: