Pooping query



  • zoquo
    zoquo Posts: 75
    I find that quinoa makes the stool a little softer, i've never had problems with my movements, so perhaps if you are someone with a slow gut and are backed up quinoa wont have any effect.

  • Honeycat89
    Honeycat89 Posts: 149
    Why are you only eating 1000 calories a day... I'm also 5.5 and don't weigh much more at about 121lb, I'm eating 1600-1800 and still losing weight. 1000 is a child's diet... 1200 is the minimum calories you should be eating just for your body to function??! This is crazy and i'm shocked people are even giving you real advice!
  • Honeycat89
    Honeycat89 Posts: 149
    Is there anything you guys can recommend that will allow me to continue my low-carb thing but still be getting enough fiber to squeeze something out once or twice a day? I feel like I'm losing my mind over here. Metamucil? Anything? Help.

    You're not squeezing anything out because there is NOTHING TO SQUEEZE OUT!
  • lisaanne1369
    lisaanne1369 Posts: 377 Member
    I love my nutra bullet and stopped drinking the orange crap.Getting it all natural and I am feeling great! Sounds like your weight is fine and you just need to stay where your at and be happy.
  • birdcurves
    Why are you only eating 1000 calories a day... I'm also 5.5 and don't weigh much more at about 121lb, I'm eating 1600-1800 and still losing weight. 1000 is a child's diet... 1200 is the minimum calories you should be eating just for your body to function??! This is crazy and i'm shocked people are even giving you real advice!

    Well you are very fortunate to be eating that many calories and losing weight. Unfortunately everyone's body is different, and when I was eating that much + exercising I was just getting bulkier and more muscley. So I've decreased my calories by only 200 - what is that, one less KIND bar a day, those things are like 190 calories, right? hardly worth getting upset over - and am exercising twice a week instead of 3-4 times. I don't really see what the big hullabaloo is about.
  • zoquo
    zoquo Posts: 75
    People are just looking out for you honey. I think what some of us are trying to say, like you rightly pointed out, is that yes everybody has a different body and if your natural body physique is a muscular one on the minimum of 1200 then you should learn to accept your body type. I spent all my youth fighting with my body because i wanted to be tall and slender but i am not built that way I am strong and large built with large arm and thigh muscles broad back and shoulders. I would have loved to have been tall and willowy but no matter what i eat i wont be and I would have to make myself ill to look even close to that. I make the best of what i have because it feels good to be healthy and strong and horrible to be against your body all the time. I know that you are only eating 200 less but if the minimum for you body to function properly is 1200 then that is what you need before you even work out! People, myself included, would love to have your "problem" of getting defined muscles and tone on your limited exercise. I have to bust a gut just to get any! Eating less you will lose proper brain and bodily functions, your hair will lose its lustre and you skin and nails will also suffer.

    Is this really worth it? Just to look a certain way? Just be healthy and strong, you need to treat your body well if you want it to last. I promise you that one day in the future you will look back and wonder why you did this to yourself. Love yourself and your body be the healthiest and fittest you can be. Anything else is not worth it. Look after yourself - no one else will!

  • sandign
    sandign Posts: 56
    I recommend the chia seeds also. I just add them to my smoothie or even sprinkle them on things. Pretty much tasteless, they pick up the flavor of whatever you're eating. Very good for you and they fill up up because they absorb abt 13 times their weight. High in fiber. Works well for me.

    As far as exercise, work for building strength not muscle. If you work on toning well in your exercises you will still llok good but not muscle bound. And with as thin as you are the muscle is going to be the first thing that is noticable.

    Best of luck in whatever you do.
  • birdcurves
    People are just looking out for you honey. I think what some of us are trying to say, like you rightly pointed out, is that yes everybody has a different body and if your natural body physique is a muscular one on the minimum of 1200 then you should learn to accept your body type. I spent all my youth fighting with my body because i wanted to be tall and slender but i am not built that way I am strong and large built with large arm and thigh muscles broad back and shoulders. I would have loved to have been tall and willowy but no matter what i eat i wont be and I would have to make myself ill to look even close to that. I make the best of what i have because it feels good to be healthy and strong and horrible to be against your body all the time. I know that you are only eating 200 less but if the minimum for you body to function properly is 1200 then that is what you need before you even work out! People, myself included, would love to have your "problem" of getting defined muscles and tone on your limited exercise. I have to bust a gut just to get any! Eating less you will lose proper brain and bodily functions, your hair will lose its lustre and you skin and nails will also suffer.

    Is this really worth it? Just to look a certain way? Just be healthy and strong, you need to treat your body well if you want it to last. I promise you that one day in the future you will look back and wonder why you did this to yourself. Love yourself and your body be the healthiest and fittest you can be. Anything else is not worth it. Look after yourself - no one else will!


    This is without a doubt the realest, sweetest, smartest response I've gotten. I'm going to read it every day as a reminder to treat myself better. I have been struggling for a long time with my body and I would really like to get my frame of mind back to where it was a year or two ago, when I wasn't quite so self-critical, but it's massively difficult once that poison seeps in. Anyway, thank you for your kind words, I really really appreciate them.
  • birdcurves
    I recommend the chia seeds also. I just add them to my smoothie or even sprinkle them on things. Pretty much tasteless, they pick up the flavor of whatever you're eating. Very good for you and they fill up up because they absorb abt 13 times their weight. High in fiber. Works well for me.

    As far as exercise, work for building strength not muscle. If you work on toning well in your exercises you will still llok good but not muscle bound. And with as thin as you are the muscle is going to be the first thing that is noticable.

    Best of luck in whatever you do.

    Yes! Chia seeds are the best! I've been putting the powder on my granola and I love it.

    Do you have any specific exercises you recommend for building strength rather than muscle? I feel like I've tried so many different ones and just see myself get bigger each time. But I'm sure there is an entire world of exercise I haven't explored yet... What do you suggest?
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 17,959 Member
    Poop is a waste product. You aren't eating enough to produce waste, your body is using all you put in it, hence, no poop.
  • Veggie_Ankers
    1200 calories a day is advised as the minimum to keep your body from going in to starvation mode. You may feel you're eating enough but your body doesn't. You're putting on weight because your body is trying to store everything you eat to keep it functioning as normally as possible.

    I'd recommed eating healthily like you are but increase your portions slightly to reach the 1200 calorie minimum. I'd do this for a month and see the results. Don't just monitor the scale but also your measurements. Your body will thank you for it in the long run. :smile:
  • birdcurves
    1200 calories a day is advised as the minimum to keep your body from going in to starvation mode. You may feel you're eating enough but your body doesn't. You're putting on weight because your body is trying to store everything you eat to keep it functioning as normally as possible.

    I'd recommed eating healthily like you are but increase your portions slightly to reach the 1200 calorie minimum. I'd do this for a month and see the results. Don't just monitor the scale but also your measurements. Your body will thank you for it in the long run. :smile:

    I've upped my daily to 1200. I can tell my body needs more so I'm working on ignoring the part of my brain that is unwell and just feed my machine so it runs better. Thanks for the advice :)
  • SusanL222
    SusanL222 Posts: 585 Member
    1200 calories a day is advised as the minimum to keep your body from going in to starvation mode. You may feel you're eating enough but your body doesn't. You're putting on weight because your body is trying to store everything you eat to keep it functioning as normally as possible.

    I'd recommed eating healthily like you are but increase your portions slightly to reach the 1200 calorie minimum. I'd do this for a month and see the results. Don't just monitor the scale but also your measurements. Your body will thank you for it in the long run. :smile:

    I've upped my daily to 1200. I can tell my body needs more so I'm working on ignoring the part of my brain that is unwell and just feed my machine so it runs better. Thanks for the advice :)
    :drinker: Big thumbs up! :flowerforyou: Good luck with your journey!!:flowerforyou:
  • kbmnurse
    kbmnurse Posts: 2,484 Member
    Why not discuss with your MD and keep that topic personal.
  • Biggirllittledreams
    Biggirllittledreams Posts: 306 Member
    The things that have worked for me (and I've had bouts of constipation lasting anywhere from 3-17 days):

    - Flax seeds
    -Chia seeds
    -Psyllium Husk/increased intake of fiber (which needs to be consumed with a LOT of water, or else it blocks you up more)
    -Shirataki always cleans me right out
    -Stretching/yoga! If you look it up, there are certain poses that help you.
    -If you're really having a hard time, dedicate a good chunk of time to sit on the toilet in the mornings. While you're doing this, essentially rather 1. curl up into the fetal position (while keeping your back stiff), or sit up really straight, and while you're keeping your back stiff very slowly lean forward. These all help to put a bit of pressure on your intestines, and always helped me.
    -Ginger tea (the fresher the better)
    -Senna (i try to avoid this since it is a laxative, but I've had the most success with smooth move; it doesn't throw my system out of wack as badly as the ExLax and other pill forms of senna do)
    -Exercise! No seriously. It helps to get things-a-movin'

    Feel free to PM me :)
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    Thanks for replying.
    It's a vanity thing, honestly. I lost a lot of weight in an extremely unhealthy way a few months ago (it was completely unintentional weight loss - depression related) and it was a very dark time emotionally for me but the ONE good thing about that dark place was that I was very happy looking in the mirror for the first time in my life. I would like to get back to that feeling but through healthier means. I did it the first time by basically eating nothing and sleeping all the time. I love food way too much to eat nothing, but I figure I can afford to eat healthier and hopefully still regain that happy mirror feeling. But being bloated does not make me happy. Hence my post.

    If what you said above is true, then ditch the fad diet plan. Follow the MFP plan of measuring and weighing your food, eat a reasonable calorie goal to lose 0.5 lbs per week, hit your micros and macros, drink plenty of water, and exercise. If your GI system is jacked up, the weight loss plan you are on is not a healthy method.


    You're diet is causing this- and you admit you don't want to hear about it- but the reality is- it's causing the problem.
  • Biggirllittledreams
    Biggirllittledreams Posts: 306 Member
    Why not discuss with your MD and keep that topic personal.

    Usually, MD's tell you to drink Miralax, which is a osmotic laxative. Laxatives throw the balance of your intestines/GI tract out of wack for a while, making you more likely to yet again develop constipation. So seeing a MD is not always helpful.

    Constipation is an ongoing problem, so fixing it once doesn't really solve the problem. It solves one 'attack', but doesn't solve the constipation. If anything, somebody with a degree in dietary science (there are various degrees, and many options in such) would be the best to consult for this. Sadly, most insurance plans don't cover more than one or two visits per year, so it's hard to even afford to get in with one.

    Why go to a doctor, if you can try making a few lifestyle changes first, that will most likely cure the problem? :)

    Also- why keep that personal? It's not like people don't poop. Didn't you read that book when you were a kid, 'Everybody Poops'?! :D
  • TKhamvongsa
    TKhamvongsa Posts: 287
    Lol you're not eating enough to poop. That's it.
  • kbmnurse
    kbmnurse Posts: 2,484 Member
    This should be discussed with your MD not on here. My opinion.