
marygirl05 Posts: 254 Member
So I am starting to think about what I can do for myself when I hit 50 lbs lost any ideas? No nails for working out doesn't work well with long nails and I am a short nail person. I am at almost 43 pounds now so I figured I would start thinking about what I can do as a small achievement for losing 50 pounds then at 100 and then the last 50.. Any idea is welcome..


  • lookpretty
    lookpretty Posts: 276 Member
    I'm starting a trunk of things for when I get to my target size, Im wary of buying pants and maybe shirts, but it depends on your budget.

    Could get a pedicure/facial/massage
    if you drink coffee could upgrade to fresh grinder, makes a world of difference

    clearly im a shopper
  • JenMc14
    JenMc14 Posts: 2,389 Member
    New jeans, a dress that makes you feel awesome, shoes, new workout clothes? A makeover and new makeup? Is there anything you've been wanting, but never felt justified in purchasing? If yes, maybe get that. A massage, a fun day trip?
  • marygirl05
    marygirl05 Posts: 254 Member
    I am def not going with a meal but I didn't think about the shoes I def need a new pair.. I life in the middle of now where.
  • marygirl05
    marygirl05 Posts: 254 Member
    New jeans, a dress that makes you feel awesome, shoes, new workout clothes? A makeover and new makeup? Is there anything you've been wanting, but never felt justified in purchasing? If yes, maybe get that. A massage, a fun day trip?

    A fun day trip would be great just not sure where I would go... I have 2 little ones, one just turned 3 in jan. and the other one will be 2 in may.
  • MissySpring
    MissySpring Posts: 442 Member
    Congratulations on your success so far! I have my rewards all written out for every 5% of original weight lost...

    5% ~ new sexy shoes
    10 ~ Origami Owl necklace
    15 ~ new speedo and goggles
    20 ~ gym clothes
    25 ~ vacation to somewhere warm (just earned this one and am looking forward to a trip to the Bahamas in June)
    30 ~ new summer wardrobe
    35 ~ new car Challenger!

    I also do small challenges with rewards...

    full week of all my water = pedicure

    running consistently for a month = new running shoes

    Best of luck on your journey. You'll be at 50 in no time!
  • jessfuller23
    jessfuller23 Posts: 7 Member
    New jeans, a dress that makes you feel awesome, shoes, new workout clothes? A makeover and new makeup? Is there anything you've been wanting, but never felt justified in purchasing? If yes, maybe get that. A massage, a fun day trip?

    This is the exact type of stuff I like to reward myself with. I start with smaller rewards & gradually increase to bigger rewards as I get to larger amounts of weight lost or achievements. For example, my first reward is usually a couple new nail polishes I've been wanting, then maybe buying a new dvd, then next would be a new workout outfit or new workout shoes, then maybe a massage, etc. Best thing I've found is just picking something that will keep you motivated to keep going so that you can get that reward. :smile:
  • LanaeCarol
    LanaeCarol Posts: 158 Member
    A massage, new workout equipment or workout outfit, attending an event that you wouldn't normally splurge on (sporting event, concert, play, etc.), new music, enrollment in a class you always wanted to try, a makeover, a new set of clothes, new shoes, starting materials for a new craft or hobby project, ... Basically anything other than food.
  • marygirl05
    marygirl05 Posts: 254 Member
    Thanks everyone for the great Ideas. I think I might get some new shoes because I really need them. DEF STAYING AWAY FROM FOOD, thats why i am here..
  • JenMc14
    JenMc14 Posts: 2,389 Member
    New jeans, a dress that makes you feel awesome, shoes, new workout clothes? A makeover and new makeup? Is there anything you've been wanting, but never felt justified in purchasing? If yes, maybe get that. A massage, a fun day trip?

    A fun day trip would be great just not sure where I would go... I have 2 little ones, one just turned 3 in jan. and the other one will be 2 in may.

    The zoo or a cool State park? Maybe a fun place for lunch, where you can still stick toy your goals, or course. Or, maybe get a sitter and do something just for mom!