In a rut, Help please!

Lisacare Posts: 40 Member
I can hear my grandmother saying, grab your boot straps Liz, and pick yourself up. All I can say is I seem too weak to pull them up. I keep grabbing them and pulling, but my hands keep slipping off! :sad: :sad: I want to get those boots back up, I know I can, but I may need a little support to do it! :smile:

I am 43 years young, and seem to be eating poorly and not exercising, AGAIN! I was doing really well, eating fairly well, and doing hot yoga on a regular basis. I felt healthier than I ever had in my life. I ended up with a regrowth of a trumor in my brain that requried radiation therapy. After I had swelling and was on high dose steriod for 5 months. I have been sterirod free for several months but cant seem to get my butt in gear. I start out with great intentions but end up slipping. Any support would be greatly appriciated :smile:


  • peachstategal
    peachstategal Posts: 398 Member
    Hang in can do it. You've been through a lot so just make small changes and don't overdo it as you may burn out.
  • cindagrif
    cindagrif Posts: 60 Member
    Sounds like you have been through a rough time. Don't be so hard on yourself! This is a one day at a time journey. I know you can do it!! You've done it before. Just start!
  • toniistracking
    toniistracking Posts: 57 Member
    Wow, you've been through a lot and are obviously a very strong woman! I'm constantly looking for motivation so if you would like to help each other out send me a request!
  • Orion782
    Orion782 Posts: 391
    Sorry...heard "rut" and thought you needed help hunting deer. I'm obviously at the wrong party... :tongue:

    In all seriousness though, just think of your health. Do you have kids? Grandkids currently/on the horizon? How long do you want to be around for them? That would be motivating to me, because at that 35+ range of years everything you do is a direct input to your quality and quantity of LIFE.

    You are what you eat.
  • Dioneaisha
    Well, good job on the "start". Seems like it is time to start again. Weight loss and Fitness seems to be a journey. Keep pushing on. Try again and celebrate small triumphs.

    You're on the app. You know what you've got to do. Take small steps to do it until they become automatic. Try walking today. If only around the block. Give yourself double kudos if it's cold where you live and triple kudos when you finish. YOU CAN DO IT!!!
  • laserturkey
    laserturkey Posts: 1,680 Member
    My suggestion would be to try setting your calories for maintenance to start out with, getting firmly into the habit of logging everything, and then making gradual changes from there.
  • tracybryson165
    I totally understand what your going through....Steroids encourage a lot of weight gain...And with society putting a lot of pressure on women to look size 0, we have a lot of pressure on us....I am struggling as well....I'm going to diet every day and then fail every day...The weather doesn't help either...a lot of comfort food is eaten where I live....we just have to make up our mind and do one else will make us lose weight....I'm telling you this as well as myself....good luck and be patient..
  • burdie4
    burdie4 Posts: 1
    Hi Lisa,
    I go through cycles of being in a rut too - I am good for a while, and then I totally fall off track. My advice? Promise yourself you'll do SOMETHING physical every day. Even if it's just a short walk around your neighborhood. For me, that is a goal that is so low that I can usually keep it - and going for the walk usually reminds me that I could go just a little further, or I could actually be running . . . it motivates me to push a bit harder. And that physical part, in turn, makes me want to eat better!

    You can do it!
  • Lisacare
    Lisacare Posts: 40 Member
    Hahaha, I was a worried becasue I choose to use that word, but it just seems to be the best description, and I hoped only some people would associate it to the deer thing. But maybe I could get my bow out, would be good upper body exercise.... LOL

    Thanks for the support. I do have kids, they are older, but they still need me. Youngest just got her license to drive yesterday. I need to find a good strong motivator! Thanks for the support :)
  • jcubedatund
    jcubedatund Posts: 71 Member
    I agree with the suggestions to make small changes and to set small and achievable goals. Once you reach them, it will really light that fire for you again! You can add me if you like. Best wishes!
  • Lisacare
    Lisacare Posts: 40 Member
    Thanks so much, I actually did fairly well, only gained about 15 pounds, could have been so much worse. I know that. Just been a long a battle and I am tired. Thanks for the support it is definetly helpful. I am feeling much stronger, having all this support ::happy:
  • 1princesswarrior
    1princesswarrior Posts: 1,242 Member
    Your story explains just how strong you are. Put some sticky tape on your fingers so those boots quit slipping out of them, problem solved. Seriously I know it's not that easy. Set up your account to lose 1/2 lb a week so your deficit is small and start out by walking 15-20 minutes a day. Just getting some fresh air will help and seeing the scale go down a little just might help kick start your momentum. You can do this, just think about everything you've already overcome. And your youngest will be graduating soon, use that as motivation if you need to.

    You've got an entire community pulling for you here too.
  • melsom1
    melsom1 Posts: 1
    I have found an app called Lift to be tremendously helpful. You simply set a small daily goal which you're supposed to do for 21 days in a row. I believe that most of our decisions, good and bad, are a matter of habit. As soon as something becomes ingrained as a habit, the need for "self-discipline" is greatly reduced. I have always been notoriously ill-disciplined but have used Lift to build a number of beneficial habits. Things I do now without even thinking about---literally on auto-pilot--include flossing every night, brushing teeth every night, making bed, putting away clothes rather than dumping them on the floor, 20 push ups every night, drinking a pint of water upon waking. Now all of these things are super small, but if I had to remember to do them and force myself to do them, I probably wouldn't. But, by using Lift, they are taken out of the decision making realm into the automated habit realm!

    I would start with trying to do one small habit (I believe that if you tried to do everything at once, it wouldn't result in a habit). For example, a healthy breakfast. Continue to eat crappy food at other times. Then once it's ingrained as a habit, start a healthy lunch habit. And then an exercise habit (literally start with a promise to do one push a day). Start small and let the habits compound.
  • Lisacare
    Lisacare Posts: 40 Member
    I have found an app called Lift to be tremendously helpful. You simply set a small daily goal which you're supposed to do for 21 days in a row. I believe that most of our decisions, good and bad, are a matter of habit. As soon as something becomes ingrained as a habit, the need for "self-discipline" is greatly reduced. I have always been notoriously ill-disciplined but have used Lift to build a number of beneficial habits. Things I do now without even thinking about---literally on auto-pilot--include flossing every night, brushing teeth every night, making bed, putting away clothes rather than dumping them on the floor, 20 push ups every night, drinking a pint of water upon waking. Now all of these things are super small, but if I had to remember to do them and force myself to do them, I probably wouldn't. But, by using Lift, they are taken out of the decision making realm into the automated habit realm!

    I would start with trying to do one small habit (I believe that if you tried to do everything at once, it wouldn't result in a habit). For example, a healthy breakfast. Continue to eat crappy food at other times. Then once it's ingrained as a habit, start a healthy lunch habit. And then an exercise habit (literally start with a promise to do one push a day). Start small and let the habits compound.

    Thanks this is very helpful. I think I will look into that app. I am notourious for all or nothing, so I jump in both feet, too much too fast get fustrated and quit. This slow and steady might be the ticket. thank you :)
  • Avalondays
    Avalondays Posts: 2 Member
    Hi-Just starting out myself and I send you a frind request. Had surgery for cancer last May and am focusing on my health and becoming more physically active. Let's encourage each other!
  • twooliver
    twooliver Posts: 450 Member
    Sounds like you are really pissed at the health interruption in your life and haven't given yourself permission to express the rage... which is now showing up as lethargy. Feel that feeling... write about it... find a safe way to express it... move that energy!!!

    Tell the truth about your feelings and the rut will shift...
