Kicking Butt in Kansas

Hi all - My name is Stephanie and I thought I'd make a quick intro post.

A little about me - I've struggled most of my life with my weight, even as a kid/teenager. About two years ago, something clicked and I started eating better using WW and exercising. I lost 70lbs and was REALLY close to my goal. Insert life. :) Now, 2 years later, I'm trying to get back on the wagon after gaining about half of what I lost back.

I thought I'd skip WW and give MFP a shot, along with getting more involved in the MFP community.

So hello! Any tips or advice is VERY welcome! :)


  • AsaThorsWoman
    AsaThorsWoman Posts: 2,303 Member
    Where abouts in Kansas?
  • sfsoccermom2
    sfsoccermom2 Posts: 233 Member
    I just joined MFP this week. I, too, was always a WW member. I am finding it very similar, but this seems to make me more accountable to what I am eating as far as healthy guidelines. Add me as a friend and we can work through this together.
  • dirtmagnets
    dirtmagnets Posts: 116 Member
    Hey fellow Kansan,
    I'm in a similar boat, having struggled as long as I can remember with my weight. I recently realized that I now weigh more than I did right before I delivered my fourth kid. Ouch. After a long winter battling a terrible case of pneumonia that just wouldn't go away, I'm finally regaining some energy and ability to breathe, so it's definitely time to make some lasting changes and get rid of this extra 50 or 60 pounds for good. I'm in Overland Park and, if you'd like, would love to be friends here.
  • jlynnm70
    jlynnm70 Posts: 460 Member
    I'm not in Kansas - but just to your north - Nebraska - I have always had to watch my weight and did pretty good about it - until after giving birth of my son (#4) I lost the weight after him, and had issues while pregnant so I didn't really gain much and actually went home from the hospital lighter than I was when I got pregnant - then as you said - insert life - and gained back all and then some and realized I weighed more than I did when I delivered any of the other kids. I'm 13# down now - and got about another 20-25 to go.

    I did WW in the past - but I find this easier - and I stay more accountable.

    Good luck to you and wish ya the best - make sure you add lots of supportive friends on here - it really helps! (you can add me if you want)
  • Sunshine2plus2
    Sunshine2plus2 Posts: 1,492 Member
    Hello, Kansas girl here! Welcome, good luck, you got this!
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    I'm another one from Kansas, Pittsburg to be exact.

    I like MFP much better than WW. Good luck!

  • merecard
    merecard Posts: 56 Member
    You can do this!
    This is a fantastic app.
    You log EVERYTHING you eat, everything you do.
    I suggest that you UNDER estimate your movements (exercise) so if you do 60 minute class of some sort. Log it in as 50 minutes. If you normally do a DVD and it's 30 minutes long and you giver er all you got then yes, log the 30 minutes. If you do the same DVD and don't give it your all, then only log 20 minutes.
    Weigh your food, measure your food, eat GOOD food. Have snacks, drink water and enjoy the journey.
    There will be ups and downs and it's not easy. There is no quick fix.
    I personally suggest that food prep be your #1 priority.
    PLAN your meals, plan your snacks, put it your meals at the start of the day or the night before. IT's WAY WAY WAY easier to stay on track if you are prepared!!
    Get the family involved and make sure you surround yourself with positive people.
    Remember to do your measurements. Yes it totally sucks the first time you do them - DO NOT LET IT GET YOU DOWN!
    This is your start - this is where you will never be again.
    I also LOVE the beginning pictures. again DO NOT LET THIS GET YOU DOWN. You will be so happy that you did do them when you get losing your weight and then when you look back on them, it will make you smile!!
    There is LOTS of information out there on what foods to eat when.
    I like the carb cycling. (Chris and Heidi Powell from extreme makeover)
    I also LOVE my morning shakes.
    I am not a person that like to eat in the morning. I could go all day with out eating before, but never lost weight until I starting having my shakes in the morning. I will sometimes add: frozen blueberries, make it with almond milk, flaxseed, low calorie yogurt, greek yogurt, apples, pineapple...the list goes on. But I have a great start to my day now and my shakes are only like $1 a day. Find healthy things that you love and then make them your stables!! Check out healthy food recipes.
    I have less calories at night (and supper used to be MY meal - looked forward to it everyday)
    and now I am more focused on Breakfast, Snack, Lunch, Snack and then Dinner.
    It's hard, but you can do this AGAIN!! No worries! It is a journey and this is your DAY #1 You can do this!
  • StephyA86
    StephyA86 Posts: 68 Member
    All - thanks for the great replies! I'm in the Topeka/Lawrence area.

    I'm definitely looking forward to seeing how MFP measures up to WW. I never understood how fruit and veggies "didn't count" on WW. Especially for fruit, those calories can add up! I like the idea of being more accountable for the foods I'm eating, not just the points!

    2014 is the year I get this done! :)
  • ladyred2479
    ladyred2479 Posts: 21 Member
    Hi I'm Stacy!! quick story about me......When I first started my fitness journey over a year ago, I felt so alone. I didn't have anyone at home encouraging me to go to the gym or to eat better, so I knew if I was going to make a change I was going to have to be very strong because I felt so alone. Then I found a fitness group on facebook that literally changed my life. the people in this fitness group encouraged me, motivated me, and inspired me to keep pushing through to eat better and to get my daily workouts done. They were strangers to me but believed in me!!When I was down they lifted me up, when I had some small progress they congratulated me and they NOTICED me, I was no longer alone! If it weren't for that group I would have quit like the 100 times I had before in the past. These strangers have now become great friends and supporters of my goals and my fitness dream. I wanted to pay it forward as I knew there were more people out there just like me who needed that extra support and motivation. so I started my own fitness group. if what I just described about feeling alone and needing some extra support and motivation sounds like you, I can help you! I'd love to help you reach your goals right alongside me and the others in my group who are all working towards reaching our own personal goals, one day at a time, one step at a time. I've have learned a lot over the past year in my own fitness journey, I've gone from a size 14 to a size 5 and I'd love to help you. if anyone is interested please let me know. :-) Have a blessed day!
  • StephyA86
    StephyA86 Posts: 68 Member
    Bumpity bump bump!

    Any more Kansans? :tongue: