Appetite Control?

Hi all, wondered if anyone out there has found anything that works here.

I often find myself hungrier *after* I eat, than I was before. I'm looking to lose about 40 lbs, maybe 50 if I can keep it going. I'm not necessarily looking to find appetite suppressants, but it would be good for me to avoid appetite stimulants. Sometimes I'm fine. I often force myself to eat breakfast because I'm just not hungry, but I know I should be eating breakfast.

But once I've had breakfast, it's as if everything starts up, and then I'm starving within 15 minutes after that. I'm eyeing my mid-morning snack... peering in to gaze longingly at what I brought for lunch, checking the clock to see if I can make a reasonable excuse to qualify "NOW" as "Lunchtime"..

I've been doing MFP for about 2 weeks now, and so far I've managed to control myself and at least stick within my calorie goals (sometimes a bit under, sometimes a bit over but so far I haven't totally blown it), but as we all know, it isn't easy. I could easily envision a day where I totally fall off the wagon. I'm targeting a 1500cal/day goal. 6'2"

I'm pretty knowledgeable about glycemic indexes and good/bad carbs, etc. I'm not looking for a "method" - what I'd like to hear from you is, is there any *specific* foods you've found that make you crazy hungry, that you've learned to avoid?

I'm also not opposed to hearing about any foods you've found that suppress the appetite. I know coffee helps a bit, for awhile.. but I'm not interested in pills or magic formulas, just something that a normal guy like me can easily incorporate into my diet that might help with those moments of temporary insanity..



  • Tillyecl1
    Tillyecl1 Posts: 189 Member
    I'm the same, once I start eating. I've found that any food with nuts in it (muesli etc) work well for me, helping to avoid the crazy hunger feeling, and also I find exercise helps. Just getting up and walking away. Fruit has a tendency to set off my hunger so I try to stick to cucumber and celery instead. With the exercise thing I realise some people aren't able to do this at work so... have you tried Tetris ;-)

    EDIT: to include fruit comment
  • kickivale
    kickivale Posts: 260 Member
    Strangely enough, there are two things I eat when I want to STOP eating for a few hours.
    One is 3/4 cup of Fage greek yogurt with 1/3 cup of maple quinoa granola (Kind brand) and a couple drops of agave. Somehow it just makes me feel SO FULL that I really can't imagine eating something after it. The urge is just gone.
    The other thing is apples. There is no reasoning here that I can come up with.
    Maybe it has to do with fiber?

    Also, knowing that I have food waiting for me is a killer. I keep my lunch far away :)
  • candicegrant1
    candicegrant1 Posts: 13 Member
    I get CRAZY hungry in the morning after I eat breakfast.

    As I was told once, it means your metabolism has kicked in for the day, it's a good sign!

    my mid morning snack is apples.....and it works wonders for me to making it to actual lunchtime without eating my lunch!

    I cut up an apple into slices, so I can eat it slower while Im at my desk and eat those, then Im usually fine till lunch time (for the most part!)
  • lisajsund
    lisajsund Posts: 366 Member
    Are you eating primarily carbs?

    I would suggest eating more protein and more fat.

    Also, do you know your BMR? What is your calorie goal and how do you set it?
  • ovi212
    ovi212 Posts: 145 Member
    I drink tea, decaf coffee, hot water with lemon or diet pop after most of my meals. I find it helps get me into the routine that eating is done and it gets me more full.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    Protein, fat, and fiber all help keep you full. I find I need a combination to stay full. Others find protein (alone) helps them stay full. You may need to experiment with different combos.

    I changed my settings to track fiber instead of sugar (sugar is included in carbs already....I'm not diabetic).

    There is no reason, really that you "have" to eat breakfast. Plenty of people lose weight without it.

    Are you drinking plenty of water? The reason I ask, sometimes "hunger" is actually just thirst.
  • Lizzy622
    Lizzy622 Posts: 3,705 Member
    I fond that besides simple carbs, salt can really set my appetite off. I really need to stay away from potato chips and other such salty carby snacks. Fiber and protein seem to keep me satisfied the longest, celery with peanut butter, cantaloupe(or other fresh fruit) with low fat cottage cheese.
  • hipsdontlie1
    hipsdontlie1 Posts: 294 Member
    I find sometimes I'm the same way.. and generally it is after I've eaten carbs. I try to stick to protein and fats in the morning and I find I stay hungry longer! If I just have toast for breakfast I'm starving by 9:30... try to eat some eggs, avacado, cheese, greek yogurt! Maybe mid morning have some almonds.. Also don't forget lots of water!
  • wanttolose40lbs
    wanttolose40lbs Posts: 239 Member
    I get hungry around mid-morning and I eat an apple almost every day, it keeps me full till lunch
  • hipsdontlie1
    hipsdontlie1 Posts: 294 Member
    I find sometimes I'm the same way.. and generally it is after I've eaten carbs. I try to stick to protein and fats in the morning and I find I stay hungry longer! If I just have toast for breakfast I'm starving by 9:30... try to eat some eggs, avacado, cheese, greek yogurt! Maybe mid morning have some almonds.. Also don't forget lots of water!

    and by stay hungry longer I meant stay full longer... lol
  • Apples for me - ESPECIALLY APPLES - stimulate my appetite. I avoid apples, simply because I can't stop eating them. It's mostly the tart apples that I really love, and those are the ones that do it to me. I'm not a big fan of the mealy ones, or the sweet varieties...
  • I've done the BMR thing (a primary driver for me to commit to losing weight). I haven't hit the "obese" zone yet, but I need to do something about it. I've done the calorie calculators, many of them, and compared results (including the scoobydoo one). They all suggest an 1800 to 1900 cal diet to lose 1lb / week by next March. I'd like to lose a bit faster than that though, and a 1500 cal "Goal" will help me achieve it in less time. Hopefully. But it's also something that I really don't sweat too bad if I go slightly over my goal. About the same number of times I go slightly under, so it's almost a wash in my view. I stay close to it.

    Exercise is extremely difficult to fit into the schedules, with kids and their homework and their after-school schedules, time of day (my wife and I both work busy jobs, and we both have to scramble when we get home to get supper on the table, etc.), it's very hard to find the time to get the exercise in. Sometimes we can, and that's a bonus.
  • beachylove
    beachylove Posts: 137 Member
    I have found after eating a meal with lots of carbs I tend to be hungrier......when I add more protein and fat to my meals it helps me stay fuller longer.

    I also started drinking green tea and water when I feel hungry to see if I am truly hungry or just thirsty.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    I've done the BMR thing (a primary driver for me to commit to losing weight). I haven't hit the "obese" zone yet, but I need to do something about it. I've done the calorie calculators, many of them, and compared results (including the scoobydoo one). They all suggest an 1800 to 1900 cal diet to lose 1lb / week by next March. I'd like to lose a bit faster than that though, and a 1500 cal "Goal" will help me achieve it in less time. Hopefully. But it's also something that I really don't sweat too bad if I go slightly over my goal. About the same number of times I go slightly under, so it's almost a wash in my view. I stay close to it.

    Exercise is extremely difficult to fit into the schedules, with kids and their homework and their after-school schedules, time of day (my wife and I both work busy jobs, and we both have to scramble when we get home to get supper on the table, etc.), it's very hard to find the time to get the exercise in. Sometimes we can, and that's a bonus.

    An aggressive weight loss goal without exercise will lead to fat + muscle loss. You night consider a.) adding some strength training (and eating back some calories....fuel for the workout) or b. cutting back your weekly weight loss goal a bit.
  • lisajsund
    lisajsund Posts: 366 Member
    My BMR is around 1700 calories. I find I do best eating at least 2000 calories/day and eating exercise calories back.

    I have a device similar to a FitBit and I burn around 2700 calories a day prior to exercise.

    Weight loss is 80% nutrition, so rest assure that you CAN lose without the need to exercise. Exercise is 10% and genetics is the other 10%.
  • Lizzy622
    Lizzy622 Posts: 3,705 Member

    Exercise is extremely difficult to fit into the schedules, with kids and their homework and their after-school schedules, time of day (my wife and I both work busy jobs, and we both have to scramble when we get home to get supper on the table, etc.), it's very hard to find the time to get the exercise in. Sometimes we can, and that's a bonus.

    I carry sneakers in my car and often stand at my kids sporting events or walk around where possible. I also have circled the parking lot waiting for them to get out of practice or a meeting. Store roasted chicken is a life saver for fast dinners and steam in bag frozen veggies.
  • crystalflame
    crystalflame Posts: 1,049 Member
    If you're starving after you eat breakfast, don't eat breakfast. It doesn't jump start your metabolism or cause you to burn more calories. There is only correlation between people eating breakfast being thinner than people who don't. Meal timing is entirely personal preference (and my personal preference is eat my meals a lot later so they're closer to my workouts... I hate working out hungry.)

    If you feel like you have more energy and it helps you focus at work because you eat breakfast, start with a protein-heavy, fiber-heavy meal. Eggs on whole-wheat toast, a protein shake with berries blended into it, etc. It should keep you full a lot longer. And keep snacks hidden where you can't see them... Out of sight, out of mind.
  • motofairy
    motofairy Posts: 33 Member
    I need fat and filler in combination. Cheese, yogurt, nuts, butter, etc. in small amounts coupled with more high fiber foods like fruits with skins, beans...things like hummus combine the two well, and depending on my blood sugar I will eat either wheat crackers or veggies with it. If I skimp, I get hungry. And then I eat the world.
  • kuolo
    kuolo Posts: 251 Member
    I've done the BMR thing (a primary driver for me to commit to losing weight). I haven't hit the "obese" zone yet, but I need to do something about it. I've done the calorie calculators, many of them, and compared results (including the scoobydoo one). They all suggest an 1800 to 1900 cal diet to lose 1lb / week by next March. I'd like to lose a bit faster than that though, and a 1500 cal "Goal" will help me achieve it in less time.

    BMR is basal metabolic rate, what your body would need to survive if you were in a coma. It is likely that you are feeling so hungry because you are eating a long way below this at 1500 cals and 6'2". I think men aren't meant to go below 1800 cals a day. Eating too little has some health implications, it's not quite as simple as the less you eat the more you lose, your health might suffer and your body will rebel if you take it too low (the urge to binge is a sign you might be going too low.

    To actually answer your question I find oats pretty good and dairy makes me hungrier but I think it's different for everyone. Also if you're not hungry at breakfast I wouldn't necessarily feel you have to force yourself to eat.
  • Thanks to each of you - there's a lot of good stuff to consider and try out.. appreciate all the helpful information!