Protein Shakes?



  • shor0814
    shor0814 Posts: 559 Member
    Thanks, after this protein is gone, I will have to do some shopping around. Cookies N Cream protein sounds fantastic. And Almond milk...I tired it a few years ago, but everyone keeps telling me to have it, I will see if my tastebuds changed :)

    Just to be clear I don't do almond milk except for shakes or smoothies. I hate the taste bout don't notice when I mix it.
  • J_adoreDior_
    J_adoreDior_ Posts: 57 Member
    I drink them most days after my workout. They help me reach my protein goal, without it I seem to never get there. There is only so many nuts, eggs, meat I personally can eat a day lol

    My issue is I don't really like the taste of the powder so I have to mask it with milk and peanut butter...which ends up being 351 calories. Which is not bad for a meal, but a rather large snack...maybe I have a high calorie powder ... dunno.

    lean one tastes like cake :love:
  • bethlaf
    bethlaf Posts: 954 Member
    They only make you gain weight if they put you over your calorie limit for the day.

    They'd "help you lose weight" because protein is typically satiating, so it may cause you to eat less calories overall.

    So, you should consider purchasing protein powder if:

    1) You find it difficult to get in enough protein
    2) You like the convenience (such as for making great protein shakes for breakfast in the morning)
    3) You enjoy the taste

    Just think of protein powder like another food. Eat it if it helps you get towards your goals and you like it! As far as your specific questions:

    -I do use protein powder on occasion. Usually if I'm feeling too lazy to cook meat and I need to get in more protein for the day.
    -I mix them up with milk, or blend it into a shake with ice and maybe greek yogurt. Sometimes I replace some flour in baked goods with vanilla protein powder for protein baked goods.
    -You could have protein shakes before or after a workout if you'd like. When you get in your protein for the day really doesn't matter that much, though.
    -My favorite brand is Truetein. ON Whey is also good.

    this , if you like them use them if you have no medical need, and don't care for them , then do not bother.