Anyone looking to lose 2lbs a week?

jenifer4 Posts: 57
edited September 22 in Health and Weight Loss
Just wondering if anyone here has a goal of 2lbs a week lose? If so, are you achieving it? anything special your doing besides counting calories?
I am at 1200 calories, and working out 5-6 days a week, and eating mostly all my extra calories from working out.
I need to lose 2lbs a week to lose 30lbs by April!.... I can do this!!!!


  • cem789
    cem789 Posts: 231 Member
    good luck :)
  • good luck :)

    Thanks :) I know some weeks may be less, but some may more... all I'm hoping for is an average of 2lbs a week.
  • Good luck :)

    When I joined i was hoping for a 2lb a week weight loss but now im getting near my goal i'd be happy with a 1lb a week loss. Any loss would be amazing though since I seem to be stuck within the same 4lb range for weeks now!!
  • We can both do it though as long as we stick to it ;) xx
  • batty5
    batty5 Posts: 193
    Well I am the same & we weigh the same although I do not want to lose quite so much over all now.It doesn't work so well for me & health , age etc prevents lots of activities so my workouts are all in deep water, usually 3 times per week. You can do this because I could when I was younger but now, despite staying on track food & exercise wise ,it is slow most weeks & age & my meds are also an influence here..Happy to befriend you to see how we do.Just send me a request if you want to do that.Good luck.
    Loving your dog is it a GSD pup? I adore dogs & have 7!
  • Good luck sweetie!! I know you can do it. I have pretty much the same goals. I eat 1200 calories a day and workout about 5 times a week too. I want to lose 2 pounds a week also, but its usually 1 to 1 1/2 pounds a week for me. Can't complain though, a loss is a loss right? I want to lose 30 to 40 pounds by July. I've lost 40 already so I know I can do it, and so can you!

  • your not eating enough calories, on average a woman should eat 1800 calories and if you exercise you eat more, that's what a physical trainer told me. Try to eat more on a temporary basis and see what you lose. Also remember your body has muscle so pounds may not show. GOOD LUCK!:smile:
  • wriglucy
    wriglucy Posts: 1,064 Member
    I need to eat more calories than 1200 a day. My mom is a registered dietician, and 1200 is the MINIMUM a person needs. I'd try upping your calories by 100 calories for awhile, and see if that works. If not, you may need another 100 calories. I was stuck at one weight for awhile, and once I started upping my calories, I lost weight.

    And...I know this has been debate on here a LONG time, but...really, if you're eating your excersize calories, your just putting those calories back into your body, and you won't have a calorie defecit (or however you spell it:). I would just up your calories to about 1300-1400 and keep up with the exercizing...don't pay attention to the calories you "gain back" by working out.
  • Mhaney
    Mhaney Posts: 467 Member
    I tried 2 pounds a week but was absolutely starving. A single mother chasing 3 kids all day can not live on 1200 cals a day. I'm down to 1 pound a week now but I'm actually losing slightly more than that.
  • AggieCass09
    AggieCass09 Posts: 1,867 Member
    I found that eating right at 1300 calories a day has led to more weight loss than at 1200 calories...i work out 5x a week- a mix of half marathon training and weights and this has been a good number for me to hit approximately 2 lbs a week. I've lost 21 lbs as of today but have about 20 left to reach my ultimate goal. I tend to hit plateaus every 5 or 6 weeks and then i have to trick my metabolism by eating about 1350-1400 calories then. I don't ever eat my exercise calories back due to over estimating workouts and underestimating eating that we tend to do. Best of luck to you...feel free to friend me if you want another support buddy!
  • championnfl
    championnfl Posts: 324 Member
    Not to be negative.....but......the chances of losing 2 lbs a week is 0% with your height,weight, & being a woman just nonexistent. Now if you 180lbs,5'6" & a man you could.
    The cals [1200] just don't see how you could do it! Shoot for 5lbs a month....won't hit your time frame but will still look great! Not how much you weigh but feel & look. !:wink: P.S. Keep me updated, would like to follow progress! [& to see if I'm right!]
  • YOU CAN DO IT! :) Good luck!
  • Kminor67
    Kminor67 Posts: 900 Member
    My goal is 2 lbs a week, and I'm doing it! I joined on August 21st, and I've lost 32 lbs. Today is weigh in day, but I haven't weighed yet... so it may be more. But yes, from Aug 21st to December 10th is 16 weeks, and I'd lost 32 lbs!
  • Sweet13_Princess
    Sweet13_Princess Posts: 1,207 Member
    I would LOVE to lose two pounds a week, but I don't get down on myself too much if I fall short of the goal. For instance, the first month here, I did lose 10 pounds. The second month, I didn't lose any weight, according to the scale, but I did lose 1 inch on my bust and thighs and 1 1/2 inches around my waist and gained 3% muscle (my gym has a device that can test body fat versus lean muscle mass). I try not to get too caught up with the scale, if I'm losing inches and gaining muscle I'm still getting toned up!

  • CassieH818
    CassieH818 Posts: 221 Member
    Me me me!!! I hope I can continue to lose at least 2 to 3 pounds a week, but I will be happy with 1 pound as long as I keep losing!!
  • I'm confused on how many calories to eat after these replies.
    MFP told me to eat 1200 cal based on my office job and working out 5 nights a week for approx 45-60 mins.

    my BMR is 1541.95 - then if I work out 3-5 times a week I saw online I should multiply my BMR x 1.55 = 2390
    So, basically I want to subtract 7000 calories a week so thats 1000 a day, and leaves me with 1390 calories a day to lose 2lbs a week.

    what do I do LOL !!!!!
  • My goal all along has been to lose 2 lbs. a week, but with 5 plus hours of physical exercise per week I lose between 2 - 3 lbs. per week. MFP works wonders. I have lost 59 lbs. so far and I have 12 lbs. to go before I hit my target weight.
  • Well, part of it isnt just your caloric intake, but WHAT you are eating. I've been having a problem with losing lean muscle mass and not fat, which is bad because you need lean muscle mass to burn fat. When i did some research, what i found was that on days you dont work out, try to consume about 20-50% of your recommended carbs (which, thanks to this site, is pretty easy to figure out, since it will be listed under your food tracker). Then, on the days you DO workout, try to consume 100% of your recommended carbs. This is because carbs fuel your muscles, keeping them strong, so that when you're working harder your body is burning fat, not muscle. Also, pay attention to how much water you're drinking. It's basically impossible to loss weight if your body is running dehydrated, and since you work out so often you're going to need even more. i cut out even diet soda from lifestyle, because it has tons of sodium (which makes you retain water). Try not to get stressed out or discouraged. And if you still cant find the info you need from the internet, I would really recommend seeing a nutritionist, who would be trained to help you find what works for YOUR body. Anyways, good luck! =D
  • I'm confused on how many calories to eat after these replies.
    MFP told me to eat 1200 cal based on my office job and working out 5 nights a week for approx 45-60 mins.

    my BMR is 1541.95 - then if I work out 3-5 times a week I saw online I should multiply my BMR x 1.55 = 2390
    So, basically I want to subtract 7000 calories a week so thats 1000 a day, and leaves me with 1390 calories a day to lose 2lbs a week.

    what do I do LOL !!!!!

    If you're 5'2", you'd probably be fine by eating around 1390 as long as your exercise routine isn't extremely intense. I have a hard time eating less than 1300 calories (my BMR is around 1450). So as long as your energy levels don't drop off once you restrict your intake to around 1200 calories you should be fine. But if you're active and healthy, eating less than your BMR isn't necessarily going to ensure that you loose those 2 pounds per week. Sometimes eating a little more calories per day is more effective.

    The multiplier that you mentioned (BMR X 1.55) is a general rule of thumb used to determine an approximate calorie intake one could consume in order to keep their energy levels up while still losing weight. Let me give you some example ranges:

    Off day multiplier = BMR X 1: This is for days when you plan on doing no exercise. Given the numbers provided, your off day calorie intake would be 1542 cals. Most people need to take at least 1-2 days off of all exercise. That's not to say you couldn't still be mobile doing other things, just take some time off of "exercise" related activity.

    Moderately active days = BMR X 1.5: For days when you workout at a moderate pace or do steady state activities (this is different for everyone). Given your BMR you'd need to eat around 2313. You should have a few days per week where you include moderate activity. ETA: Subtract 500 - 1000 cals from the previous figure to get the desired daily deficit for a 1-2lb loss.

    Intensely active days = BMR X 2: This is for days when you plan on doing "all-out" intensity training or interval training. You should only do maybe 2 days max per week of this kind of activity so your body has time to recover. You'd need to eat 3084 calories given your BMR. ETA: Subtract 500 - 1000 cals from the previous figure to get the desired daily deficit for a 1-2lb loss.

    These are just ranges/estimates. Your daily needs will most likely be different. If I were you, I'd stick to consuming at least your BMR (1542 cals) per day and then eating 50%-75% of what ever calories you work off through exercise. If you burn 500 calories taking a spin class, eat 1792-1917calories total that day. If you burn 100 calories during a hike with friends, eat 1592-1617 calories that day. Don't get too hung up the math.

    And keep in mind that your calculated BMR is considering your current weight. So if you weighed less, you wouldn't need as many calories to maintain your weight. As you loose the weight you will most likely need to tweak your daily intake as well.

    Good luck!
  • lizzie2190
    lizzie2190 Posts: 236 Member
    Hi, i would like to join you if thats ok ? Im aiming for 2 pounds a week and 1200 calories a day but not exercising like you :( Working full time and 2 kids doesnt give me much free time but going to try more after xmas to fit in the exercise xxx
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