Less time to work out?

Need some advice...I'm finding less and less time to work out. I recently became the director of an area non profit, I work a f/t job (40 hrs), plus I work part time at a golf course as a beverage cart girl/bar tender (hours vary but will pick up as the weather warms up). My f/t job is offering over time now, so I'm finding less and less time to hit the gym. How do ya'll handle something like this?

To give you a break down of what my typical day looks like: Wake up at 6:00 am...ft job from 8 am until 4:30 pm...then either overtime until 7 pm or the golf course until 9:30 pm. Any free time I have during my day I'm on the phone with potential sponsors or working on getting fundraisers set up for the non profit. At the end of my day, I'm mentally fried.

Any suggestions are welcome!


  • cpusmc
    cpusmc Posts: 122
    from what you post, it looks like your gym time needs to start at 5am, out by 6 and on with your day... thats ugly at first, have done it myself, but it does get easier.

    good luck...
  • lois1585
    lois1585 Posts: 25 Member
    Thanks..I've done a 4:30 am wake up before and you are right it's ugly. I'm not a morning person, but I'll have to adjust to make it all work.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    If I am short on time I go to fitnessblender.com and find a workout that fits in my time slot...

    Like on Tuesday I was short on time and picked a 9min Little black dress workout...it kicked my butt...seriously kicked my butt..
  • GertrudeHorse
    GertrudeHorse Posts: 646 Member
    You can also try incorporating more incidental exercise, like stuff you do when you aren't explicitly working out. For example, walking the stairs at work, carrying all your groceries home from the supermarket instead of catching the bus. Stuff like that. Or do as others have suggested and get up super early. It works for me, but it does get hard in winter to drag yourself out of bed when it's still pitch black outside. Good luck!
  • batman12
    batman12 Posts: 16 Member
    The wake up early/hit the gym before work suggestion that was given above is the best way to do it. It sucks for the first week or two (caffeine helps), but then it really powers you up to take on your day. Although we probably have different goals with our training, my best progress in the gym was made during a time when I only had 40 minutes or so to be in and out of the gym. Short, sweet, and intense. Getting in the early AM workout makes me feel like I already accomplished more by 6AM then most people do in their whole day.
  • hill8570
    hill8570 Posts: 1,466 Member
    Not being a morning person myself, I can sympathize.

    Maybe a short-ish (30 minute) PC-based (fitnessblender, etc.) or video (T25, etc) workout after you get home? Mentally fried and physically fried are two different animals, and if you can force yourself to start the workout you'll generally feel better at the end. Won't work for ya if you were doing serious weightlifting during your gym time or if you're the type of person that is seriously keyed up after working out.