
OK guys i would like to know if anyone is doing T25 and how its working for you :) and then id like you to add me so we can help and motivate each other :)


  • kreegs
    kreegs Posts: 19 Member
    Currently on Week 3 of Alpha – I enjoy the workouts. They are tough and I sweat a lot. I’m getting better each week. I can tell my body is starting to tone up as well. The best part of the workout is that its only 25 minutes. I just suck it up and get it over with. After I finished, I feel so good.

    Total Body Circuit is very hard for me. I can barely make it through the workout (planks and push-ups none stop - suck). I can tell that I am getting better at it though.

    I recommend the program. Weight and Measurements since on the program:

    - Weight: loss 4.6 lbs
    - Waist: 1 inch
    - Hips: half an inch
    - Chest: 1.5 inches
    - Neck: half an inch

    I’ll send a request. Anyone else, feel free to add me as well. Curious how others like the program and it would be nice to see some updates on my news feed from other T25 peeps.
  • ColtsGurl1
    Kreegs thats awesome!!!! im on week 5 of alpha i took a little break though but i will re start y workouts today to get ready for beta... i absolutley love T25 its so much better and faster than insanity im not kiling myself like i was on insanity my fav workout is lower focus because i love that y lower half is sore the next day lol i started working out a year ago and as of the 26th im down 31 pounds :O) i feel so much smaller but i still have a long way to go and i will continue to workout thanks to shaun t ill reach my goal i havent been at this weight since high school and ive been out 10 years!!!!
  • epooler12
    epooler12 Posts: 27 Member
    I'm finishing alpha phase tomorrow! Only lost 4 pounds butttt I lost 3 inches on my waist. I'm excited to start beta. Don't know if I will.do gamma or not, depends on my results from beta. Wish I lost more weight but I'm definitely more toned. Add me!
  • lumpy56lump
    lumpy56lump Posts: 31 Member
    I just finished week 4 of alpha, I love it! I have lost a few pounds, and look and feel firmer, I'm looking forward to beta in a week!
  • Tarifiv
    Tarifiv Posts: 3
    Im starting week 4 tomorrow. I lost 9 lbs when I weighed myself last Saturday but today it looks like I gained a pound. I do feel less jiggly tho. I can find my measuring tape. I prpbably have lost some inches.
  • koobet1
    koobet1 Posts: 1
    I started T25Alpha 2 weeks ago (end of 2nd week now) Loving the program. Have only lost 1/2 lbs but I've lost a few inches already.

  • torshi
    torshi Posts: 107 Member
    I've done it off and on along with boot camp and I love it. I keep wanting to make sure I finish a full week.