having trouble staying motivated

there are some weeks where things are really easy, but with school and with work i find it so hard to stay motivated to get going to the gym. :( how do you guys deal with things like this?


  • JonnyQwest
    JonnyQwest Posts: 174 Member
    Constant change is the key to staying motivated....for me anyways.....I started off three months ago doing nothing but cardio......about a month in did half weights and half cardio.....now I am doing almost nothing but weights. Diet is also important to switch up, even if it's a cheat day once a week to get the energy back. Oh one more thing.....check out the success stories on here....keeps me motivated!
  • michelefm1l
    michelefm1l Posts: 31 Member
    I think of something (usually non food related) that motivates me and I reward myself with that. I've only done it a few weeks, but it seems to be working so far. This week, my goal is to go to the gym 5 days and if I do that, then I'll let myself buy a pair of shoes that I've been wanting. It works for me because I'm hard on myself in the way that I know if I don't make my goal, I won't get my shoes. Next week, my goal might be to go to the gym and walk on the treadmill at a speed of 3.8 for 30 minutes 4x that week and if I do that, then I might let myself watch my favorite movie on the weekend. It feels cruel during the week, but it really keeps me motivated because I hate missing out on something.
  • kristen_karg
    kristen_karg Posts: 41 Member
    thank you so much!
  • nancybuss
    nancybuss Posts: 1,461 Member
    I wanted change more than I didn't. I found a schedule that I could keep, even though I don't love getting up early, I love sleep. I found a home program I Loved and I was Finally consistent! Now I can't wait to tackle the next series, and then another........
    Having friends motivate helps too. We do groups on facebook

    I work full time, have a husband and two little kids and a second job. If it means enough you get it on the schedule and make the time
  • SherryTeach
    SherryTeach Posts: 2,836 Member
    I do think the key is finding a routine (for food and exercise) that is sustainable and fits in with the other parts of your life. For example, I am NOT a gym person. I work long hours and want nothing more than to go home and stay home after work. For me, getting a fitbit and moving more during the day was vital to keeping me on track. Add in my treadmill, a fitness trampoline, a stability ball, and a bike and I could create a schedule that works for me.

    I've found that I avoid doing things I dread. So I have to either change the activity or change my attitude. I have done a bit of both.
  • Amandawith3kids
    Amandawith3kids Posts: 367 Member
    i made a little poster to hang on my fridge (or where ever you'll see it often) of all the reasons i wanted to lose weight. i made mine with crayons, but you could use clippings from magazines or whatever you have handy. lok at it when you feel yourself wavering.

    works for other things besides weightloss too. :)
  • AlwaysInMotion
    AlwaysInMotion Posts: 409 Member
    I accept that some weeks are better or worse than others. I also give myself permission to have a down week. (Heck, it's even encouraged in some sports training periodization plans.) I guess the trick is to never give up completely. On the flip side, you don't want to run yourself into the ground, either. Accept this down week, just don't accept 2 down weeks or a down month. I recommend giving yourself a near-term goal and a cut-off. (For example: This week has been really bad school-wise, but I will go to spin class this Saturday.) You can give yourself permission to back off every once and a while, but you also need to hold yourself accountable when it's time to get back on!
  • Froody2
    Froody2 Posts: 338 Member
    I've learned not to rely on motivation and built habits instead. Start very slowly and with very small goals that are achievable - so achievable that you can't help but fulfil them. Motivation, it is often said, is like a muscle that can get fatigued easily and then fail when you need it most. Habits, on the other hand, can last a lifetime.

    I've been doing this for nigh on 18 months. It's what I do. It's what I'll continue to do pretty much for the rest of my life.

    Best of luck to you :flowerforyou:
  • MagdaSea
    MagdaSea Posts: 78 Member
    The best thing I've heard about motivation has actually been from someone on this board (wish I could remember who) and recently. Going to the gym is your job. You don't always enjoy going into work and it's not always a fun day at work but you go because it is your job. End of story.