
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 22,004 Member
    Congrats, Amanda!
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,029 Member
    Way to go Amanda!

    Chiclet - you are a saint. Good things will come your way.

    Birdie - sorry about the vertigo, I would hate not being able to exercise.

    Laura - I am glad that things are sort of returning to normal. I'll bet being so busy helps with the grieving.

    To all of you wonderful ladies on this thread I wish you a wonderful day.

    I am doing better now. I realized I was depressed and that I hadn't been taking my vitamin D. I started taking it again and it makes such a difference.

    Things are looking up at Boeing and I am sure something will come to fruition after the first of the year. In the mean time my state extended benefit application was lost by the postal service so I have to submit another one. I should eventually get some money but it really makes things tight this week and the next few until it is all processed. this is for the last 20 weeks of unemployment that would then make me a 99'er with no other benefits available at all. I hope I don't need the whole 20 weeks.

    My dress for Brie's wedding should be here in a week or so. I ordered it online from one of the companies in China that do knockoffs. some turn out great, some not so much so I hope this works out. I will let you all know.

    I have been making fudge. Pumpkin is my favorite but I made chocolate and I also made peppermint white chocolate. I might make some peanutbutter today. (or maybe I will try the peanut butter balls and do some dipping) I love to make candy. I used to love to make divinity but since I moved to the PNW I can't get my egg whites to whip right because of the moisture in the air.

    Talk to you all later.
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 22,004 Member
    Robin, so glad starting your vitamin D again is making you feel better. It's easy to neglect something that seems so small, but sometimes it's the little things that make a big difference.

    I'm keeping my fingers crossed that everything works out well for you — Boeing, unemployment benefits, and the dress for the wedding.

    Your talk of candy making is making me drool. My dad used to love to make candy, especially divinity. If he was still here (I miss him so much), I would ask him what his secret was. We've always been in the Northwest, and his divinity was, well, divine.

    I still have some Christmas shopping to do, but I need to wait till the hubby's paycheck is in the bank tomorrow. I have plenty of housework and errands to keep me busy in the meantime, including taking a somewhat sick pooch to the vet today. He's not been himself the last three days or so. His appetite hasn't been normal at all, although he does manage to eat after he stares at his bowl for a bit. I suspect he wouldn't eat it at all, but the thought of the other dog getting his food is worse than choking down something he doesn't really want. Anyway, he's actually seeming a little better since I called yesterday and got an appointment scheduled for today (figures), but I'm still going to take him in to get checked out in case there's something serious going on. I sure hope not. He's my daughter's dog, and she struggles terribly with depression. She's been doing better lately, and I don't want anything bad to happen now to set her back. Not to mention, I kind of like the little guy myself, even if he is a brat.

    I've been getting a little hungrier lately, even after upping my calories to 2,000. I'm still trying to get used to the idea of eating maintenance calories rather than eating at a deficit, but I don't know what my sweet spot is for maintenance. I'm going to bump up to 2,100 and keep an eye on the scale to make sure that's not too much. It sounds like a lot, but some calculations I've done say that's the magic number. I'm not opposed to taking in as many as I can without gaining. It just makes me nervous that it's too much. I wouldn't mind gaining a little more lean mass, so if the scale DOES go up, even that might not be bad, as long as it's not fat going up.

    Well, enough jabbering. I should go get my workout done and tidy up a bit around here before it's time to take Laddie to the vet.

    Stay warm, everyone!
  • lyn54
    lyn54 Posts: 415
    Congrats, Amanda. With all the things you have dealt w:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: ith, you are a true inspiration to us all!!!:flowerforyou: There should be fireworks....some of you who do the animated figures...a fireworks would be great for Amanda!

    Robin--I hope things work wouk out for you!:flowerforyou:

    Hugs to all,
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :flowerforyou: Happy Thursday!

    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: Amanda, I'm toasting you! CONGRATS ON MEETING YOUR GOAL THIS YEAR! and welcome to Maintenance.

    We didn't get the snow they predicted, NOTHING and I'm sorry for all of you that have an over abundance of the white stuff. I'm just glad I don't have to drive in it.

    Best get back to work. Everyone have a good afternoon and evening...drink that water and log those calories...and throw in some exercise:wink:

  • edmontonukeplayer
    edmontonukeplayer Posts: 45 Member

    I must start with congratulations to Amanda. How wonderful for you and a great Christmas present to you. Your commitment is an inspiration and I do think about what you have shared about your journey when I need to think more positively.

    Tomorrow is my weekly weigh-in day. However, I am trying to not to focus on the numbers and have been successful in taking care of what is under my control: my input and easy exercise. Health is still preventing me from exercising a lot but I am remain hopeful that I will slowly be able to increase activity.

    Positive things are happening and I do try to focus on that: playing my uke makes me smile, my grandson's visits make me happy and seeing my daughter be such a good mama makes me proud.

  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    Welcome again to the new....newbies!:flowerforyou: I am glad to report that I lost the 3 pounds I gained :bigsmile: and today I decided to exercise CAREFULLY. The vertigo comes and goes, so I thought....my treadmill has bars on the sides and a safety key that I can pull out to stop the machine in an instant if I need to! I was a little lightheaded, but after the doctor told me that it might be WEEKS before it goes....and after reading Laura’s post...I just figured I have nothing to lose by trying. I’m not going to sit around and wait for this thing to go and not exercise for weeks on end. So I did 66 minutes and burned 600 calories!!! I missed the extra calories that you can have when you exercise!:blushing:

    Congratulations Amanda! :flowerforyou: Good for you! :flowerforyou: I’ve been trying to read the posts when I can but I’ve been so busy.:noway: Chicklet when I read your story along with Lynn, Michelle etc, I just feel so lucky that I’ve never had to experience such things.:cry: I feel guilty complaining about the stupid things I do:angry: .......considering my life has been so easy compared to others. You are all women of great character and such role models for the rest of us.:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: You all make me realize just how grateful I should be for my life the way it is.:love:

    Sending hugs to all!!:heart::heart: :heart:
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 22,004 Member
    BirdieM, I fairly new to this thread, so forgive me if this has already been suggested, but have you tried exercises to treat your vertigo? I get it fairly frequently, and I find that they help a lot. Here's a link that explains how to do them:

    Good luck, and I hope it gets better soon. It's no fun when your whole world spins around every time you get up, lie down, or turn your head.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,133 Member

    hurray for Amanda reaching her goal


    :flowerforyou: Jill, maintenance has been very tricky for me, but by logging what I eat and how much I exercise, I have been successful so far.......I wish you well.......I hope all is well with your dog.

    :flowerforyou: gotta get to bed early so we can get up early for the dog groomer in the morning.

    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: hugs to all
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    Congrats, Amanda.
  • Congratulations Amanda! Good for you too Jill for getting back to goal. I've been pretty good for the 3 wks I started but then a client brought me some home baked, holiday cookies....that was all she wrote :frown:
    I don't even know how many calories they were (how do you track stuff like that?) but I haven't been able to stop at one or three or -- well you get the idea. The good news is that I am paying attention to having enough of the sweet taste and can stop eventually. I also am not letting that take me into a full on cookie binge.

    But even before the cookies, I haven't lost anything in 3 weeks. Very, very discouraged. I know I am prone to instant gratification but I would think that I could lose something - 1 lousy pound- in 3 weeks...:grumble: :grumble: :grumble:

    Don't feel like logging into my diary today.

  • Okay, so I logged in anyway...
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Good morning ladies and thank you all for your kind words to me for reaching my target weight. I feel blessed to consider you all my friends.

    I am about to leave to go to my DDs and play with .... I mean look after .... my grandtwins. They are becoming more and more adorable by the moment.

    This weekend is looking crazy busy. I have to spend some time with my father and my mother-in-law tomorrow. It's a shame I can't get them together, but my dad wants me to do some things at his house and MIL can't leave the nursing home. It is the charity ball tomorrow evening so I have to do a lot of primping for that - plus the weather is going to be foul and we have a 30 mile drive to where the ball is. Hmm, I can see me turning up looking like the dog's dinner!

    DH has said that he wants to buy me a new diamond ring in the new year. My fingers have gone down five sizes since I've lost weight and at least one of my rings will not be able to be re-sized again. It belonged to my DH's great grandmother and I've already had it made smaller once. I am wearing it on my middle finger at present with a smaller ring on top to keep it safe. I do love my diamonds! I suppose it comes from working with them for so many years, although I have to say that I don't wear many these days - just great-grannies ring and the ring my DH bought me for my 50th birthday.

    How is everyone doing with their Christmas prep? I was so organised to begin with, but I still have some gifts sat waiting to be wrapped. I must pull my finger out and get them done. At least I'm not doing much in the way of Christmas baking this year - thank goodness.

    Must dash - need to pop to the dry cleaner before heading over to the bairns.

    Love to all.

    Amanda x
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,474 Member
    Amanda - that is such wonderful news that you are at your goal! About the ring that was your dh's great grandmothers. I remember I at one time had a ring that was too large for me. What the jewler did was put this small piece of metal on it. When I wore the ring, I could put the piece of metal against my finger so that the ring wouldn't slip off. Another thought - can you wear it on your thumb?

    Well, tonight we're having an open house at our house. I've invited about 22 people. Vince loves to decorate! Only this year we've really scaled back the decorations since right after Christmas it'll be a mad dash to get things down because we'll be going away.

    We had a cookie exchange yesterday. One lady always brings things that she bought in the store. I don't say anything to her, but I really would prefer things homemade. I make my cookies SMALL, so many people make them so big. Not to mention that I always over bake.

    Then Sun a lady has invited us to her house for pizza. I do hope she has at least a veggie pizza. I'm thinking that I just might take some corbread muffins with me. I have some made in the freezer that have blueberries in them.

    Well, the roads here have a bit of ice on them. Really, to me it's not a big deal at all and I'd go to the Y. But, honestly, people down here don't know how to drive. Yesterday it was icy and there was a car overturned. It really wasn't that bad.

    I'll probably go to the Y to do some HIIT, need to go to Sam's club to get hors dourves, and then I'm going to pick up a fruit tray at this grocery. I've asked people to bring two nonperishable food items for the soup kitchen. Really, we have so much to be grateful for, we have our health, a roof over our heads, heat, good friends, food in our stomachs. I know that people wanted to bring something to the open house, so I'm just asking them to bring something for the food pantry. If they want to bring something else, that's up to them.

    Tomorrow I'll probably do some yoga.

    Have a great day everyone!

  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 22,004 Member
    Thanks, Barbie. My dog is doing much better, now that I dropped $200 at the vet! He was already seeming better before we went, but I wanted to have him checked out to be sure. His temperature was normal, and there was no sign of belly tenderness. He was due for blood work anyway, so we had that done and should get results tomorrow. He’s on Rimadyl for arthritis, so we have to check periodically to make sure his kidneys and liver are still tolerating it well. If not, that could have been the cause of his illness. He’s not taking Rimadyl until we get results, so he’s on Tramadol for pain in the meantime. I’m so thankful he’s back to his normal obnoxious self again!

    How has maintenance been tricky for you? I’d love to hear any tips you might have. I think this phase is going to be an interesting one.

    Joy, I don’t know how you accurately track homemade cookies either, but I think you have the right idea about paying attention and enjoying their goodness without going on a total binge. One thing I like to do is use the food diary as a planner rather than a tracker. In other words, I enter everything before I eat it. That helped/helps me a ton. If you’re consistent, you’ll see the weight come off. It may be 1 pound this 3 weeks this time, but it could be 3 pounds in 1 week next time!

    Amanda, I hope you enjoy your crazy busy weekend! That is so sweet about your DH wanting to buy you a new diamond ring.

    I have most of my Christmas shopping done, but there are a few odds and ends I need to finish up. I think I may try to get out today and get that taken care of — or at least a good hunk of it.

    Hope you all are having a wonderful Friday!
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    BirdieM, I fairly new to this thread, so forgive me if this has already been suggested, but have you tried exercises to treat your vertigo? I get it fairly frequently, and I find that they help a lot. Here's a link that explains how to do them:

    Good luck, and I hope it gets better soon. It's no fun when your whole world spins around every time you get up, lie down, or turn your head.

    Thank you so much for the website. I certainly will see if it can help. I never knew you could do exercises for such conditions....of course asuming that is what's going on.:ohwell:
    I looked at your profile and feel the same way you do about health at a certain age. I am 62 and I refuse to put on moo moos and watch Lifetime movies all day. :laugh: I have been doing the treadmill everyday (that I can) for at least an hour and consistantly burn 500 - 600 calories (3.5 MPH and an incline of 6%).
    The thing I do not do, is weights etc. so my skin is very lose:embarassed: :( My arms just hang and I really should do something about that.) You look very firm and solid! :flowerforyou: I know my age is a factor as far as just how firm I can get, but lifting weights or doing some sort of strength excercises should make a difference. Any suggestions?
    I also agree with what you said about weight. I am 5 ft 3 in and my weight is 140. That is confortable for me. I don't mind losing a couple more pounds and , again, like you....keep it between 135 and 140. Health vs. a dress size if far more important to me although, as you said, it's a great side effect!
    Thanks again.
  • Okay..I will start this...I am a newbie...just started yesterday on myfitnesspal. I hope it works. I turn 50 in January and refuse to grow up. I started my diet and exercise plan about 4 months ago and have lost about 15 lbs. so far...now to keep it going. I don't work, usually watch my grandson 3 to 4 times a week. I try very hard tro stay active and not sit at the computer all day. Any encouagement will be greatly appreicated. I live in South Alabama, near Gulf Shores. Thanks for listening.

    Ya'll have a good day.

  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    (hope this works!)

    Enjoy those babies! My grandson is almost 6 months old now and he is such a joy. He's starting to get around (he really wants to get to the Xbox--what IS it with guys and their video games!:tongue::laugh: )

    Chicklet--my heart goes out to you! You are truly a wonderful person!

    I've been busy finishing Christmas gifts--I made jewelry for my girls and my DSs lovely girlfriend, also a pendant for my DDs boyfriend/partner (how DO I refer to him, anyway?). My DS doesn't wear jewelry at all so I am finishing a nice warm hat for him to wear while snowboarding and hope to do a scarf, too. I'll be able to get it done if I get off the computer and get moving! :laugh:

    My youngest DD's things are on there way to her and the cards should be in the mail today--I know it's cutting it close but we needed a new picture of the baby to put in them! Finally got that last night.

    Welcome, Susan, and all other newbies I have probably missed! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: You have definitely come to the right place for motivation and support!

    Hang in there, everyone! This is a tough time of year when it comes to weight but we can still make the best choices we can (I keep telling myself this--now I need to LISTEN!!!)
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 22,004 Member
    BirdieM, I fairly new to this thread, so forgive me if this has already been suggested, but have you tried exercises to treat your vertigo? I get it fairly frequently, and I find that they help a lot. Here's a link that explains how to do them:

    Good luck, and I hope it gets better soon. It's no fun when your whole world spins around every time you get up, lie down, or turn your head.

    Thank you so much for the website. I certainly will see if it can help. I never knew you could do exercises for such conditions....of course asuming that is what's going on.:ohwell:
    I looked at your profile and feel the same way you do about health at a certain age. I am 62 and I refuse to put on moo moos and watch Lifetime movies all day. :laugh: I have been doing the treadmill everyday (that I can) for at least an hour and consistantly burn 500 - 600 calories (3.5 MPH and an incline of 6%).
    The thing I do not do, is weights etc. so my skin is very lose:embarassed: :( My arms just hang and I really should do something about that.) You look very firm and solid! :flowerforyou: I know my age is a factor as far as just how firm I can get, but lifting weights or doing some sort of strength excercises should make a difference. Any suggestions?
    I also agree with what you said about weight. I am 5 ft 3 in and my weight is 140. That is confortable for me. I don't mind losing a couple more pounds and , again, like you....keep it between 135 and 140. Health vs. a dress size if far more important to me although, as you said, it's a great side effect!
    Thanks again.
    You're welcome. I just realized there's a lot of stuff at that link. It's the Brandt-Daroff exercises that have helped me. The link to the animation explains it pretty well. It's not too complicated, even if it may look that way. The relief the exercises give is well worth the 10 minutes three times a day!

    I have some loose skin too, but I have some pretty good muscle underneath it. In my 20s, I spent a fair amount of time in the gym, and I did some pretty heavy lifting back then. My old joints don't handle heavy weights as well as they used to, but I still enjoy strength training, so I like to combine cardio with light resistance. I've tried quite a few workout programs, including P90X, but my favorite and the one I've been using for quite a while now is called Slim Series. I'm sure there are other great programs out there. That's just the one I've found that works for me. I think it's good for everyone to incorporate some kind of strength training in their workouts, but I don't think the weights have to be really heavy to get good results. That's not what I used to think, but I used to have a younger body. LOL.

    Let me know if you try the vertigo exercises and if they help. Good luck!
  • edmontonukeplayer
    edmontonukeplayer Posts: 45 Member

    Now I recognize I am trying to focus on what I can control - the in and easy exercise - and I have celebrated each healthy day. But today I can't help being giddy over the results of my weigh-in this AM: down 3 pounds since last Friday. So I will try to hold on to this feeling and save a little for the days when the weigh-in doesn't give the gratification of lower numbers. I may have to count on my MFP pals to remind me of the "numbers down weeks".

    Finished Christmas shopping last evening. This morning I will finish wrapping gifts. Next Tuesday and Wednesday my daughter, my mother and I will bake all the gluten-free Christmas treats. Gluten-free baking takes a few more ingredients then regular so I still need to track around a bit to get all the things needed for our GF baking session. But Christmas preparations nearing completion. Oh but I haven't told my daughter I am considering not decorating here as the only thing I am hosting at my house is Christmas morning brunch. I do have a lot of cooking to do but taking in food to others house to host or to our cabin. But, I expect my daughter will try to persuade me to decorate my house as well so I may have more work next week then I am planning right now.

    Right now I am moving into the Christmas season more calmly then usual with most preparations and planning in place. I hope to maintain this calmness for the next couple weeks but my parents arrive for a 2 week visit on Monday and things often get frenetic once they arrive.

    Sending out calmness to all through the holiday season,
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