Breastfeeding and strength training

Hi people.

I am a mother of a 1 and half year toddler. I still occasionally breastfeed him sometimes.
I also started doing strength training and yesterday did total body routine with 2 kg each dumbells. I have a pain in my upper chest since the workout.
Is it because I am nursing?
another question is - Should breastfeeding moms do strength training? or wait till we completely stop breastfeeding?


  • PinkCoconut
    PinkCoconut Posts: 655 Member
    Is it pain or more of an ache? If it's pain, you'll want to get it checked out ASAP but if it's more of an ache it may just be that you worked the muscles of your chest (unless it's in your boobs). I'm not nursing and can still feel my muscles there when I work chest!

    And yes! Breastfeeding moms should strength train! There's no reason not to!

    Feel free to friend me! :)
  • toningtia
    toningtia Posts: 8 Member
    thank you :)
    i guess it was just an ache...its been 2 days and i am ok. daybefore i could do 40 mins of cardio easily.
  • CipherZero
    CipherZero Posts: 1,418 Member
    Likely DOMS - delay onset muscle soreness. Absolutely normal for untrained people picking up weights.. They get better over time.
  • toningtia
    toningtia Posts: 8 Member
    thank you..yes :)