Need to rest , but my brain says no...

I will bring my lifestyle changes into this at the bottom so you know what im doing and how im doing it , but for now me just explain why my brain is telling me this. I'm constantly being told in my own head im not doing enough to loose weight , its like someone is screaming at me , do more! Keep going! But at the wrong time , every time i sit down i say to myself again , get back up! Your not fit enough yet.

I do have mental health conditions , and exercise is a nice way for me to stay ahead of myself and not sink into a even deeper hole.

I know i need to stop in order to gain muscle , but right now im being told not to by myself or i wont loose weight and i wont gain muscle. I really don't need a lecture about resting because i know how important it is. But i feel if i don't keep going i will end up back the way i was.

I really do need someone , anyone! To tell me what im doing is enough to achieve my weight loss and muscle goals.

My food diet:

High Protein
Moderate carbs
Moderate fruit

My Exercise:

Rowing: Between 4 and 5 times a week , between 10 to 20 to 30 minutes depending on energy levels. A fast to moderate pace.
Weight lifting: 20 KG bicep curls on a long bar 6 days a week , between 20 to 30 to 40 reps per 4 or 5 minute session including small breaks.

Don't slam me for not wanting to break , i know i need to. I'm just trapped by the feeling of getting really really fat again.


  • Phrick
    Phrick Posts: 2,765 Member
    I'm in a similar boat - Even on a "rest" day I can't just take the day completely off, my brain is very much "all or nothing" in that regard (I too battle mental health issues, and though I'm not going to say that's the CAUSE, it surely is a contributor). Though my workout schedule is nothing like yours, "all" I do is walking a for a couple of hours a day! I am in the position of, "if I take a day off it'll roll into two days off then a week then forever and I'll be fat again." I have had good success to this point, which I think is actually hurting things as far as the rest day idea, because I have had the same thinking problem the whole time! So it's become "my success thus far has depended on NOT taking many rest days, so will it slow/stall if I do rest?"

    So I guess, I haven't got much advice for you only commiseration. I feel your pain.
  • healthygreek
    healthygreek Posts: 2,137 Member
    I work out at the gym 5-6 days a week for a little over an hour. On my rest days, I always take a nice long walk with my dh.
    I don't feel like I'm overdoing at all. I feel well rested and energetic.
    My point is, as long as you feel good, do what works for you.
    Maybe break it up by doing different things.
  • Louise1583
    Louise1583 Posts: 97 Member
    I find that my rest days are usually well needed, so I don't have the battle in my head as strongly as you do - perhaps you could increase the intensity of your workouts so that you ache more on your rest days, and you feel like you're actually doing something good by taking it easy?

    Or, if you simply can't sit still, go for a really long calorie burning walk. You won't over-exert yourself (if that's a genuine worry) but you will keep your muscles moving and calories burning.
  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    I'm just trapped by the feeling of getting really really fat again.

    It's not a lack or exercise that is going to make you fat again. It's eating more calories than your body needs.
    Take a rest day, maintain your calorie goal and you will still lose weight.

    Your body needs rest for muscle repair. You're leaving yourself open to injury if you keep pushing yourself, and then where will you be? Unable to exercise at all for an extended period of time. Not worth it, IMO.