Help! Scale is not budging!

I am getting so frustrated because I have been trying to lose weight now since September and have only lost 22 pounds. I started out doing Weight Watchers but then was introduced to MFP. I have been logging all of my food and exercise daily and yet the scale goes up two pounds, down two pounds. I started out using the calories and macros that MFP set for me but after little change, I have tried decreasing my carbs and increasing protein. When that didn't work, I , just this week, tried increasing my calories by changing my goal from losing 2 pounds/week to losing 1.5/week. Still fluctuating between the same two pounds. I am exercising daily, burning around 300 calories/workout. I am using a heart rate monitor so I know it's accurate. Do I need to exercise more? Change my calories? I'm not eating junk food. I am weighing and measuring everything. I still have roughly 65 pounds to lose but, at this rate, it will take me years! Any suggestions would be appreciated! Thanks :)


  • Phrick
    Phrick Posts: 2,765 Member
    It takes longer than 1 week to know if the changes you've made are going to work. Best advice? Be patient. You just made the change this week to 1.5 lbs which upped your calories, you should wait it out a minimum of 4 weeks before judging if this is working or not.
  • jenns1964
    jenns1964 Posts: 384 Member
    Look at the bigger picture..You LOST not gained 22 lbs. You are doing great. This lifestyle change isn't a sprint, but a journey you will learn from and make permanent changes for a healthier life.
  • JackieO524
    JackieO524 Posts: 25 Member
    open your diary so we can give suggestions
  • beachbum3076
    beachbum3076 Posts: 7 Member
    I just opened my diary. Advice would be appreciated.
  • lisajsund
    lisajsund Posts: 366 Member
    What's your calorie goal and Basal Metabolic Rate?
  • pennyllayne
    pennyllayne Posts: 265
    Possibilities include water retention, muscle gain and fat loss, measurements, stress, hormones, metabolic slowdown, food intake.

    What are you eating? How many calories? What are your stats (weight, height, age)? Are you doing any exercise? Have you been continuously dieting since starting out? 22lbs loss is great, but you do have to realise that weight loss slows the more weight you lose and is not linear. How long have you been stalled for?

    If you would like more specific recommendations, it would be helpful to see your diary and get answers to the above questions.
  • beachbum3076
    beachbum3076 Posts: 7 Member
    My diary is open. I am currently 212 lbs., 5'4" and 37 years old. According to an online calculator, my BMR is 1634 and I just changed my setting on MFP to a loss of 1.5 lbs/week so my calorie goal is 1540.
  • WBB55
    WBB55 Posts: 4,131 Member
    (1) You're doing awesome.
    (2) I'd stop logging your exercise and just let your FitBit do it for a while on it's own. The only exercises I add myself are swimming and biking, personally. I let FitBit do the rest.
    (3) make sure to weigh all your food on a digital scale, to make sure.
    (4) log EVERYTHING. ketchup. sugar in your coffee. everything.
  • pennyllayne
    pennyllayne Posts: 265
    First thing I notice going back a month your carbs are very high and they are mostly processed foods - very little fruit and veg. As we get older insulin resistance becomes more of a problem and even if you've always been slim as a youngster you can't be eating so many refined carbs as you age and expect to lose weight. Calories DO matter, but it's not all about calories. You're also not doing enough exercise for the amount of carbs you're eating as far as I can see. You said you lowered your carbs this past week but I'm still seeing 150g+ a day and coming from the wrong sources too - processed junk. That's way too much if you're not working out a lot. If you're sedentary those carbs are going to head straight to fat storage.

    Your fat consumption is too low as well and it all seems to be coming from processed foods so is likely to be high omega 6 oils and trans fats. I don't see any omega 3s in there! That's going to contribute to inflammation and affect weight loss. I would say all those processed foods are contributing to water retention with all the sodium in them. Your sodium intake is ok, but then are you adding salt to foods as well? Way way way too many sugars in there too.

    You said you don't eat junk but over the month I'm seeing a lot of "junk" in there and very little real food. Where are you getting any nourishment from? There are a lot of processed grains which offer so little nutritional value. If you're deficient in nutrients your body isn't going to function effectively. I'd also say cool it with the skim milk - it's just full of sugar and devoid of fat soluble vitamins that are in the whole milk options. Go for organic, raw, grass fed where you can. They pump a lot of hormones into the cows that make conventional milk. You don't want that stuff in you!

    I hope that's helped a bit. I'm happy to offer more advice if you want it :)
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    I agree with and would like to repeat two key points of advice, both having to do with you ned to be more patient.

    1) You can't change your calorie goal (or exercise routine or anything else having to do with weight loss/fitness) and expect to see immediate results. The body needs time to adapt. Give it at least 3 more weeks before you decide to reset goals.

    2) You've lost 22 pounds in about 6 months - that's nearly 4 pounds per month which is pretty damn good!

    I didn't look at your diary but will give a bit more advice where that's concerned. Make sure you're logging as accurately as possible (weigh/measure food, check MFP listings against package labels or other nutrition info sources such as USDA) and consistently (every day). And make sure you're eating back at least half of earned calories. MFP calorie burn estimates tend to be a bit high so eating all of them back could mean you'll maintain instead of lose. Also make sure you're not tracking things like cleaning unless it's above and beyond the norm (like spring cleaning for hours).

    Good luck!
  • beachbum3076
    beachbum3076 Posts: 7 Member
    Thank you for the suggestions! I guess I thought I was eating well. What foods would you suggest? How many carbs and fats do you think I should be eating each day? I have really been struggling with keeping my carbs balanced but not having too many calories left at the end of the day. Should I basically just be eating vegetables, fruit, and lean proteins?
  • beachbum3076
    beachbum3076 Posts: 7 Member
    I hadn't thought about letting FitBit take over. I bought it and then found out it doesn't track the elliptical, which I use regularly, and was disappointed. I have been using my heart rate monitor for exercise to try to be accurate with my calories burned. Should I eat back the calories I burn?
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Thank you for the suggestions! I guess I thought I was eating well. What foods would you suggest? How many carbs and fats do you think I should be eating each day? I have really been struggling with keeping my carbs balanced but not having too many calories left at the end of the day. Should I basically just be eating vegetables, fruit, and lean proteins? what you want but stay in a calorie deficet...quite similar to WW which you are used to.

    My diary is open if you wish to see what my meals typically look like.

    I eat fruit loops, bread, chocolate, diet coke, fast food, lean protien, veggies, butter, cream etc.
  • pennyllayne
    pennyllayne Posts: 265
    Thank you for the suggestions! I guess I thought I was eating well. What foods would you suggest? How many carbs and fats do you think I should be eating each day? I have really been struggling with keeping my carbs balanced but not having too many calories left at the end of the day. Should I basically just be eating vegetables, fruit, and lean proteins?

    The first step would be to reduce your consumption of processed foods. They really do tend to be nutritionally deficient. If you're sedentary carbs should be under 100g. Removing refined grains will make this very easy. Stick with low sugar fruits, plenty of non-starchy veg and starches when you work out. Eating like that you'll find it hard to go over 100g a day. Fat should be at least 70g a day - things like avocado, coconut oil, grass fed butter, oily fish, nuts, olives and olive oil. Get more gelatin in your diet - very good for you. Eating too many muscle meats makes you deficient in proline and glycine. Muscle meats are high in methionine and adding gelatin will help balance this out. You can do this buy eating more gelatinous cuts of meat or supplementing with high quality gelatin (animal skin is high in gelatin). Also try to incorporate organ meats once a week as these are really nutritonally dense. Cook with saturated fats as they are stable at high heats (coconut oil, butter, ghee, bacon fat). Cooking with unsaturated fats damages the oil and makes them toxic to your body.

    Proteins don't have to be lean. High quality meats have a much better omega 6 to omega 3 ratio and CLA is higher in these meats too (helps with weight loss). You really don't have to worry about fat if your carb intake is moderate and they are from healthy sources. Eggs are high in vitamin D so eat those regularly - high quality of course. Salmon is a good source of vitamin D too and fish with the bones in like sardines are also good sources of calcium. Add more leafy greens, add butter to veggies and olive oil to salads. This helps with flavour, satiation and helps absorb nutrients!

    What exercise are you doing at the moment? You carb intake should really relate to your activity level.
  • LeahNMe
    LeahNMe Posts: 73 Member
    Options what you want but stay in a calorie deficet...quite similar to WW which you are used to.

    My diary is open if you wish to see what my meals typically look like.

    I eat fruit loops, bread, chocolate, diet coke, fast food, lean protien, veggies, butter, cream etc.

    The best cheerleader ever! People make it way to hard, and she always simplifies it. I love it!
  • pennyllayne
    pennyllayne Posts: 265
    Thank you for the suggestions! I guess I thought I was eating well. What foods would you suggest? How many carbs and fats do you think I should be eating each day? I have really been struggling with keeping my carbs balanced but not having too many calories left at the end of the day. Should I basically just be eating vegetables, fruit, and lean proteins? what you want but stay in a calorie deficet...quite similar to WW which you are used to.

    My diary is open if you wish to see what my meals typically look like.

    I eat fruit loops, bread, chocolate, diet coke, fast food, lean protien, veggies, butter, cream etc.

    Well yes, she can keep doing what she's been doing and making no progress as you suggest, or she could try a healthier way of eating and getting some nourishment in her body. I can't understand why anyone would say "It's ok to eat rubbish as long as you're in a calorie deficit" considering how well it's worked for her so far. You may be able to eat junk and get away with it, this person obviously can't. OP, you can listen to ignorance like this and see if you make any progress doing the same thing over and over or you can try advice from someone who has been studying nutrition for 2 years and is soon to become a Nutritionist. Your choice :)
  • sweetpea03b
    sweetpea03b Posts: 1,124 Member
    I know that it is frustrating to not see results. Are you familiar with the "whoosh" theory?

    Read it. I have experienced this FIRST HAND. In just 2 weeks after barely losing 1/4 lbs and 1/2lbs here and there being so disciplined... I took a few days off to recooperate.. came back at it and within a few days I lost almost 2 lbs and 1.5inches on my hips. Sometimes you'll go a bit and not see much of a difference. Weightloss is not linear. You just have to hang in there... keep doing what you're doing... and wait. It will drop eventually :) Good luck!
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Thank you for the suggestions! I guess I thought I was eating well. What foods would you suggest? How many carbs and fats do you think I should be eating each day? I have really been struggling with keeping my carbs balanced but not having too many calories left at the end of the day. Should I basically just be eating vegetables, fruit, and lean proteins? what you want but stay in a calorie deficet...quite similar to WW which you are used to.

    My diary is open if you wish to see what my meals typically look like.

    I eat fruit loops, bread, chocolate, diet coke, fast food, lean protien, veggies, butter, cream etc.

    Well yes, she can keep doing what she's been doing and making no progress as you suggest, or she could try a healthier way of eating and getting some nourishment in her body. I can't understand why anyone would say "It's ok to eat rubbish as long as you're in a calorie deficit" considering how well it's worked for her so far. You may be able to eat junk and get away with it, this person obviously can't. OP, you can listen to ignorance like this and see if you make any progress doing the same thing over and over or you can try advice from someone who has been studying nutrition for 2 years and is soon to become a Nutritionist. Your choice :)

    because weight loss is about a calorie deficet that's it.

    Does it look like it's not working for me???

    Your way is a self punishment for gaining weight and it is not a good way to go. There is no need to cut out your favorite foods just eat them in moderation.

    I am not going to say eating lean meats and veggies is bad it isn't...80% of my diet is made of that type of food but that is because I want to maintain my muscle mass so I watch my macros, get in enough protien and lift...

    But I will not be telling people that the only way to lose weight is to restrict their favorite foods or processed crap or demonize foods in anyway shape or form...
  • spara0038
    spara0038 Posts: 226 Member
    I had the same issue for a while- up a few pounds, down a few pounds, up a few, down a few... etc. From what I've seen just with my own results, I'd recommend 2 things:

    1. Eat at least your BMR calories, or closer to it. MFP initially recommended 1200/day for me. That left me feeling tired, cold, and spacey... and frustrated because of lack of weight loss. My BMR is around 1460, so I make it a point to eat at least 1400/day. Consider that your BMR is what your body needs to stay alive, even if your are comatose. Your body needs at least that, or it thinks it's starving and will hang onto whatever reserves you have for dear life. I know it may seem counterintuitive to eat more to weigh less, but it will prevent your body from feeling deprived. My weight loss is still a little slow, I admit, but it has prevented the up/down that I was seeing.

    2. It seems to me that you're eating on the upper end of your sodium limit. A diet high in sodium will make you retain water, and will skew the scales. I will admit, I'm not always the best at limiting myself in that regard either, but it definitely makes a difference. If you can, cook more things from scratch, steam veggies, and if you need extra flavor, there are things like Mrs. Dash and (my favorite) garlic powder that add flavor without salt.

    Finally... try incorporating more weight lifting. It may make you stall out a little up front, but it will help you kickstart your metabolism again and lose inches along with fat.

    Hope this helps :)
  • pennyllayne
    pennyllayne Posts: 265
    Thank you for the suggestions! I guess I thought I was eating well. What foods would you suggest? How many carbs and fats do you think I should be eating each day? I have really been struggling with keeping my carbs balanced but not having too many calories left at the end of the day. Should I basically just be eating vegetables, fruit, and lean proteins? what you want but stay in a calorie deficet...quite similar to WW which you are used to.

    My diary is open if you wish to see what my meals typically look like.

    I eat fruit loops, bread, chocolate, diet coke, fast food, lean protien, veggies, butter, cream etc.

    Well yes, she can keep doing what she's been doing and making no progress as you suggest, or she could try a healthier way of eating and getting some nourishment in her body. I can't understand why anyone would say "It's ok to eat rubbish as long as you're in a calorie deficit" considering how well it's worked for her so far. You may be able to eat junk and get away with it, this person obviously can't. OP, you can listen to ignorance like this and see if you make any progress doing the same thing over and over or you can try advice from someone who has been studying nutrition for 2 years and is soon to become a Nutritionist. Your choice :)

    because weight loss is about a calorie deficet that's it.

    Does it look like it's not working for me???

    Your way is a self punishment for gaining weight and it is not a good way to go. There is no need to cut out your favorite foods just eat them in moderation.

    I am not going to say eating lean meats and veggies is bad it isn't...80% of my diet is made of that type of food but that is because I want to maintain my muscle mass so I watch my macros, get in enough protien and lift...

    But I will not be telling people that the only way to lose weight is to restrict their favorite foods or processed crap or demonize foods in anyway shape or form...

    I'm sorry but weight loss is not just about calorie deficit. Calories matter, but what you eat also matters. As I said, some people can get away with eating junk and still lose weight, others can't. And even if it were, what damage do you think you're doing to your body by eating so much junk? You think weight loss automatically equals health? I don't know anything about you but why would you tell someone to do what you're doing when it's 1. not healthy and 2. not working for her? I don't know why it has to be punishing yourself. Nourishing your body is NOT punishing yourself. I used to eat a lot of junk food, but once I changed my lifestyle I no longer feel the need for those foods regularly and my health has improved because of it. There are SO many treats out there that are healthy and nourishing. Addiction to sugar and refined carbohydrates is the problem, not punishment. Make it about health and your attitude changes.

    You told her to eat what she wants. If you looked at her diary you would see it's made up of 90% processed junk. I am giving her suggestions to improve her health and her weight loss efforts. If it's really so incredibly impossible to cut out foods that are damaging to your body then there's something wrong, but go ahead and have them occasionally because that is still better than having them every day.

    And you're right, restricting "favourite foods" is not the only way to lose weight but no 1. sugar and processed rubbish does NOTHING for you nutritionally 2. Refined carbs making up 70% of your food intake and having a sedentary lifestyle is a fast way to gain fat and 3. There is nothing to those foods but the way they make us FEEL. Food is not about satisfying cravings and "feeling good" - it's there to nourish us and help us function optimally. You cannot function optimally on a diet made up almost entirely of rubbish. The sooner people start detaching themselves from food emotionally, the sooner people will start to realise the reason these foods are on our shelves in the first place and the harm they do to our bodies. Weight loss is a secondary issue, health and nourishment should be the priority.