Herbalife vs Advocare

I have been considering trying some of the weight loss products offered by herbalife and advocare, but since they seem pretty similar and are both quite pricey, I am having trouble choosing which one I want to use. Does anyone have any experience with these products? If so, which one would you prefer and why?
Thanks for your help!


  • ZombieEarhart
    ZombieEarhart Posts: 320 Member
    Your inbox is about to be flooded with sellers and "coaches" but let me say that whatver you want from these products you can buy at the grocery store or on amazon for far, far, cheaper. Are you looking for protein? Meal replacement shakes? Vitamins? There are better cheaper options.
  • missiontofitness
    missiontofitness Posts: 4,059 Member
    Your best option is to go to your fireplace, put your money into it, and light it on fire.
    Invest that money in healthy produce, and learning how to change your habits to reach your goals. Products like those are only quick fixes, and can't replace the trial and error that comes with living a better lifestyle.
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    Your inbox is about to be flooded with sellers and "coaches" but let me say that whatver you want from these products you can buy at the grocery store or on amazon for far, far, cheaper. Are you looking for protein? Meal replacement shakes? Vitamins? There are better cheaper options.


    These products are low quality and expensive!! You can go get much better protein and supplement and save yourself the money. These companies are multi level marketing scams and target overweight and desperate people!! Please don't fall for the hype!!
  • I have tried AdvoCare and LOVE it! My Grandma tried it too and she has done everything under the sun from Jenny Craig, to Weight Watchers and those didn't work for her. She's down 50 lbs since July! These are good quality products and if you were to go to the store and try to buy everything that is in these vitamins/supplements you'd end up spending more. I myself have lost 30 lbs and my husband saw the weight coming off and decided to try it himself. He lost 25 lbs and no longer has a beer gut. It's working for us and we don't find it to be that expensive.
  • Greenrun99
    Greenrun99 Posts: 2,065 Member
    Your best option is to go to your fireplace, put your money into it, and light it on fire.
    Invest that money in healthy produce, and learning how to change your habits to reach your goals. Products like those are only quick fixes, and can't replace the trial and error that comes with living a better lifestyle.
  • _MG_
    _MG_ Posts: 453 Member
    Your best option is to go to your fireplace, put your money into it, and light it on fire.
    Invest that money in healthy produce, and learning how to change your habits to reach your goals. Products like those are only quick fixes, and can't replace the trial and error that comes with living a better lifestyle.

    For every person you find that says they work - you will find 50 people who lost weight without spending on a store bought plan.

    They ate food that provided the nutrients they needed, exercised, and maintained a calorie deficit.
  • LynneW1983
    LynneW1983 Posts: 1,161 Member
    I have tried AdvoCare and LOVE it! My Grandma tried it too and she has done everything under the sun from Jenny Craig, to Weight Watchers and those didn't work for her. She's down 50 lbs since July! These are good quality products and if you were to go to the store and try to buy everything that is in these vitamins/supplements you'd end up spending more. I myself have lost 30 lbs and my husband saw the weight coming off and decided to try it himself. He lost 25 lbs and no longer has a beer gut. It's working for us and we don't find it to be that expensive.

    Is this a real person. I think not 2 posts no picture. Try making your own shakes they taste better and are cheaper.
  • McKenzieLeigh
    McKenzieLeigh Posts: 113 Member
    Honestly, I wouldn't recommend it.

    I lost weight on the "cleanse" part of the challenge, but it is so hard to stick to. You can't eat like 20 different things, choke down 17 different pills 3 times a day and I was miserable. I like some of their products individually like the Spark for energy or their Omega 3 supplement. I also gained it all back when I stopped plus some.

    Using MFP and maintaining a calorie deficit has worked better for me than anything else. It is easier, it is cheaper, I don't have to limit foods or give up dairy, soda, alcohol, white anything or meat and I can eat outside my house without fear of wasting all my money.

    We only stay as advisors because we order spark for ourselves at a discount or even that wouldn't be worth it to me.
  • Yes, I am a real person. LOL
  • scoleman58
    scoleman58 Posts: 25 Member
    I think many people misunderstand the concept of a meal replacement shakes and how to use these products, lets use the two mentioned above. These products help create a calorie deficit while making sure you provide your body with proper nutrition; micro and macronutrients to sustain/ increase energy levels to where they should be in the body. Most people do not not get the daily required micro and macronutrients their body needs in the first place.

    Using the two products above they also teach you how to eat properly, IF you follow the plans. This combined with the shakes, protein powders and vitamins provide balanced nutrition when in a calorie deficit phase or weight maintenance phase. It's not unheard us to continue the use of one meal replacement shake and some of the supplements in order to maintain proper nutrition and being able to meet the micro and macronutrients requirements and maintain proper energy levels. The key is to follow the plan to make a life change, not to use the plan and products for "x" time then go back to what your "old" ways. Cause when you do that of course you will "gain it all back" cause your doing what you did in the first place to gain it, and of course you will no longer feel energized you stopped fueling your body with the required micro and macronutrients.

    That being said you need to pick which of the products you need to use from whichever company you decide to use. As a side note I use herbalife 24 sport, I use it now only to maintain and for performance; meal replacement for micro and macronutrients requirements, pre-work drink, post workout rebuild, and for hydration when training and running half marathon. I use 6 of their products each designed for its specific use. I use to use EAS, Herbalife products have provided me with more results and energy on a day-to-day basis than EAS did. I will not say EAS did not work, just not half as well and it was more expensive.
  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,230 Member
    Your best option is to go to your fireplace, put your money into it, and light it on fire.
    Invest that money in healthy produce, and learning how to change your habits to reach your goals. Products like those are only quick fixes, and can't replace the trial and error that comes with living a better lifestyle.

    For every person you find that says they work - you will find 50 people who lost weight without spending on a store bought plan.

    They ate food that provided the nutrients they needed, exercised, and maintained a calorie deficit.

    You will also notice that those who recommend against these products tend to be longer term members, with tickers showing progress and photos and profiles.

    Those recommending the products tend to have few posts, no picture or profile, no ticker, no MFP history.

    Draw your own conclusions from that.
  • gymcholo
    gymcholo Posts: 10
    SCOLEMAN58 said:

    "I think many people misunderstand the concept of a meal replacement shakes and how to use these products, lets use the two mentioned above. These products help create a calorie deficit while making sure you provide your body with proper nutrition; micro and macronutrients to sustain/ increase energy levels to where they should be in the body. Most people do not not get the daily required micro and macronutrients their body needs in the first place.

    Using the two products above they also teach you how to eat properly, IF you follow the plans. This combined with the shakes, protein powders and vitamins provide balanced nutrition when in a calorie deficit phase or weight maintenance phase. It's not unheard us to continue the use of one meal replacement shake and some of the supplements in order to maintain proper nutrition and being able to meet the micro and macronutrients requirements and maintain proper energy levels. The key is to follow the plan to make a life change, not to use the plan and products for "x" time then go back to what your "old" ways. Cause when you do that of course you will "gain it all back" cause your doing what you did in the first place to gain it, and of course you will no longer feel energized you stopped fueling your body with the required micro and macronutrients.

    That being said you need to pick which of the products you need to use from whichever company you decide to use. As a side note I use herbalife 24 sport, I use it now only to maintain and for performance; meal replacement for micro and macronutrients requirements, pre-work drink, post workout rebuild, and for hydration when training and running half marathon. I use 6 of their products each designed for its specific use. I use to use EAS, Herbalife products have provided me with more results and energy on a day-to-day basis than EAS did. I will not say EAS did not work, just not half as well and it was more expensive."

    Gymcholo commented:

    Impressive. spoken like a real person. I was going through some extreme dieting changes that landed me five different times into the ER. Long story short, it was my gallbladder that was taking the brunt of my ups and downs in dieting. Sadly I had to have it removed because the pain was so extreme and hurtful that I was losing hope and driving down a steep pit in depression. Through my trial and errors using different dieting plans I learned bits and pieces of me. I learned that some foods created chaos in my body, I also learned that controlling my intake or controlling what I was ACTUALLY eating was SUPER HARD! I was lost in a jungle of food. Eat this, Not that (title to the nutrition book not intended). Then I met MFP and started figuring out that whatever I ate I could lose wieght by burning the energy and getting stuff down. MFP also helped me keep track of my food intake and I followed everything to the T. Wow...I started losing weight. But let's continue being REAL, once we start losing wieght and we start fitting into those canvas pants or those fitted shirts..we start to get a complexion. I GOT a complexion and thought "Eh, so I'll eat the chocolate cake, I'll go for a run afterwards and burn it away" GREAT! Now let's do that 10x for every indulgence we continue to gas up on...tsk tsk. I was going nowhere fast. Yes, I was losing weight but I was losing the way and I'm adding this quote with much emphasis "WHAT WE EAT IS WHAT WE GET" I started feeling super gross, mind you, I had no gallbladder therefore all those fats could not be regulated in my body so they go straight to my gut and I'd get nausea as a side effect that "oops, you ate too much" when in fact, So back to running or exercising or ...I got super BORED. Same routine, EAT RUN SLEEP. Then I started gaining weight which was exactly the opposite. I had no control, no plan and certaintly no energy to continue.

    During my course of EAT RUN SLEEP I figured out another tick about my diet. I needed to eat better food to get better results which I learned through Scott Yurek's book: Eat and Run. He taught me that WHAT WE EAT is defintely WHAT WE GET. There is alot of food in the supermarket but if we don't start looking and scrutinizing what we eat then let's just give up this ongoing battle. Right? Its sad. Food isn't wholesome anymore. They are full of chemicals and processes that as human beings we need to be really concerned about. They affect our eating HABITS, our MENTAL states, our ENERGY levels...its disgusting and how misleading food companies can be by telling us "low fat" or "No Trans fat" some food companies are the worst crooks that we will never meet and they kill thousands injecting their poisons just to give us "Bacon flavored muffins" just gross. So I started eating more raw fruits & vegetables, good wholesome grains and vegan items. Boy, let me tell you I was a rocket fueled fat man on wheels (that image will stay with you forever). But I felt GOOD. It was EXPENSIVE!! Hahaha...ridiculously expensive and time consuming BUT it was giving me RESULTS! And I would track everything on MFP. I was losing weight and I was running farther and farther. YUM! I had the energy and I was getting the results. What i didnt have was TIME! I wish I could tell you that there is an easy fix for our weight concerns but there isn't. There is always going to be something getting in the way of our goal and we NEED to overcome them.

    Enter Herbalife. I was very skeptical about this company. It didnt care about the MLM. If the *kitten* works then I'll tell every soul! Well...what SCOLEMAN58 quoted couldn't be anymore truer. I mean he is absolutley on the money. <"The key is to follow the plan to make a life change, not to use the plan and products for "x" time then go back to what your "old" ways"> AND I will add that TIME is less consumed. HL really started to get my wheel spinning. Can I continue being real with yall? You've read this far right? They even took care of my Depression and I 86'd my Prozac! LIFT OFF! That is my key to happiness and bliss! "LIFT OFF and NRG" WOW!!! A very FOCUSED SUMMER! Their shakes...mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.....mmm! Herbalife is doing something right. Every time I go to the HERBALIFE RETAIL STORE (by invitation only of course) I feel energized. Its something else. Their food supplements are really doing a number on me. There is more nutrition packed in one shake than there is TIME to gather ALL these things, MAKE it and then feel the ENERGY. I don't know folks but HL is doing something right (I know I already said that)

    So where am I now...Herbalife vs Advocare...its like saying Safeway vs Albertsons. They're the big box store. Its what's inside that counts. Its your TIME, its your ENERGY and its your MENTAL state of being. We have to start thinking away from the OLD way and into the much more INFORMED way. We are going to lose weight by eating healthy, eating good raw veggies and fruits, eating good wholesome grains and proteins that have not been tampered with. No processed foods. No garbage going into our bodies and PLENTY of EXERCISE! Put in the hard work to make your FOOD go a long way and your MONEY well spent so you can enjoy TIME with others and do T25 with friends or play kickball with your kids. I know its hard so for a change and good choices start with Herbalife one shake at a time. Prepare the other two meals with good recipes. Then when you are ready to open your eyes you'll see that you're making things happen. Thank you for letting me pour my heart out.

    My name is Santos otherwise known as "gymcholo" on MFP. I started my jourrney 4 years ago weighing 300lbs. (I may have fibbed on MFP weighing in less) I work as an at-risk youth counselor during the graveyard shift (this does not help my cause). I'm a father of two little girls, one 4yrs old the other 6 months old and I want to live longer to see them grow. I have a horrible sleeping plan that doesn't help me and I joined Herbalife to help me stay on track. I am so greatful for their expertise. For their comfort. For their salvation and for their hope. I'm really learning alot about eating well and suffice to say I've lost 60 lbs. Rich and Imelda at Club Morgado in Renton WA are so awesome...they make me feel like family. Very supportive and caring. I don't care what anyone says about Herbalife or the MLM. In my eyes their letting me prolong my life. As I write this, it pains me to think that there are other people out there like me...lost and hopeless. I can't belive I'm actually crying tears of happiness. Thank you MFP for taking my caloric logging to another level and thank you Herbalife for setting me free but most of all I want to thank YOU for reading this NOVELA, Im sorry it took so long to get to my point but I had to be real and share it like it is. You'll be the one making the choice based on testimony and I hope this helps. Thank you again.
  • BlueBombers
    BlueBombers Posts: 4,064 Member
    NEITHER :noway:
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,910 Member
    How about neither and using that hard earned money to buy food and do a program you know you can do for life? Calorie deficit is all that's needed to lose weight. And both Herbalife and Advocare do that but charge you money to do it. The thing is you can do it for FREE.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    How about neither and using that hard earned money to buy food and do a program you know you can do for life? Calorie deficit is all that's needed to lose weight. And both Herbalife and Advocare do that but charge you money to do it. The thing is you can do it for FREE.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    Bingo. This and only this.
    You don't buy weight loss.
  • tristen_leigh
    tristen_leigh Posts: 214 Member
    Anything works if you follow the program - that goes for Herbalife, Jenny Craig, Weight Watchers, whatever. BUT those companies make a racket off of people that think that's the only way to lose weight. You'd be better off (and have more money in your pocket) if you came up with your own plan that is tailored specifically for you.

    I would suggest doing some research on how to establish a healthy relationship with food, control your portions and invest in good quality supplements if you want to take that extra step.
  • scoleman58
    scoleman58 Posts: 25 Member
    Santos, first I would like to say congratulations! Keep up the good fight :) you're doing awesome. I back you 100%, the more raw foods we eat the better! It is very hard to learn how to read labels and know what ingredients are "good" and what ones are "bad"/to stay away from.

    I have spent the last 3 years as nutrition being more than just a hobby of learning. I have gone thought many of the learning phases you have. I still learn everyday, it's my passion, I want to be as in formed as I can; but it is really hard to sort through all the information to find facts or proven information. I spent about a year researching whole/raw food and composing a diet from them (diet used here refers to everyday eating NOT a fade to lose weight). I bought a Vitamix (high powered blender) to make smoothies which I still use almost every day for fruit powered energy meals and green smoothies for detoxing.

    Last note on this post, when I first used Herbalife I looked up every ingredient on the label of the 2 products I started with in medical dictionaries and their uses. Some people will tell you, "if you can pronounce what is on the ingredients list it's not good for you", this is not true and misleading. Examples:
    ASCORBIC ACID = Vitamin C
    DL-Alpha Tocopheryl = Vitamin E
    Niacinamide = forms of Vitamin B3
    L-Glutamine = amino acid
    Choleclciferol = vitamin D3 Oral
    Pyridoxine = VITAMIN B6
    Thiamine pyrophosphate = B1; a water-soluble component of the B vitamin complex
    Riboflavin = B vitamin
    Cyanocobalamin = vitamin B-12

    I am betting most people cannot pronounce many of these, but in truth these are all micronutrients your body needs to function properly at it's highest potential. Most people are deficient one more than a few of the micronutrients. (not just including the ones above)

    Great job Santos keep up the hard work!
  • scoleman58
    scoleman58 Posts: 25 Member
    Your best option is to go to your fireplace, put your money into it, and light it on fire.
    Invest that money in healthy produce, and learning how to change your habits to reach your goals. Products like those are only quick fixes, and can't replace the trial and error that comes with living a better lifestyle.

    For every person you find that says they work - you will find 50 people who lost weight without spending on a store bought plan.

    They ate food that provided the nutrients they needed, exercised, and maintained a calorie deficit.

    You will also notice that those who recommend against these products tend to be longer term members, with tickers showing progress and photos and profiles.

    Those recommending the products tend to have few posts, no picture or profile, no ticker, no MFP history.

    Draw your own conclusions from that.

    Feel free to look at my pictures, I support Herbalife if it will help someone. That does not mean I think it is required.
  • Mindmovesbody
    Mindmovesbody Posts: 399 Member
    Don't waste your money no matter what anyone tells you! Eat healthful and for your goals. You can lose weight without all this stuff! Follow IIFYM, clean eating, paleo, whatever....just eat for your goals and burn calories and you will lose!
  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,230 Member
    Your best option is to go to your fireplace, put your money into it, and light it on fire.
    Invest that money in healthy produce, and learning how to change your habits to reach your goals. Products like those are only quick fixes, and can't replace the trial and error that comes with living a better lifestyle.

    For every person you find that says they work - you will find 50 people who lost weight without spending on a store bought plan.

    They ate food that provided the nutrients they needed, exercised, and maintained a calorie deficit.

    You will also notice that those who recommend against these products tend to be longer term members, with tickers showing progress and photos and profiles.

    Those recommending the products tend to have few posts, no picture or profile, no ticker, no MFP history.

    Draw your own conclusions from that.

    Feel free to look at my pictures, I support Herbalife if it will help someone. That does not mean I think it is required.

    I said 'they tend to' ie it is a generalisation .
    However I notice you do have few posts at 11 and no ticker.
    Of course it is not necessary to have many Posts or a ticker but the generalisation that those who wholeheartedly recommend these products tend to have different features to those who don't recommend them, as I outlined in previous post, is a fairly good indicator of something.

    As I said, readers can draw their own conclusions as to what that something is.