Petite framed women 5'5" and under friends wanted!



  • SamiSamiBoBlammy
    SamiSamiBoBlammy Posts: 868 Member
    You can add me! I'm 5'1"... CW 125

    I don't really have a goal weight (although I've gained 10lbs in the past year) I'm more interested in my fat pants staying fat pants :)
  • I love Jillian Michaels workouts. You get great results in a 30 minute workout and it is nothing you can't stick to for 30 minutes. I started with 30 Day Shred, then did Ripped in 30, and am now doing the 90 day program Body Revolution. You can do the first level of a lot of her workouts on youtube for free to see if you want to buy the dvds, which are not expensive anyway. The calorie burn is probably around 200 - 300 depending on how much effort you put in but I have seen great results with it.

    Thanks! I have Jillian's Yoga Meltdown but I have since gotten bored with that one. Do you like the DVDs of hers that you're doing? I may have to check those out :smile:

    I just started the 30 day shred! Not sure where you are in strength, but I still struggle with a push up.
    I think it's kind of fun, although my boyfriend likes to tease me.

    Look forward to trying No More Trouble Zones, too!
  • jessfuller23
    jessfuller23 Posts: 7 Member
    You can add me! I'm 24 & 5'4". My highest weight was 182 & I'm currently down to 177. My weight gradually increased over the past 2 years, but before that I had always been comfortable around 135, so that's what I'm trying to get back to.

    As far as toning up & getting some muscle definition....I recently completed the ChaLean Extreme program & it was awesome! I only lost about 2 pounds during it, but noticed a huge increase in my strength, it helped my endurance & I finally started to see some definition in my arms & legs. So I would definitely give that program a try! :smile:
  • marianneread
    marianneread Posts: 21 Member
    I'm 4'10" and at goal weight. I don't want to lose any more, but do want to add muscle and get rid of fat. I understand the "skinny fat" issue as I can't get rid of the weight on my thighs! I'm currently inactive due to back problems but I when I'm exercising I like to burn 200-300 calories in a cardio workout 4-5 times a week and incorporate weight/resistance training at least twice a week. I think intervals of high/low are good fat burning cardio and I like walking, aerobics, kickboxing, elliptical, and the bike. I get easily bored doing the same thing.

    Adding this thread for the ideas as it will be a challenge building up my strength and getting into some heavier (for me) weights when I am healthy.

    Good luck petite ladies!
  • MostlyWater
    MostlyWater Posts: 4,294 Member
    We are almost exactly the same size!
  • mikaylag89
    mikaylag89 Posts: 8 Member
    We are almost exactly the same size!

    That's awesome! We will be able to help each other lol. This is freaky, but I just looked at your profile and you're a legal secretary in New York? I'm a legal assistant in York, PA! :laugh:
  • hedwardsb
    hedwardsb Posts: 201 Member
    I'm 5'5", and maintaining, but whenever I've needed to lose weight in the past, it takes a long time. Tops I'd lose is 2 pounds a month.
    My favorite thing I've found is the fitbit. I wear it and aim for 10,000 steps a day. If I hit that goal, then I don't feel like I HAVE to work out, if I don't feel like it. It s a great motivator to keep me moving during the day.
    I have been trying since January to work out with weights 2-3 times a week because more muscle means less loss of bone density in later years. I know you're young and not thinking of that, but I'm over 40, so health is actually a bigger concern for me than six-pack abs. I'm just starting to detect some tightening and muscle definition in the last week, so keep in mind that with strength training, you might not see results right away.
  • laineybz
    laineybz Posts: 704 Member
    I'm 5'4 and the biggest thing that helps that skinny fat is lifting weights and training heavy. Cardio will only get you so far but to develop that lean toned look, you need to build muscle. To do that you have to lift heavy. It is not something that happens over night but it is a process. I think many of you would benefit from that.

    I definitely need to do this.I just find the thought of it daunting although i know once i've done it once i'll be fine.
  • sshintaku
    sshintaku Posts: 228 Member
    I am 5'5", 128lbs, pear shaped :) I feel happy with my muscle tone, although due to my build, my legs will never be as toned as I'd like... That aside, I spent the last 3 months doing hot yoga, 30 Day Shred, running, and other misc body weight type exercises (squats, lunges, etc). I've gotten good results and only burn 200-300 cal per workout. I think the trick is to just push really hard. I also work out 6-7 days a week, even if it's a 20 minute jog. I make sure I get SOMETHING in.
  • pennyks88
    pennyks88 Posts: 167 Member
    I'm 5'2", 136 pounds. I used to be super tiny for years (95 pounds) and I don't want to be that small again! I'd like to be 115-125. I totally understand the skinny-fat thing. I used to never work out or anything and I was just naturally small. Anyone can feel free to add me!
  • Mama_cc
    Mama_cc Posts: 45 Member
    Hi, I'm 5' 5 and my CW is 129...Goal is 120-122, due to my smaller frame. Anything I pack on past 124 looks terrible on me.

    Right now I am doing Mark Lauren-You are your own gym and Body by you. I followed his program last yr and it did wonders and saw huge results in inches. But then I drifted in my workouts and eating and am back up again. Rolling up my sleeves and ready to work again...

    Good Luck everyone!!
  • 5'3 137 lbs, I want to be 108-115 again, which is healthy for me. (Doctor)
  • scyian
    scyian Posts: 243 Member
    I'm 5'5". Short legs and looooong body. Anyone, feel free to add me.
  • missabeez
    missabeez Posts: 280 Member
    I always say that I am 5'4" but actually am 5'3.5".
    Currently I am 185 (down from 205) and in a size 12.

    When I was in the 160's, I was in size 8 so I expect once I get to goal (under 130 or so) I will be in 4/6

    I think I am medium frame but hopefully I will look small once I lose my chicken wings lol.

    Feel free to add me! I'm on here every day and have an open diary.
  • missabeez
    missabeez Posts: 280 Member
    I'm 5'5". Short legs and looooong body. Anyone, feel free to add me.

    I hate having short legs. And a short body. I'm so stumpy lol.
  • zombiesalad
    zombiesalad Posts: 123 Member
    I'm 5'2, small framed and pear shaped. Anyone is welcome to add me.

    SW: 137
    CW: 123
    GW: 105
  • gloriaeffe
    gloriaeffe Posts: 75 Member
    5'1'' and 110lbs here. I mostly aim to drop body fat from 22.1% (current percentage) to around 18% or so, not too worried about weight once body fat has lowered.
    I workout 6 times/week alternating circuits, intervals, cardio and strength training - I use runkeeper to log my activities so the way they get "translated" in here is pretty useless as they all show up as "aerobics"...
    Anyway, feel free to add me as a friend if you think it would help :)
  • massromanticfool
    massromanticfool Posts: 34 Member
    5'3" here! CW is 138, heigh weight was 177 (or more... at that point I didn't want to know), and my goal weight is 125. Feel free to add!
  • 5'3"
    almost 44 years old
    SW - 172lb
    LW - 118lb
    CW - 132lb
    GW - 120lb

    feel free to add me....:)
  • ericanom
    ericanom Posts: 27 Member
    Hi all I'm 5'2 CW is 130lbs, I'd say I'm pear shaped. Goal weight is between 110-115 but I think I need to tone up more than anything. Feel free to add :)