Endomorphs and Cardio

xilka Posts: 308 Member
I'm endomorph all the way. 5'0. 116lbs. 22.5" thighs. 37" hips. 27.5" waist.

I started doing less cardio and weights last August and stuck to it, but I don't like what has happened to my body. Although my lower half is close to what I was going for, I have more stomach fat than ever. I have a very strong core, and probably close to a six-pack under my jelly belly, but the jiggle seems to be here to stay.

The crazy thing is that I had less belly fat before I started lifting, even though I was 4 lbs heavier then.

I recently read that endomorphs NEED lots of cardio to keep the fat off, and I was doing a lot more HIIT before I started lifting.

Are there any endomorphs here who can attest to this? Or disagree with it?

Any endomorphs happy with ONLY lifting?


  • xilka
    xilka Posts: 308 Member
    Endomorphs... anybody?
  • wyodawn
    wyodawn Posts: 217 Member
    We were just having the belly fat/cardio vs. strength training discussion in my office the other day. It was more on the endurance cardio, but this one woman (who's in her 50s and fit as hell) was saying that the rest of us should not hike/mountain bike/hula hoop for hours because long bouts of cardio actually help you put on belly fat.

    What she's doing works for her, but I disagree that it would work for me. I think I'm more mesomorph than endomorph, but my body needs cardio, regardless of what I end up looking like. I'm a spaz and I need to dance for long periods of time! Besides, I agree with doing the kind of exercise you like or you won't stick with it. I like to hula hoop and hike and would be unhappy giving those things up.

    I do think different body types need different exercise. I would never go with an all cardio or all strength training regimen. I think it's good to mix it up. I think if what you were doing before made you happier with your body, maybe try that again or some mix of that and what you're doing now.
  • glassgallm
    glassgallm Posts: 276 Member
    Hi, 5'0" here. I'm definitely a pear shape. About 2 years ago my measurements were similar to yours. I started a slow running workout about 3 days a week and have gradually increased my speed and endurance. I have had some good results with this. I have not started lifting, but do body-weight workouts a couple of times a week, esp. in the winter when running outside was not optimal. I don't really like going to the gym. I really have started to enjoy running, although at first I didn't. So, my advice is to try a little running or jogging a couple of times a week and keep measuring to see what happens. Unfortunately, it's not possible to really target areas to lose weight in, your body kind of decides that for you, but you can tighten things up.
  • spickard34
    spickard34 Posts: 303 Member
    I think each person is different I know people that are successful with only weights or only cardio. I think my sweet spot is both. Generally I do a Strength cardio DVD and walk for 30-50 mins at a fast pace and I feel light. Earlier this year I was focusing a lot on weights and I started getting really thick. My personal goal is to be lean and toned not ripped up. I think the cardio from the DVD and walk helps me a lot also I really enjoy it. Bottom mine both are important and are needed you just need to find a balance for you. =)
  • fitandphat
    I am a meso-endomorph, but I can definitely relate. I just posted about doing T25 for a couple weeks and not feeling stronger or more toned. I'm thinking it may not be enough strength training. Either way, I gain fat evenly over my body, for the most part, but the biggest fat deposit is definitely in my belly. My understanding is that it will be the last thing to go. Could also be your diet. Dairy is supposed to be an absolute no-no if you're trying to control belly fat. If it's not diet, you could possibly wait it out a little longer to see if it just hasn't had a chance to burn off yet or add some cardio back into your program. But I also believe, no matter how hard I worked, there would always be a bit of a belly pooch. No big deal, though. Nobody's perfect. :)
  • _Zardoz_
    _Zardoz_ Posts: 3,987 Member
    Somatypes and the theories behind them have mainly been discredited I wouldn't take much account of what anyone says about endomorphs.