6 days of binging


As subject says, i have binged ate for the past 6 days :( i've put on 7lbs and feel really depressed about it... it wouldn't be so bad if it was just a one off but it's not, i fear i may be developing a binge eating disorder and thus will keep on putting weight on! to be honest, my diet has suffered since christmas (on christmas day, i allowed myself to eat what i wanted, which subsequently lead to me litterally gorging on chocolate biscuits, which is what, i believe, caused me to start binge eating) and for a brief period i started purging by fasting and/or abusing exercise - i don't do that now, because i know it only makes the situation worse. I know the only logical and healthy way to get back on track is to go back to my normal regime of eating 1500 and burning 300 to net 1200... but that just seems like such a daunting prospect now! because of the extra calories i've consumed, i feel guilty about sticking to my normal regime and i know that it will take forever to start losing weight again. i'm so confused and don't know what to do :(


  • Sreneesa
    Sreneesa Posts: 1,170 Member
    If you feel out of control and are purging and abusing exercise, etc you need to seek professional help.

    Hang in there and please go seek help to get this under control.
  • RunMyOregonBunsOff
    RunMyOregonBunsOff Posts: 862 Member
    Find someone you can talk to and help you through this. You seem to want to be healthy, you just need to be able to take things one choice at a time and it may help to feel like you have someone that can lend you some of their strength.
  • thealib21
    Take a breath, drink a glass of water, and calm down. You will be okay. I have suffered with BED for a while now, and I know all the feelings of shame and guilt that go along with it. You can't fix the past, but you can improve the present. 1200 seems a little low, but I don't know you or your medical situations, so I won't tell you how much to eat. Maybe for a couple days/weeks just try to stick to a certain number, and then when you have been okay with that for a while add in some light exercise. Get yourself back on track, but don't dive headfirst into it. Take things slow, and you will see progress. Make sure to drink loads of water or tea as well. Best of luck xx
  • salembambi
    salembambi Posts: 5,585 Member
    I pretty much was in the exact/am in the same situation as you

    I decided to up my calories to my supposed TDEE and eat at that for a couple weeks until I feel ready to make a slight cut from it

    I am a week into eating at a steady TDEE and the urge to binge has really dulled down already :)

    I suggest joining some BED support groups, also joining the Eat more to Weigh Less group on here it really opened my eyes and is awesome help / makes a tonne of sense
  • smithed812
    smithed812 Posts: 289
    Just wanted to say I'm in a very similar boat right now. I've been binging for about a week (~4500 cals per day of mostly junk... it's been an emotional eating thing for me) and I know it's hard and sometimes you feel hopeless. I feel like I am able to control it, but this time I just didn't want to. If you feel like you need professional help, don't be afraid to get some.

    Another thing... are you sure you are eating enough on a regular basis (when you are trying to lose)? Have you looked into the TDEE method? When I first started calorie counting I did the whole 1200 calories (or less) thing and it wasn't nearly enough. When I upped my calories (I now eat well over 2000 to lose) my binge issues were significantly reduced because I consistently felt satisfied.
  • gleekymoho
    gleekymoho Posts: 19 Member
    Hi! I definitely identify with what you are describing. Many times, I become discouraged and I feel like all hope is lost, but if I have learned anything it is that perseverance is how weight loss and most importantly healthy eating patterns and habits can be achieved. This is not going to a perfect road. I found that just taking a second and reminding myself that I am human and I am going to make mistakes and have bad days sometimes, helps. For me, I have experienced that holding the all or nothing attitude will just make you want to give up but allowing for missteps can make it all a lot more manageable. I have found that being able to accept and forgive yourself for mistakes can prevent it from going from one meal or one binge to just giving up completely, which will add up in the long run.

    Another thing is that the bingeing often is brought on by stress and worry, which can become a cycle which is definitely hard to break.

    Just a suggestion, but have you ever considered doing some meditation/prayer or yoga. These might help in becoming more aware and in control of stress. If you need/want a friend to talk to about this, definitely feel free to add me. Good luck! :smile: I know its a hard road and give yourself some credit for the effort you put into helping yourself. Self compassion does wonders.
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    Been there, done that, more than once. My record for it was 8 solid weeks during which I gained 14-16Ibs.
    For one, is your goal weight of 8 stones realistic for your height? In my experience, sometimes aiming for a lower than healthy weight for your height and build can lead to episodes of binge eating.
    For two, 1200 is most likely too extreme of a deficit for you. You only need to be aiming to lose half a pound a week with what you have left to lose. Is it better to over restrict and end up in this binge eating predicament, and gaining a crapload of weight, or is it better to eat a bit closer to maintenance and avoid the binge episodes?

    Also examine if there are emotional reasons for this...stress, boredom, depression, tiredness... As for me, that was also sometimes the reason for my binges.

    The way I always get out of them is by getting in a very good, intense workout to sweat that sugar out of my system, and then back to my normal eating regime.