Week 3 No Weight Loss

Hi all!
I'm new to using the "message board." I thought I'd give it a try after reading though a few and seeing the support everyone offers.

I'm feeling discouraged. I have been logging in for 16 days straight. Weekly, I've been under my calorie goal. The first two weeks I lost 7 pounds, but over the last week and a few days, I have not lost anything.

It's discouraging because I know that I am not eating as much junk as I did before I started tracking. I'm eating healthier options. My protein has increased and my carbs have decreased.

Most days this last week I was about 200 below my calorie goal. My goal is set at 1700 but I usually receive a -270 on my calorie intake because of my sync with FitBit Tracker.

Has anyone else showed a freeze at week 3 and saw a turn around the next week? Also, I am very happy I've lost 7 lbs, a loss is a loss, but since I haven't eaten nearly as much as before, and I'm not losing, is very discouraging.

Feel free to add me, or look at my diary. I have it open to view.


  • LKArgh
    LKArgh Posts: 5,179 Member
    One week or two weeks with no weight loss it is normal. Even gaining a little bit one week is normal. Especially after a very big initial loss. As long as you are tracking calories correctly, do not let this bother you and be patient.
  • tashatpc
    tashatpc Posts: 4
    Thanks aggelikik! It a battle with my mind I am going to win, this time!
  • Erin29ga
    Erin29ga Posts: 22 Member
    I lost 8lbs in my first week...2nd week...I have lost nothing. Hoping for a loss on my 3rd week. Don't let it get you down, from everything I've read, it's normal.
  • tashatpc
    tashatpc Posts: 4
    Thanks Erin29ga!
    I wish you success

    Post and let me know when you start losing again. :)
  • 19TaraLynn84
    19TaraLynn84 Posts: 739 Member
    We all hope for straight losses, but as many people have pointed out to me, weight loss is not linear. There will be a few ups in with the downs. Don't worry about those as long as the general trend is downward. Good luck!
  • MissJay75
    MissJay75 Posts: 768 Member
    When people have such large losses the first week or two, it is almost always mostly water weight being lost, not true fat. As you progress and your body steadies out, you can expect to see the 1 or 2 pound per week loss that your calorie deficit should yield. But there will always be fluctuations. Any time you see 2-3 pound changes overnight, that is 99.99% water weight being gained or lost. Don't let it discourage you when it goes way up, anymore than you should get too excited when it goes way down. It will even itself out. Keep working on your calorie deficit and the weight will come off!
  • tashatpc
    tashatpc Posts: 4
    And, I'll remember the water weight gain part too.
    I tend to step on the scale twice a day.
    When I see the 1-2lb gain, I'm like "what??!"
    I have to remember water weight.
  • mgpearce4
    mgpearce4 Posts: 71
    I have only techinically lost 2 pounds since I started my tracking 15 days ago. I know my height weight was 190 and now I'm at 186.5, but since weighing that first time, that's it. I like to think of it as lean muscle being built. It takes time, especially for women. If you're not crazy overweight too, it will be a more gradual process.