Any beginning/ long time runners?

I have recently started the C25k program..I want to make myself into runner.. Would like tips to keep me interested in this and any success stories that MFP people have to share!! Thanks everyone and can't wait to hear your tips and stories


  • liljen69
    liljen69 Posts: 45
    I started the C25K program in June 2012. I've always hated exercise and I was dying even during the 60 second runs! I repeated the first week three times before I moved on to week 2. It was really hard on my lungs but I kept at it. The program works. Last October, I completed a trail half marathon.

    Running has become a great stress-reliever for me and that's enough to keep me motivated.
  • Krys052490
    Krys052490 Posts: 72 Member
    I took 4/5 times on C25K week 1. I moved to week 2 Thursday and plan on running tomorrow. I've played sports my whole life and yet, I've never enjoyed running at all. C25K DEFINITELY has made me enjoy it more. It's a process though. I HIGHLY suggest googling running basics like how to breathe properly, shoes, stretches, etc.
  • Keep_The_Laughter
    Keep_The_Laughter Posts: 183 Member
    I started C25k in the middle of last November on the treadmill. It is a great program! For me, taking the advice to go slow, slow down some more and repeat weeks as needed worked well.

    If I was just a bit tired, but not winded, by the end of the 3rd session of an interval cycle I'd go up a week. If I needed to extend the cycle for another 1 or 2 sessions that was fine. It worked just as expected. I ended the program running for 30 uninterrupted minutes in January of this year.

    Currently I'm training for an 10k and am able running +8k outdoors without too much stress.

    Give it a try and best of luck.
  • krawhitham
    krawhitham Posts: 831 Member
    I was a runner as a child and I also ran track in college. Once I got into the working world I wasn't able to keep it up. I'm now trying to get back into it!

    What I know about running is start slow. When I started MFP in January, I only walked on the treadmill and elliptical. I really only did 20-30 minutes of walking on a 10 grade incline a day for 3 months before I started jogging between walking.

    Now I can run 3 miles straight VERY very slowly. Now that I know I can run 3 miles at a time, I don't do it every day. I even stop and walk when I'm feeling like I'm pushing it a little too hard. I run maybe twice a week, and still do some weights and elliptical on other days.

    Becoming a runner is like losing weight, slow and steady "wins"

    I believe that by September, I'll be able to run 8 miles no problem if I keep taking it slow!
  • HappyAmazon
    About a year or so ago I did the C25K to its completion but fell out of the habit due to winter weather. I've just restarted (heading into week 3) and the C25K app linked below makes it so much easier. The first time I just used a stopwatch and counting seconds like that makes it more painful. The app tells you when to walk and run and when you're halfway. It also lets you run music programs in the background. It is sooo much easier with this app!
    Good luck!
  • tabbyblack13
    tabbyblack13 Posts: 299 Member
    I'm using a C25K app on my smart phone and running on a treadmill. I've only to week 2 day 1 and it is a challenge but it's worth it. Make sure you get a good pair of running shoes.
  • pimpin_po
    pimpin_po Posts: 120 Member
    I started dabbling with running in January after 5 months of using the elliptical. My longest run is now 10 miles. On average ill go for a 6-7 mile run outside or on a treadmill. I really love running outside, it feels great. My biggest advice would be to to not push to hard, go slow if you feel more comfy and if you want to stop and walk do it. I just slowly increased my mileage when I felt confident I could go farther. Running is definitely my choice of exercise now. And it gets me GREAT calorie burns!!
  • Mheisey86
    Mheisey86 Posts: 16 Member
    Thank you everyone for all your stories. It really helps me to keep going.. I did Week 2 Day 1 this morning and it was difficult but I made it though..and rewarded myself by walking an extra 8 mins! Im doing a color run (my very first 5 ever!) June 1st and going on a cruise to the Bahamas in mid august...hopefully i can drop some weight and tone up for my big events! :smile:
  • liljen69
    liljen69 Posts: 45
    Thank you everyone for all your stories. It really helps me to keep going.. I did Week 2 Day 1 this morning and it was difficult but I made it though..and rewarded myself by walking an extra 8 mins! Im doing a color run (my very first 5 ever!) June 1st and going on a cruise to the Bahamas in mid august...hopefully i can drop some weight and tone up for my big events! :smile:

    The Color Run is fun. It's not timed and you don't actually want to run the whole thing! It's so much better to stop at the color stations to get EXTRA color poured on! It's a perfect first 5k!
  • Eric_DeCastro
    Eric_DeCastro Posts: 767 Member
    I didn't start with the C25K but i hear good things about it. I started walking at the end of sept 2013 and this year have ran 3 5Ks and one coming up this Sunday.

    I'm addicted to running. my life seems to revolve around my running schedule and my ability to run. I love love love it. it's expensive, shoes, socks shirts, and the races themselves. then there is the accessories, my 5K stickers for my cars, shoe tags that say 5K and belts to hold my phone (on my second one) reflective strips, more socks. it's the best hobby I have ever had, it's more than a hobby, it's my life, I'm a runner.
  • Eric_DeCastro
    Eric_DeCastro Posts: 767 Member
    Thank you everyone for all your stories. It really helps me to keep going.. I did Week 2 Day 1 this morning and it was difficult but I made it though..and rewarded myself by walking an extra 8 mins! Im doing a color run (my very first 5 ever!) June 1st and going on a cruise to the Bahamas in mid august...hopefully i can drop some weight and tone up for my big events! :smile:

    good luck on your 5k and remember have fun. You are doing it for your health and bragging rights that you can accomplish things that most people don't have the courage to even start.
  • tabbyblack13
    tabbyblack13 Posts: 299 Member
    Thank you everyone for all your stories. It really helps me to keep going.. I did Week 2 Day 1 this morning and it was difficult but I made it though..and rewarded myself by walking an extra 8 mins! Im doing a color run (my very first 5 ever!) June 1st and going on a cruise to the Bahamas in mid august...hopefully i can drop some weight and tone up for my big events! :smile:

    good luck on your 5k and remember have fun. You are doing it for your health and bragging rights that you can accomplish things that most people don't have the courage to even start.

    Bragging rights are awesome.
  • greypilgrimess
    greypilgrimess Posts: 353 Member
    My biggest motivation has been the quick progress, seeing and feeling the results of training, seeing how far I came from the beginning in a relatively short period of time.

    Signing up for events is another, for me a reason to train when I don't feel like it, getting ready for something that I'm really excited about.

    Bragging rights are awesome too!

    Enjoy the Colour run! You'll have a blast!