What do you do on "fat days" - if you have any?



  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    Deal with it. Get dressed, do what I was going to do, and remind myself that what I see in the mirror isn't always the truth. /shrug
  • EHisCDN
    EHisCDN Posts: 480 Member
    These are the days when I try to take it easy on myself. I'm not perfect! I take the time to reflect on what I've accomplished so far. I try to objectively think about what's going on and deal with it. What is making me feel insecure? What action can I take to change it?
    That doesn't always work [or I'm looking for a more immediate solution to my problem] so instead I'll look up some more motivational quotes to add to my quote board/wall and I'll write in my journal. I love writing my frustrations away. I like to look back at the success I've had before and all the steps I'm taking to make myself healthier and fitter. It's a long road.

    I might also go work out.
  • JenniCali1000
    JenniCali1000 Posts: 646 Member
    Those are the days I work out and bust *kitten* harder than I normally do, even though it's the last thing I want to do sometimes. I feel that those are the days when I need it the most. The boost of endorphins usually gets me out of whatever funk I'm in anyway.
  • jlmdc29
    jlmdc29 Posts: 26 Member
    Those are the days I do NOT skip my jogging. I'm slower and begrudging every minute but if I didn't do it, by the end of the day, I won't only be having a fat day but a day of failure because I didn't exercise.
  • tabbyblack13
    tabbyblack13 Posts: 299 Member
    I fake it until I feel it. If I can't feel it I make sure I exercise and log then park my butt on the couch and relax
  • enchantedgardener
    enchantedgardener Posts: 214 Member
    If it's a workout day, I make SURE I drag myself to the gym despite my mood. (I bribe myself with a post workout Starbucks nonfat latte if need be.) I know I'll feel awesome after I work out. And I make sure my playlist includes ALL my favourite songs!

    At-home spa/pampering is the best! Especially when you're not so in-love with your body. As I lather up in the shower or as I rub lotion into my skin, I focus on each body part. I thank each part of my body for all the amazing things it enables me to do each day. I remind myself how grateful I am to have a body that is healthy, that can run and dance and sing and do all other kinds of amazing things.

    And if neither of those do the trick, a couple intense orgasms usually remind me how much I love my body.
  • gypsy_spirit
    gypsy_spirit Posts: 2,107 Member
    If you are talking about a psychological fat day: Then, yes, I understand. I can have on the same outfit, same weight, and when I look in the mirror one day I'm high 5ing myself. Same situation on another day - I'm thinking what happened??

    I tell myself how illogical it is to see things so differently when all the factors remain the same. Over the last 2 years, this has happened enough times to give my brain the kick in the *kitten* it needs. It's a process that I think will just take some time.

    So to your question: I keep doing what I normally would do that day. My brain is just going to have to catch up.
  • aaronlawrenc
    aaronlawrenc Posts: 666 Member
    all my days are fat days :sad: