Constipation while working out?

impromark Posts: 119 Member
Apologies if this is a crappy topic to post about... ;)

I'm not sure why... But I've been getting constipated more often when on a heavier workout routine. My diet hasn't changed (just keeping it to 1200 + eating back whatever I work off), but when I started this cardio + treadmill thing last month (instead of just treadmill), I've been experiencing difficulties while on the porcelain throne. Is this a common thing?

A quick web search shows that this CAN happen, but I'm wondering if the MFP community has any words of wisdom about the subject. I think I'm actually drinking MORE water these days (been replacing snacks with water at the office) and my diet isn't particularly biased against fiber.Any thoughts?



  • Miamiuu
    Miamiuu Posts: 262 Member
    If you are having problems you probably need more fiber.
  • kuolo
    kuolo Posts: 251 Member
    You might be slightly dehydrated.
  • healthygreek
    healthygreek Posts: 2,137 Member
    1200 calories seems too little for a man.
  • meritage4
    meritage4 Posts: 1,441 Member
    drink prune juice 8 oz once a day!
  • rosebette
    rosebette Posts: 1,660 Member
    I agree that 1200 is too low for a male. From your picture, you already look fairly thin. You might not be eating enough. You have to have some food to get rid of -- you're probably burning almost everything and don't have a lot of waste.
  • sushidulces
    sushidulces Posts: 69 Member
    Overabundance of protein and too little fiber can cause that. Do you track protein and fiber on here? You should strive for 30-40 grams of fiber a day. You may also implement probiotics or greek yogurt for the positive bacteria to help move things along, so to speak.

    I eat 1/4 cup oatmeal with chia, flax, frozen fruit (usually raspberries or cranberries) every morning. It keeps everything going like clockwork. Also, stay hydrated! The large intestine pulls water from digested food and if there is not much to lubricate the digested food, you can have some problems.
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    Why are you, as an adult male, eating only 1200 calories net ?
    I mean, seriously, even for 98% of women, that is too low.
    You need to eat more then maybe you might start crapping properly.
  • vanguardfitness
    vanguardfitness Posts: 720 Member
    Electrolytes? I take magnesium occassionally and it's helped
  • SallyFTW
    SallyFTW Posts: 36
    I find this too. I think it is from dehydration becasue when I keep a two litre bottle with me during my workout and drink it, going to the toilet is a breeze lol. Don't worry I'm not shy when it comes to potty talk lol.
  • kaydoh2014
    kaydoh2014 Posts: 33 Member
    I'm a firm believer in taking a stool softener every day - just make sure you get just a plain stool softener, not a stool softener plus. As a lifelong sufferer from constipation, I can not so firmly anymore attest to the power of 100 mg of ducosate sodium daily. It'll help make things easier while you figure out what you need to do nutritionally to make things easier.
  • impromark
    impromark Posts: 119 Member
    Thanks everyone for your tips! I track what I eat, but not the components of it; and I haven't really altered my diet much in the past year since I started MFP, just portions. However, it was only in the past month or so that this has become an issue - in fact, last year it was the OPPOSITE problem, too much diharrea! One colonoscopy later, I apparently have a great tract winding around down there; but it's true that I haven't had watery stool in quite some time.

    I went to the doctor's on the weekend and he suggested more fibre, so I'll be adjusting diet to add some more and see what happens. Interesting thought about my body simply digesting everything more efficiently, thus leaving less to eliminate every day. Thing is though, I'm not really altering my consume / burn numbers, just how I'm burning them.

    Regarding the 1200 - that's what MFP spat out when I entered my goals and such. Losing 2 pounds a week seemed to be around what most people here found workable, so I just set it to that; then I add around 800 calories of working out to it, and eat those back to have around 2000 calories intake a day. Not sure where this "too low" is coming from?

  • rsclause
    rsclause Posts: 3,103 Member
    In the past I use to eat a large breakfast ( 2-3 eggs, 2 buttered toast w/ jam, 2 bacon) A large lunch greasy combo and a big dinner with a second helping. Snacks in between as well. I was a two-a -dayer like clock work. Now that I have reduced my calorie intake to about 2000 a day eating healthy non greasy foods. I also run every day and weights every other day. Also an ab workout every day. Now I am lucky if I can go once a day and more often than not every other day. Not really feeling uncomfortable and just figured it was a result of my new lifestyle and eating habits change.