
jessimacar Posts: 291
edited September 22 in Motivation and Support
I've been doing so horribly lately, and I'm so bummed about it. I don't know why I can't make good choices anymore.. Today I ate over 1700cals!! What the hell?! Thank god I worked, so I burned off a lot of it, but holy! Normally I struggle to make it to 1200.

I don't know why I'm posting my pity party here, but if anyone knows maybe why I'm suddenly making crappy choices, or something to eat that's a healthier version of what I am eating.. Let me know!!

I still want this so bad, but it's like I forget what healthy food is.. (I'm praying it's TOM soon.. for once. Lol. That might explain it)

Help!! Please!!


  • I know how yo ufeel Jess. Two weeks ago, I went on a rampage with oreos. I ate 10 of them throughout the day. I guess we just fall sometimes, but as long as you keep your goal in sight, you'll get back on the wagon!

    Good luck!
  • Please don't beat yourself up over it. I have gone through the same. There are just some days I feel like my body needs more calories, usually just before my period starts (tmi I know). You have tomorrow to get back on track. Just keep your spirits high you can do this.
  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member
    I think it's saying a lot that you tracked your cals today even feeling you ate crappy. Not sure if you preplan your food days out but might try planning out tomorrows and packing up your lunch tonight and planning for a treat at one of your snack times as you ease back into healthy mode. Lots of water helps flush the junk out too and kill the cravings sometimes, that might help you tonight.

    Try hard not to beat yourself up as that never helps us get back to where we wanna be...it usually seems to delay us even more.

    Glad you came and posted about your rough spell because we're here for you.:drinker: :wink:
  • Laura_Suzie
    Laura_Suzie Posts: 1,288 Member
    I know how you feel, the past couple days have been tough and I haven't been making the best decisions either. (PMS, ugh...) Just remember tomorrow is a new day. Don't beat yourself up about it, just find this "set back" as inspiration to work harder.

    Keep yourself busy, so you won't get bored and eat. Drink lots of water (it helps you feel fuller), and as for the junk food, just DON'T keep it around, just buy healthy foods. I know that is easier said than done, but if I get a craving for junk food, I go out and get something SMALL, like frozen yogurt or a couple pieces of chocolate from See's. That is much better than going to the grocery store, buying a whole carton of ice cream, planning on eating just one serving, and then eating it all. haha:) I hope I helped, I feel your pain. PMS cravings are the worst. haha :)
  • Theres no reason to fret about it unless you make it a daily habit. Its perfectly ok to indulge every once in awhile, other wise dieting would be near impossible. Just realize that it's only one day, a little set back but nothing that can't be easily made up for.
  • BunnyDVP
    BunnyDVP Posts: 71 Member
    Don't be so hard on yourself. You have come a long way and we all slip sometime. Venting is good and that is what this community is here for. Just keep at it and you will be back on track in no time. Small steps. Remember we didn't gain this weight all at once and we can't expect to lose it all at once. :flowerforyou:
  • Thanks everyone! Your messages helped a lot! I just have to kick my own *kitten* into gear, and realize this is for the best, regardless of how I feel about it now.. Maybe it is my body telling me I need more calories. I just don't want to end up at the same place I was at before.. Eating whatever, whenever I wanted..

    Thanks again for the kind words! :) I'll make you a promise now to eat better tomorrow!! I'll let you know how I've done!
  • bmmadden
    bmmadden Posts: 499 Member
    Well I am actually doing the same thing and I haven't even been logging in to hold myself accountable, I think in between it being close to your TOM and also holidays and parties things like that there are more temptations and indulgences around this time of year. So good Ideas everyone and tomorrow Ill be on track-its a new day
  • philip31
    philip31 Posts: 57 Member
    Sounds like your still doing well.. Some days you just need to go over and burn it off over the next day or 2...
    Don't be hard on yourself..
  • ChuckgM3
    ChuckgM3 Posts: 302 Member
    Yep. Like was previOusly mentioned. It's not so much the going over that hurts you. It's when you're not logging and not caring to pay attention that really gets you. Keep logging it and you will get back on track.
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