Want random active friends? join here

Emadzzzz Posts: 21 Member
Hello everyone,

I'm always looking for new active friends for support, motivation and to make this journey more fun
I love receiving and giving encouraging comments, so if anyone wants to be added by me and other random people please let us know here :D
Let all kick *kitten* and burn fat!!


  • jakeya16
    jakeya16 Posts: 40
    It's always great to give and receive encouragement and motivation! In in:)
  • CassieReannan
    CassieReannan Posts: 1,479 Member
    Almost at 730 days (2 years) logged in. Always willing to have new friends.
  • Emadzzzz
    Emadzzzz Posts: 21 Member
    I added u both =D hoping to get more people here
  • amanda_oc
    amanda_oc Posts: 39 Member
    I'm quite active on here, and have added you. Anyone else is welcome to add me also.
  • Pajke
    Pajke Posts: 10 Member
    Sure I do! I just joined the other day, but I'm planning to stay active! Feel free to add me :)
  • stacey672
    stacey672 Posts: 6 Member
    I have made a new vow to be active here until I reach goal. I would love more friends to help me along!
  • carinthea
    carinthea Posts: 97 Member

    I am not new here (have been a member of MFP for over 2 years). I am not as active as I would like (work constraints and now gallstones have made it a little bit more difficult) but now I am seriously determined to get the rest of the weight shifted (until last year I had successfully lost over 160lb in 18 months), I have over 100 more to go and motivation from others who need to lose weight would be brilliant.

    Raye (aka Carinthea):smile:
  • zeal26
    zeal26 Posts: 602 Member
    I'm always around, anyone can feel free to add me!
  • lumpy56lump
    lumpy56lump Posts: 31 Member
    Feel free to add me as well!
  • I could always do with motivation, and good at motivating too x I am in x :-)
  • SSBearPop
    SSBearPop Posts: 6 Member
    Yes, I'm looking for community support! Please add me too!
  • I'm beginning to get serious about making a lifestyle change. I would love some support.
  • frank6666
    frank6666 Posts: 48 Member
    Same here

    Anyone can add me. Always looking for some more motivation/support friends
  • BlanketII
    BlanketII Posts: 11
    Anyone can add me too. The motivation of others is really helpful in this journey!
  • Pusarah
    Pusarah Posts: 124 Member
    New since the end of Feb, but have been pretty faithful in logging in except for the one day I took my son to a concert and forgot to log in...*nuts!* I try and be encouraging, while still trying to learn from everyone on the site :)
  • Kylie0731
    Kylie0731 Posts: 23 Member
    I would love to add some new friends to my list!
  • xostephy1022ox
    xostephy1022ox Posts: 3 Member
    started about a month ago and looking for friends ... feel free to add me
  • monsoon91
    monsoon91 Posts: 6 Member
    Hi, everyone! :-)
  • Lucille51
    Lucille51 Posts: 56 Member
    I'd like to random active friends too!-:)
  • Zlushiee
    Zlushiee Posts: 2
    Looking for support and love to give support as well! Feel free to add me, it's been a hard journey but it's never too late to get back in track. A Healthier life is what I'm going for, after 4 kids and bad eating habits, it's time to change my ways that way I can teach my children too by example! (Sorry for the whole speech lol) ❤️ xo