Hiya, ex smoker here

Brought a fitbit and joined here for inspiration to not start smoking again!
Gave up 5 months ago but have put on 2 stone, this is getting desperate lol


  • serindipte
    serindipte Posts: 1,557 Member
    Hiya back! I quit Nov 8, 2013 and gained 25 lbs in two and a half months so I can totally relate!!!

    I came back here Jan 19th to work on losing that and, as of this morning, I'm down 20 lbs.. and have not started smoking again.

    You can do it. :flowerforyou:
  • loconnor466
    loconnor466 Posts: 215 Member
    Congrats on 5 months! I celebrate one year nicotine free on April 15th! Gained about 25 pounds too and finally got rid of 20 of it since January.
    I feel great and my new exercise routine and getting into lifting heavy, I can't see ever going back again.
    Feel free to friend me if you need support! Good Luck!
  • ahhh it's nice to know you're not alone :)
    I hope your name is a fortuitous happenstance for me and I can do it too!
  • Grumpsandwich
    Grumpsandwich Posts: 368 Member
    Ex smoker here but going on 4 years. I gained 45 lbs just over 3 stone ( was already obese before i quit as well). You can always lose the weight dont worry too much about it just work on settling down on the gain. Exercise is a great way to burn the frustration urge to eat when you want to smoke.

    I Still get the odd craving for a cig now n again but my son smokes so i get the joys of smelling it on him :/
  • FlatTummyTrish
    FlatTummyTrish Posts: 88 Member
    That's great well done :) I know I still smoke but what helped me when I stopped for a while were nicotine mints, whenever I felt like I wanted a snack I had a mint and both cravings went away. Good luck :)
  • allypr
    allypr Posts: 25
    Ex-smoker here 10 years in Feb. still smells good unless it's in a room full of smokers than it' nasty. Gained upwards of 50 lbs. and am here trying to get slim and trim. Been heavy almost all of my life. congrats on quiting and taking this next step so soon. Both are extreme undertakings but you can do it.
  • ClaireBear160382
    ClaireBear160382 Posts: 7 Member
    Gratz on quitting keep at it, it gets easier. I quit last new year put on 2.5 stone which I'm finding hard to shift
  • ros2will3run
    ros2will3run Posts: 104 Member
    so for like you and the others, it isn't a myth then, the weight does add to you, when you quit..me too gained a load!
  • michybeans
    michybeans Posts: 106
    Congrats!! I quit smoking and put on 25lbs in just a few months... I've lost it all now, but I'm going for even more to be in better shape! I'm training for my first 5K... it's pretty great training for a 5K when as a smoker, even walking up a flight of stairs used to make me winded. :) You can do it - stay smoke free and just workout and that weight will drop no problem. Good luck! Feel free to add me if you want to.
  • sargessexyone
    sargessexyone Posts: 494 Member
    Guess I'm the odd one out. I have been working on getting my weight under control and have done a pretty darn good job of it if I do say so myself. I have tried just about everything to quit smoking. On the recommendation of an MFP friend I went today and got an e-cig. I have one real one left before I make that switch. Maybe if enough people cross their fingers for me it will stick this time :happy:
  • Grumpsandwich
    Grumpsandwich Posts: 368 Member
    NopE the weight gain deffo isnt myth. Nicotine slightly boost metabolism in the same way as caffiene. Combined with the strong oral fixation associated w smoking, turns into food. Add to that the stress and comfort eating associated w the withdrawl symptoms. Hellllllo adipose .
  • cluurj
    cluurj Posts: 3
    Ah! giving up smoking is hard work, 18 months smoke free here, but 15 kg heavier.
    MFP has helped me get the gain under control by logging every mouthful, just need to slowly burn spare tyres off!
  • swaymyway
    swaymyway Posts: 428 Member
    Gave up several years. Gained 2 stone.

    Lost 2 stone (+more).

    Much better off, healthier and will live longer.

    Totally worth it :)
  • allypr
    allypr Posts: 25
    Congrats to all of you on the weight lose and on quitting smoking. When I quit smoking, I quit using the quit plan which was funded in Mn. by tobacco industry settlement.
    What I did than was post every day, I used patchs, lozenges, and nicorette gum. Drank tons of water to flush out the system and used cinnamon hard candy. Never think you are safe from what we called the nic-o-demon. It lurks around every corner.
    But after 46 years of 3-4 packs a day I did it and so can you. If anyone would like to friend me for help with quitting I would be glad to support.
    Now the purpose of this site is to help me figure out how to loose the weight I gained, part of which came from quitting smoking and part was changing to a less active job. I used to work construction, so it was a major change of activity.
  • Christophe2Fit
    Christophe2Fit Posts: 26 Member
    Hi I'm an ex smoker, stop smoking and broke an ankle in the same year.
    I don't know how much I gain, but I know, I've lost some, go more to go ;)
  • ironrat79
    ironrat79 Posts: 273 Member
    Congrats, I quit about 9 days ago so feel free to add me and everyone else is welcome to do the same. I log and post daily. There's definitely been an increase in appetite since I quit, but well worth it for now. Have a good weekend.
  • Would like to say I could relate. I still smoke. Maybe from some of you folks I'll find the means to follow suit.

    Best of luck to you. If you need anything, please feel free to ask.
  • 6 months in and still smoke free :D
    and a bonus to say I am now conquering the weight gain and have lost over 1/2 a stone (lost 3 before I joined here)

    Being on here and using a fit bit has worked wonders for me :)
  • fowlerly
    fowlerly Posts: 37 Member
    Sunday will be 3 months since I quit smoking, but I have gained about 10 lbs. in that time! I am now trying to get that under control. I've been working out a lot since I quit in the hopes of managing weight not gaining, but obviously that was a no go. But am happy that I am smoke free!!!
  • KateV888
    KateV888 Posts: 20 Member
    I stopped smoking 6 weeks ago, and even though I've been trying to lose and using MFP I haven't been able to lose weight since. But I'm still happy because so far I haven't gained - which I still consider a small triumph.

    Anyone trying to quit and trying to lose simultaneously - feel free to friend me.