Help! Losing weight while injured.

I somehow injured my sternum and the cartilage/muscles around it. Doctors say to take a few days of rest, then no vigorous workouts, no lifting and do nothing that causes hard/fast breathing (all things that cause it pain/slow recovery) for at least two weeks.

I've adjusted my calorie intake to reflect 85% of my sedentary TDEE, which is about 150cals over my BMR. When rest time is over I plan to walk 2-3 miles every day I can find time to.

What else should I be doing to keep myself at a deficit? and not lose too much muscle? I think I might be able to do moderate leg exercises? Circuit training lower body only? Should I avoiding working out my back, abs, and arms since my chest is injured? Can/should I get a massage?

As you can see, I'm really disappointed in not being able to work out. :(((


  • CreekFisher
    CreekFisher Posts: 12 Member
    In the old days when I worked Critical Care (1970s), some post-bypass patients had their chest splinted (a tight wrap) to limit sternum movement. They would start with walking (veins rmvd from legs limited exercise even more) and range of motion for their arms and shoulders. No weight work and nothing in a hurry for at least 6wks, for some it took 3mths, but then most were sedentary prior to surgery.
    Perhaps you could ask for a referral to a Physical Therapist to get more specific guidelines. Docs focus on limits, P.T. focuses on "start with this and build up."
  • Miamiuu
    Miamiuu Posts: 262 Member
    Id take a break and just do low impact exercises like walking. You want to make sure you get better. Also if you are concerned about muscle loss try to eat 1 grm of protein per pound of weight while you are recovering. I dont think you would lose much muscle in two weeks of not working out.
  • OkamiLavande
    OkamiLavande Posts: 336 Member
    Get a referral to a Physical Therapist if you can. My mother can't do much because she truthfully has limited muscles and extremely stretched ligaments around her knees and they give her exercises to do that have been helping her lose weight and don't cause strenuous activity but help build muscle and are good for you. PT's do wonders when you have limitations.
  • cazattack2
    cazattack2 Posts: 37 Member
    I would love pt. I'm not sure I can get it though, my insurance sucks. I do have a personal trainer friend who can give me some ideals of stretches. Will do on the protein!