Body composition questions based on pictures

I am 5'5" and 130lbs. I have two questions: based off the pictures below, what would you guess my Body fat percentage is? I'm getting anywhere from 35% to 20% from online calculators and I don't have access to more accurate methods. I'm guessing I'm in the 24% range?

Second question, I've reached my goal weight and my lower half still looks like crap. I do not have access to weights at a gym and have been running, doing yoga, doing 30Day Shred and riding horses as my primary exercise. Without weights, is this as good as it's going to get?


  • kdiamond
    kdiamond Posts: 3,329 Member
    I'd guess based on pics around 24% like you said. As far as shaping your lower half, you're "skinny" enough. If you really want to shape and look smaller, your best bet is lifting weights and doing lunges, step ups, squats (various kinds), and dead lifts. Those have really sculpted my legs and butt. I was 105 pounds and had a flabbier butt and legs than I do now at 114 pounds. Weights really help! That said, you look great and keep up the good work.
  • lisalsd1
    lisalsd1 Posts: 1,521 Member
    I'm 5'3 and around 125 at this point. I had my BF% measured at the local hospital's community program. They used some machine (not calipers). I was 24.9% (at about 127lbs last month). I had used some online calculators before going...and I was getting about 25%. So my online estimates were pretty close to and actual measurement.

    I can't really tell by your pics. I am bottom-heavy too. I was running, and it didn't do much to improve my thighs (just made them smaller). Strength-training has made a big difference in the "texture" of my legs. Squats, hamstring curls, deadlifts have helped a lot.
  • Trooty
    Trooty Posts: 15 Member
    Firstly, I think you look great, not 'crap' at all, lower half or anywhere!

    Have you considered using kettlebells at all? They aren't too expensive to buy/don't take up too much space at home, and their are lots of exercises (squats etc) using them that are aimed at working the lower body.

    I am no expert at all (I did my first kettlebell workout at home today, so really new to this!), but if you don't have access to weights at the gym, it could be worth a try? I got an inexpensive set of three weights for less than £30 to start with, and there are loads of really helpful free videos online.

    Everyone I have spoken to has said to me that weights are integral for getting toned, doesn't seem like there is much getting away from it!
  • SymphonynSonata
    SymphonynSonata Posts: 533 Member
    Ah, cellulite. The bane of my existence. I'm not sure about this, so don't quote me on it, but I've read on various non-Dr blogs that all women form cellulite, which you appear to have on your back side. It's because our fat cells push against the skin - I tried every method I could think of to get rid of mine, and what actually helped was tanning, massaging my problem areas and cutting down on some sugar, caffeine and salt (not cutting it completely out, but just bringing it from insane levels to normal levels, lol - 'crazy' being that I'd have about 3 energy drinks, 4 cups of coffee, a Starbucks frapuccino, and some Excedrin all in one day)! It helped tremendously! Your shape looks really nice, imo. All I'd work on (if I were you) is the cellulite. :-) Tanning does AMAZING things. Of course, some glute/thigh based exercises can't hurt and will only make your shape better (better being totally subjective, of course). From your upper body, it doesn't appear that you need to lose any weight at all. However, you may be holding a few extra pounds in your thighs that would come off if you lost maybe 5ish pounds (my weight always comes off of my thighs last). It's something to think about, at least! You look awesome!
  • sshintaku
    sshintaku Posts: 228 Member
    Thanks for the positivity guys! I will have to look into kettle bells. I have hand weights at home that I've used some, but don't know much about kettle bells. I have lost about 2 inches off my thighs, but in the last month, haven't lost any more. I definitely have a lot of strong muscle there, I just need it to come out from hiding under the chunk :D
  • sshintaku
    sshintaku Posts: 228 Member
    Ah, cellulite. The bane of my existence. I'm not sure about this, so don't quote me on it, but I've read on various non-Dr blogs that all women form cellulite, which you appear to have on your back side. It's because our fat cells push against the skin - I tried every method I could think of to get rid of mine, and what actually helped was tanning, massaging my problem areas and cutting down on some sugar, caffeine and salt (not cutting it completely out, but just bringing it from insane levels to normal levels, lol - 'crazy' being that I'd have about 3 energy drinks, 4 cups of coffee, a Starbucks frapuccino, and some Excedrin all in one day)! It helped tremendously! Your shape looks really nice, imo. All I'd work on (if I were you) is the cellulite. :-) Tanning does AMAZING things. Of course, some glute/thigh based exercises can't hurt and will only make your shape better (better being totally subjective, of course). From your upper body, it doesn't appear that you need to lose any weight at all. However, you may be holding a few extra pounds in your thighs that would come off if you lost maybe 5ish pounds (my weight always comes off of my thighs last). It's something to think about, at least! You look awesome!
    OMG not my coffee! I'd rather have cellulite than give that up haha! I've always wondered about the brushing/massaging cellulite thing - did it actually work for you?
  • zornig
    zornig Posts: 336 Member
    Thanks for the positivity guys! I will have to look into kettle bells. I have hand weights at home that I've used some, but don't know much about kettle bells. I have lost about 2 inches off my thighs, but in the last month, haven't lost any more. I definitely have a lot of strong muscle there, I just need it to come out from hiding under the chunk :D

    Even if you did more plyometric and isometric exercises, that use gravity and your bodyweight instead of weight machines, you would probably see results. Bodyweight squats, lunges, step ups, box jumps, pistons, those kinds of things. I believe there are plenty of online resources for how to get results without access to weights or other equipment.
  • SymphonynSonata
    SymphonynSonata Posts: 533 Member
    Ah, cellulite. The bane of my existence. I'm not sure about this, so don't quote me on it, but I've read on various non-Dr blogs that all women form cellulite, which you appear to have on your back side. It's because our fat cells push against the skin - I tried every method I could think of to get rid of mine, and what actually helped was tanning, massaging my problem areas and cutting down on some sugar, caffeine and salt (not cutting it completely out, but just bringing it from insane levels to normal levels, lol - 'crazy' being that I'd have about 3 energy drinks, 4 cups of coffee, a Starbucks frapuccino, and some Excedrin all in one day)! It helped tremendously! Your shape looks really nice, imo. All I'd work on (if I were you) is the cellulite. :-) Tanning does AMAZING things. Of course, some glute/thigh based exercises can't hurt and will only make your shape better (better being totally subjective, of course). From your upper body, it doesn't appear that you need to lose any weight at all. However, you may be holding a few extra pounds in your thighs that would come off if you lost maybe 5ish pounds (my weight always comes off of my thighs last). It's something to think about, at least! You look awesome!
    OMG not my coffee! I'd rather have cellulite than give that up haha! I've always wondered about the brushing/massaging cellulite thing - did it actually work for you?

    I never bruised (probably because I hadn't heard of it), but I made sure to just rub and squeeze my thighs whenever the chance came up, lol. I tried some coffee scrubs but that didn't do anything -- I'm not sure if the massaging really worked, but something did. I really attribute it to a good tan, losing a few more pounds, doing some squats and cutting out my super unnatural caffeine habit :P I think the tan is what really helped, though. The squats (not weighted) and weight loss (about 10 pounds for me) made my behind nicer shaped (more rounded).