45 year old female, over 300 lbs. I need support.

Hi. My name is Jeannie. I have been very overweight since I was 14 years old. I never have thought of my weight as a problem. I felt comfortable in my own skin. But the past few months I have been achy in my joints and I have been losing sleep because of the pain. I do want to live a long healthy life for my family, but I have really decided I want to live a long healthy life for me. I hope I can make it. I've never really dieted before so I know it will be harder than I probably think. I have not told anyone that I am doing this. I don't know why I can't bring myself to.it had only been 3 days since I started. What does everyone think?


  • Diets are for the medically ill, you are looking for a lifestyle change :p. This is a great community to get direction. Feel free to swing by my support group "Firing On All Cylinders" anytime for questions and I hope my posts provide you with valuable advice. Best of luck with your fitness goals!
  • lisacarrana
    lisacarrana Posts: 38 Member
    You can do this. The support on here will be plentiful. When I started in June 2013 I did not tell anyone either, but then people started to notice I was losing weight and my eating habits had changed.

    One thing though I never say I'm dieting, I'm eating healthy and reaping the rewards, for me it's a total lifestyle change.

    I will add you as a friend and hope I can support you on your journey. It sounds like your mind is ready and that's half the battle when it clicks it clicks.

  • ThenewCharisse
    ThenewCharisse Posts: 20 Member
    Hi, my name is Kim and I to was very comfortable in my own skin until one day I looked in the mirror and I did not know how big I really was until I went shopping with my mom and sister and everything I tried on was too small, I could not find anything pretty in my size and I just want to crawl under a tree and cry, but now I have found myfitnesspal and it really is helping and I really need support on this journey, so feel free to add me as a friend, lets support each other.
  • .
  • clintonchicoine
    clintonchicoine Posts: 1 Member
    You can do it!
    One thing I've learned is that it will take time. Don't make losing weight your goal. Make reasonable lifestyle choices your goal every day. Add a little non impact exercise. Cut our a few calories (not a lot though). Find some sort of aquatic class. And do all those little things daily. And don't weigh yourself. Wait a month or so first. It's easy to get discouraged when you don't see immediate results, but it's the long term goals, that are important, not the daily ups and downs.

  • pjb58
    pjb58 Posts: 100 Member
    Kudos to you for wanting to make the changes necessary for yourself to live a long healthy life.
    MFP is such a God-send and the support from everyone here is a true blessing.

    If you need an ear we are here for you.

    God bless you on your journey!

  • j_cox
    j_cox Posts: 10 Member
    Ah reahhly understahn yer pain.

    Ah used tah be about 265 lbs, evehn though ah was werkin on tha farm everyday fer about 7 ehrs.

    Ah came dahwn tah about 120 lbs through mah frahnds usin this saht.

    We ahll beleif in you and you jest don't knah how moch *kitten* ah bin gettin since that wayyt came oaff.

    Ah'm here fer yer s'port. PUSUUHS MEHHHH
  • RobynMWilson
    RobynMWilson Posts: 1,540 Member
    Definitely think eating plan and exercise over "diet". And I didn't wanna tell anybody I was losing weight when I first started, either, just in case I failed. I know exactly how you feel! I just sent a friend request :)
  • sodakat
    sodakat Posts: 1,126 Member
    You can do it!
    One thing I've learned is that it will take time. Don't make losing weight your goal. Make reasonable lifestyle choices your goal every day. Add a little non impact exercise. Cut our a few calories (not a lot though). Find some sort of aquatic class. And do all those little things daily. And don't weigh yourself. Wait a month or so first. It's easy to get discouraged when you don't see immediate results, but it's the long term goals, that are important, not the daily ups and downs.


    I have to respectfully disagree, sort of. The structure of using the MFP method works much better for me that cutting a few calories and not weighing myself did for most of last fall. I determined to lose weight in September 2013. I "watched what I age" and "cut back" and did lose a tiny bit. Then in January I heard someone mention MFP so I downloaded the app. That was when my weight started to come off on a regular basis and it continues.

    I do think if you have never, ever followed a controlled eating plan before it makes sense to track your current calorie intake and get an understanding of how many calories are in each food you generally eat. But I don't think you should / need to do this for a long, long time before you begin eating better.
  • Energetic19
    Energetic19 Posts: 16 Member
    Some awesome inspiration statements for you.... It is so true that there is no point at looking at this as a diet, it is most definitely a life change for the better and we are all here to support one another :smile:
  • ladonnabeard7
    ladonnabeard7 Posts: 13 Member
    Hi My name is LaDonna I am 35 years of age and looking to loose 100 lbs. I am starting small though working at loosing 10 lbs at a time so I don't get so frustrated for not loosing the 100 lbs the first week...lol I just started on here this past week and I am looking to add some friends to help motivate me and motivate them. This is my first time writing on the message board so I thought that I would reply and say hi..good luck to you and I hope you the best
  • You have taken the first step, good job! Stick with it, and in one year we will be congratulating you on your successes !!
  • kirili3
    kirili3 Posts: 244 Member
    Hey, have you seen www.youtube.com/divaslimsdown ?

    It's a great vlog series by a person who was 341 lbs when she started. She's been very inspiring for me and many people. If you go into her weight loss tips playlist, it could help. Starts off with basic things like drinking lots of water.

    Wishing you the very best of luck!
  • j_cox
    j_cox Posts: 10 Member
    Yeehaw just chacking bayck een
  • Vicks1978
    Vicks1978 Posts: 81 Member
    You are totally in the right place !! sounds like you have just had the epiphany we have all had to make that change.....mine was a hospital visit for a minor abdominal issue but it was a wake up call about my health and my life.
    You can do this, and yes, it will take time.....but it will be so worth it...I predict even in a couple of months if you want it bad enough you will see changes.
    Good Luck !! x
  • Vicks1978
    Vicks1978 Posts: 81 Member
    ps I found just doing small things like walking at home or doing an exercise dvd in the privacy of your own home will help you get started and give you some confidence. there is a great vid on youtube called lesley sanones 1 mile walk, and 2 miles and so forth which is a great start until youre ready for something else. I also just danced in my bedroom to Madonna vids on youtube for half and hour and saw a difference! :-)
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    Hi, Jeannie.
    I've never really dieted before so I know it will be harder than I probably think.

    I think you've gotten a lot of good advice already, but I wanted to address this.

    I also think of it as a lifestyle change, not a diet, but my suspicion is that if you haven't dieted in the past it actually might be a lot easier than you think. This is my second time losing (like most people in this position I have a boring story about how I came to gain weight again, but it wasn't due to feeling restricted), but the first time was my first time trying to lose weight ever, and I went from feeling like I had no control over it, had no idea what to do--weird given that I'm usually good at finding out what information I need to know--to realizing that something that had seemed so overwhelming was really quite logical and simple.

    One thing was not to focus on the number on the scale (which my prior dedication to not weighing myself had caused to take on some kind of excessive significance), but to track it for informational purposes while focusing on getting healthy, eating well, exercising, taking various steps toward all those things. Then, if for some reason it turned out my weight didn't budge (which is probably a common fear), I'd still be achieving my goals. But as it turned out--MAYBE because I hadn't spent years messing around with my metabolism or building up a love/hate relationship with specific foods--it actually came off surprisingly easy.

    One simple thing that is so helpful is just to understand what you are eating and where the calories come from, which is why logging everything works so well. I don't know how you eat now, but it's quite possible that you won't have to change what you eat all that much--certainly not to the point of being hungry or replacing everything you like with diet foods (both not necessary and generally not advised)--but just start being more mindful about it, which you get through logging. Plus, it can be quite interesting to learn how many calories are in different items, etc.

    Your reluctance to tell others makes sense to me too, and I feel the same way (other than people here, who can be extremely helpful and encouraging). One reason--not saying these are yours--is that everyone seems to have ideas about the best way to do it which can be overwhelming or confusing, especially before you feel confident that you know what you are doing. Another reason is that for a lot of people it can be mentally unhelpful to have others try to help by commenting on what you are eating, etc., again, especially before you feel comfortable with your own ideas.
  • Hi Jeannie,

    I am back on myfitnesspal so i can track my calorie and low-glycimic, low-carb intake. I lost 25 lbs from Sept - Nov with Take Shape For Life. My health coach, a friend from church, lost 70 lbs. Once you get started, you can't stop loosing the weight. And I think your joints will be the first thing to change. I can connect you to my health coach if you want more info.
  • deannc1
    deannc1 Posts: 91 Member
    Take one meal at a time. Planning meals is essential. Don't obsessively weigh yourself. Find a way to incorporate some of your favorite things into your meals. I am not into denying myself. When I practice denial the craving can grow overwhelming and I will end up eating 3 times more than I would have had I allowed myself a small portion. I leveled with myself by asking myself "if I live 50 more years will I never again eat a snickers bar, a piece of birthday cake, an ice cream cone, etc." The answer is HECK NO! But, I will take 2 minutes to consider whether I really want or need this. If the answer is yes, I'll have a bit and take it off my daily calorie/fat/carb, etc allotment. More often though, the answer is no. I am a 52 year old female. 6 weeks ago I weighed 290 lbs. I checked yesterday and I weigh 272.
    I am so glad I found this place. Everyone seems so supportive.
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    Congrats on taking the first step in your journey!!

    You can do this, and it really works! Just get yourself a food scale. Walmart has them for @15$ . Just weigh and measure everything you eat, and log it all honestly. It takes a little while to get used to, but once it becomes routine, you'll be fine.

    Please don't fall for any fad diets. As with any site, when some people see a newcomer, they try to sell them on all kinds of "weight loss" products! They will private message you and try to sell you all types of stuff. You don't need any of it!! All the tools you need, are right here!!!!

    At first, it's not easy. I would search the message boards and read up on everything so you have a better understanding of this site.

    Best of luck on your journey!!! :-)