Workouts For Obese People



  • FemaleSheogorath
    Depends on "obese", I guess.

    How different are people? I don't know. . . I know one woman who was up to 310+ she started running-- 26 years old.

    I started at 283. . also running.

    I recommend just walking. Go for distance not time.

    I am 258 right now, which is considered morbidly obese for my height. Being this size hurts my joints, especially during exercise, and since I have family history of back problems I don't want to push it.
    I already know what I can't do at this point, but I'm very unsure of what I can.

    I will be walking thirty minutes a day-- at the very least.
  • FemaleSheogorath
    From what I gather from everything everyone has been saying is that I should walk more and swim if I am able to. Unfortunately, I do not have the luxury of a pool.

    Are you comfortable with finding a gym or local YMCA? The YMCA near me has a pool, and I believe they did classes there as well.

    I am really uncomfortable working out in front of people at this point in time. Once I feel more at ease, I will start to go to the gym at my university since it's included in my tuition/fees.
    It also has classes, like Zumba and what have you.

    Which reminds me: is Zumba hard on the joints? I've heard that it is a lot of dancing and movement, which doesn't bother me as much as crawling around on the ground or whatever.
  • ittybittybadonkadonk
    ittybittybadonkadonk Posts: 11,634 Member
    zumba is a lot of fun ....its fast pace but a lot of fun ....and the steps are usually easy to get far a joints go will hurt at 1st but should ease up ...great workout
  • abble_pie
    abble_pie Posts: 144 Member
    I would suggest starting with walking. Walk for 45mins-1hr a day and your fitness levels with start to improve so you can do more types of exercise. Also, a little weight lifting would not hurt but walking is my suggestion
  • tazroni
    tazroni Posts: 24 Member
    What I did was just started out walking for a half hour, wherever it took me. I walked 15 minutes and then turned around and headed home. On rainy days I put my exercise bike in the living room and rode my bike for a half hour. Buy a few hand weights and there are routines that you can just stand in your living room and do a routine that you make up yourself or find on the internet. It does not need to be complicated. Once you get comfortable and you start to reduce you can add more whether its joining a gym or doing a DVD. The hard part is getting started. Good luck.
  • Laura732
    Laura732 Posts: 244 Member
    Hi, been in your shoes! At one point in my life, 262 lbs and no idea what to do with a dumbell! In fact, I felt like the dumbbell :) Anyway, here's what I used in order:

    1) Walking using the couch to 5k intervals on The program is made for running, but just walk at two different speeds.
    2) Beachbody DVDs: Body Gospel (It uses gospel music)
    2) Also had a gym at work, used exercise bike and rower at lunch.
    3) Beachbody DVDs: Rev Abs (modified). You will need a set of dumbells (I had the 1,3, and 5 lbs)
    4) Couch to 5k - running this time
    5) Beachbody DVDs: Les Mills Combat (modified)
    6) Beachbody DVDs: TurboFire base kit + advanced discs

    Now I'm in the process of working my way back through the DVDs doing them unmodified.

    Somebody's probably gonna call me out for being a Beachbody coach. I'm not. Yet. But I'm thinking about it. This year, I'm down to 226, so I'm not done yet. But I did it.

    You can too. Just put one foot in front of the other and do something :)
  • lsorci919
    lsorci919 Posts: 772 Member
    Walking, Swimming, recumbent bike, lifting..... find low impact exercises.... usually it's the impact that is giving you the pain. I started with yoga, a exercise bike and walking. I worked my way up to running, elliptical, high impact workouts.
  • missiontofitness
    missiontofitness Posts: 4,074 Member
    From what I gather from everything everyone has been saying is that I should walk more and swim if I am able to. Unfortunately, I do not have the luxury of a pool.

    Are you comfortable with finding a gym or local YMCA? The YMCA near me has a pool, and I believe they did classes there as well.

    I am really uncomfortable working out in front of people at this point in time. Once I feel more at ease, I will start to go to the gym at my university since it's included in my tuition/fees.
    It also has classes, like Zumba and what have you.

    Which reminds me: is Zumba hard on the joints? I've heard that it is a lot of dancing and movement, which doesn't bother me as much as crawling around on the ground or whatever.

    Personally, my classes don't involve much time on the ground, minus the short breaks!
    It's great because you can go at the pace you want; I don't copy my instructor verbatim, and slow down when I feel my heart rate peaking to an unhealthy level (I have an arrhythmia). I never feel like anyone is staring at me or judging me, because I'll see other people doing the same thing too. I think it's a really good program that encourages you to just move and have fun.
  • jeansnpearls84
    I say you should be brave and try Zumba! I weigh around 300lbs at 5'9" (29 years old) and started Zumba classes a few weeks ago....and I LOVE it. It kicks my booty every time, but it's fun and its an awesome workout. You can also modify some of the more difficult moves. I was always petrified of group classes due to my size, but I just sucked it up and went one day, and I can't get enough. I sweat buckets, but it hasn't been hard on my joints at all (I do modify any jumping). Just know your limits and do what you can. Bring a friend with you for moral support if that helps too. Also...if I don't have time to go to a class, I like to crank up the music at home and have a little dance party in my living room. Sometimes I incorporate doing chores into it, but that usually just distracts from my booty shaking good time! Good luck girl, and WORK IT!!!

    p.s. I do zumba about once a week, and mix in walking, recumbent bike, elliptical, and water aerobics. If you're worried about your joints I would stay away from the elliptical, that seems to be the hardest on my joints (for me anyway.....)
  • MelRC117
    MelRC117 Posts: 911 Member
    Like others suggested...walking or the elliptical. I've done Zumba, and the nice thing is, you can do it at your own pace/style if need be. Just keep moving your body. When some type of step is too complicated I just do as close as I can. I'm too focused on what I'm doing to really give a crap what others are doing.

    I just want to add, and I'm not discouraging you from exercising, but you don't HAVE to workout to lose weight. Do what you can, and as you lose weight and are able to do more, use different machines at the gym or try out classes when you're more comfortable and aren't in as much pain.
  • CarolinkaCjj
    CarolinkaCjj Posts: 622 Member
    Walk and swim, yes but what ever is out there, just learn to listen to your body and do it. I go to Jazzercise. If it HURTS (ie I am afraid I might mess up my knee), I just march in place. I modify the moves so I can do them and over time I have been able to do more.
    The Leslie Sannsone suggestion too - I have been trying to use it at work but just have not had time. I have heard lots of good things about it and one of my friends has had great luck with it (she can do it in her office over lunch).
    And I wish I could swim but it takes too much time : (
  • funsmile1234
    funsmile1234 Posts: 83 Member
    I was 370 pounds when I started and I didn't push myself because it was too much so I started off slow 5 minutes 2x a week in the very beginning. I walked outside and on the treadmill. Moving is moving. To lose a lot of weight you have to start out slow and work your way up into a routine. You are not going to be training for a marathon, yet so be realistic. I now work out 4x a week about a half hour each time. It took me two years to get to that amount. If you feel uncomfortable pushing yourself, don't. I had that same feeling. That's why I started off slow. Eighty percent of your weight loss will be with your diet. If you eat whole and healthy and stay within calories giving yourself bad food once in a while, you can still lose a lot of weight and not kill yourself with exercise.
  • winterchildel
    winterchildel Posts: 15 Member
    I started with Vbarre classes when I was about 88kg (195lbs), which was painful but doable. With the foresight of having tried Tae Bo, Pilates and Zumba, I would recommend Zumba, since it feels like a party and gives you the chance to do things your way.
    However, walking is also an awesome idea. I would also recommend switching your commute to a bike, i.e. biking instead of driving, this is also a great way to bring some action in your life. Being obese is by no means an obstacle to biking :-)
  • pinklemonayde530
    pinklemonayde530 Posts: 29 Member
    I started at 400lbs and I doing things on the floor was no where near comfy so I changed it out for my bed because it wasn't so bad. I'm not a big fan of body weight exercises because there is too much of my body getting in the way so my main source of exercise was and still is walking. It was easy to do and doesn't cost or have equipment to buy. I didn't like the idea of people being able to see me working out so I go to a local school and use the track after the kids have left. it seemed a little more private that way. The only people I see are others using the track too most of the time.
  • Amandawith3kids
    Amandawith3kids Posts: 367 Member
    i cant believe nobody mention chair cardio! you just sit in the chair and do stuff.

    find small ways to incorporate movement into your day. it doesnt have to be a "workout" it can just simply be "more" of what you are doing. bringing groceries into the house? carry less and make more trips. find a reason to walk from one end of the house to the other.

    r.e pain: if its muscle soreness (google doms) work through it. if its bone or joint pain, dont work through that. rest it, ice it, and do something that doesnt hurt.
  • kgrinholz
    kgrinholz Posts: 7 Member
    First off, I want to cheer you on for making an effort to lose weight!! Yay! :) I think it's a very brave thing to do.

    I am also obese and have always had difficulty losing weight and keeping it off. I completely agree with you. It is not only awkward, but also painful on your joints. I also have flat feet, so the extra weight adds pain to my feet. In the past, I've done exercise classes at a pool. Check around your area. There might be one at a local college or gym. It's called Aquatic Fitness. The pool reduces the pressure from your joints, and the water act as resistance. So the faster you move, the harder it is and the more calories you burn. You burn a lot of calories, while staying cool.

    I just started this running program on my phone. It's based on the Couch to 5K program. The app is called Run Double. It's a 9 week program that builds your endurance. It starts out by running 60 sec intervals and then progressing to long time intervals and distances. You have the option of repeating the workout if you feel you are not ready for the next one. I'm on week 6 and I feel really awesome. It's 3 times a week, and really progresses slowly.

    Also, definitely listen to your body. I once used a personal trainer, who had me do a lot of strenuous exercises. I ended up hurting my knee, and had to completely stop working out until it healed. It was a real bummer. Exercising a couple of times a week may not seem like much, but it actually really helpful. I used to workout 5xs a week thinking that was the only way to see results. I only ended up burning out within a few months.

    I hope this is helpful. Keep it up! :smile:
  • lovelayla
    lovelayla Posts: 123
    I like the Just dance videos on the Wii. If you have Windows 8 there is an app that is free and similar to Just Dance, but it uses the computer camera and that freaks me out lol! Water aerobics are great and walking. The fitbit has helped me and I just try to get as many steps in as I can, I even did extra house work today just to get more steps in.
  • 103reasons
    103reasons Posts: 41 Member
    They're kind of old school, but I loooooove Richard Simmons Sweatin to the Oldies series. I love the music, the dancing, and that he uses real people, not crazy then sports models. The people in the videos are obese people and they're shaking their booties all over the place. And, if they can do it, so can I!!! You can find them on amazon :)
  • running4myboys
    running4myboys Posts: 44 Member
    I was going to suggest Leslie Sanson too. She has walking DVDs. I personally haven't done them, but know people who have. Nice and low impact.

    And don't let anyone chastise you! You are making the first steps and you need to do it in a way that won't cause injury! We all have to start somewhere.

    Good luck! :)