Broke and Back on Track

geekandgranola Posts: 14 Member
edited February 17 in Introduce Yourself
Hi All!

I have been a Certified Personal Trainer since 2009 although I haven't worked in a gym or in-home setting since 2011. I have kept up my certification because it means a lot to me and I enjoy using it intermittently. I used to write a healthy living blog until I found the niche overwhelming and obsessive. I got married last year and my husband and I have struggled with our finances since a couple months after the wedding. We moved into a new, expensive apartment and less than a month later he lost his job.

It's been a struggle and we've both used that struggle as an excuse to let our healthy habits slide. After almost a year of eating terribly and intermittent exercise, we've both recommitted to health living. We're still broke but I'm trying to figure out ways to make a dollar stretch farther so we can eat healthier. We used to shop at Farmer's Markets for fresh fruits and veggies and now we buy frozen veggies and canned fruit. It's not easy and we're not perfect but we're figuring out how to eat better on what little money we have.

I'm hoping that hopping on the forum and connecting with my friends on the app will help to encourage me to keep going when I'm sick of holding myself accountable and when I just want to give up and eat all the chocolate in the house.

So, it's nice to meet you all. Here's to getting back to healthy living, no matter the obstacles!!



  • struggletodiet
    struggletodiet Posts: 149 Member
    Chocolate sound like a good idea but remember how far you have come, there is always light at the end of the tunnel. i am in the UK and eating healthy over here is difficult to as prices are up 20 to 60 % on what they where, but you will find strength in the community and help from us on here. you can keep going and make it worth it
  • GrokGranny
    GrokGranny Posts: 25 Member
    Hi Sabrina! My heart goes out to you and I know your pain. My husband went through 8 lay-off's during the gradual downsizing of the automotive, over a 15 year period. We lost our home in 2009 and money is super tight for us. No one will hire him now because he is 62! You are young and I believe you will rebound. Stick with people who love and support you and fill each day with as much joy as you can find. It is often in the smallest of details. God bless!
  • MelissaPhippsFeagins
    MelissaPhippsFeagins Posts: 8,063 Member
    Hang in there Sabrina. And for Pete's sake, start using that certification. Just a client or two a week would a) get you more cash and b) motivate you to keep your own exercise going. You can do this! God bless!
  • geekandgranola
    geekandgranola Posts: 14 Member
    Thanks for all of the support everyone!

    Melissa - I've intermittently tried to get in-home clients but for some reason I can't seem to drum up much business. I've been thinking about investing in a website for my services to help me appear more professional. I DO enjoy training and even one client per month would help. I've also thought about doing virtual personal training as a way to make a difference in the lives of people that don't even live near me too. I just need the free time to do it! Eep!
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