Get up and play an hour a day

Do those get up and play an hour a day commercials piss anyone else off? Every time I see them I want to scream. I can't believe we now have to put something on tv to tell kids to go play. And just for an hour! What really pisses me off is that they say go online to find ideas!!! Kids don't know how to play anymore? Ahhh sorry they just really get me going lol.


  • 1StepataTime
    Do those get up and play an hour a day commercials piss anyone else off? Every time I see them I want to scream. I can't believe we now have to put something on tv to tell kids to go play. And just for an hour! What really pisses me off is that they say go online to find ideas!!! Kids don't know how to play anymore? Ahhh sorry they just really get me going lol.
  • PrincessLaundry
    PrincessLaundry Posts: 2,758 Member
    Don't get me started on this one...

    Welcome to parent-hood!!! Where my full time job is making sure my kids never fall into the lazyunhealthyselfish mode.

    No seriously...don't get me going on this one....hold me back!
  • MontanaGirl
    MontanaGirl Posts: 1,251 Member
    Princess - step off the soap box. Yup, that's right step off, back away. Breath honey, breath. O.K. my turn!!! Seriously - really??? Since when??? Have we as parents become so lax that our kids don't even know how to play anymore??? Sad, sad. Yes, those commercials irritate me!! O.K., I'm off the soap box now - next??
  • PrincessLaundry
    PrincessLaundry Posts: 2,758 Member
    Ya....And to say no to precious junior and make him do something that causes effort? And have to parent? And take responsibility for his weight and lack of energy? Sheesh! Who wants to do that anymore? It is too easy to give him a bag of chips and an X-box...

    My worst fear???? When I'm old, these kids are going to know how to defeat the evil cyber warriors, but nobody will be able to fix my crooked back. AWWWWWWW!!!! LOL

  • MontanaGirl
    MontanaGirl Posts: 1,251 Member
    lol. Yeah - personal responsibility. I have issues with that. Like with soooo many people refusing it! Gosh you guys. My daughter struggles with her weight, but she knows how to play!! And we are working on it, but because she is 12 almost 13, I'm being careful to not push her overboard. I want her to learn how to be healthy and take care of herself properly - not that she needs to be stick thin!! But it is MY responsibility to help her with that!!! Good lord people. Grow up!!! Scary that TV is trying to tell people how to make their kids more active - talk about irony!! Weren't they the start of the problem???
  • jlwhelan1
    jlwhelan1 Posts: 664
    I haven't seen it...but we don't watch TV on any sort of regular basis. I can't stand the noise.

    Edit: But for those children who might not know any better. For those unfortunate latchkey kids -- if it helps a child be more active it's a good thing.
  • Glammy
    Glammy Posts: 115 Member
    I think my youngest daughter (15) will have the most in shape thumbs of anyone around with all that texting...:laugh: But she knows how to play, thank goodness! She gets upset if there's not a church dance or something for her to go to at least once a month. She's at Girls Camp this week. She goes to a waterpark at least once a month or more, if she can get someone else to go with her (she has a season pass, which she earned money for to buy all by herself!) I guess I'm doing SOMETHING right! :wink: