Feeling letharic this week

Hi all,
I'm pretty new to the myfitnesspal network. I've been working for awhile eating healthy and trying to get 30 minutes of exercise every other day, just this week, I've been very very tired! I have no idea why, either. I've been getting enough sleep (at least 8 hours if not more) and I just wake up and want to go back to bed. It's been really hindering my motivation to get out and keep exercising. Does anyone have tips on what this might be attributed to or how to stay motivated? I'd really appreciate it! :happy:


  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    With 55 lb. to go, your weight loss goal should be set to 1 lb. per week.

    Read this: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/1080242-a-guide-to-get-you-started-on-your-path-to-sexypants
  • Miamiuu
    Miamiuu Posts: 262 Member
    Maybe you arent eating enough, or the work outs are wearing you out.
  • mwery88
    mwery88 Posts: 22 Member
    I think my goal is set at 1 lb a week.
  • mwery88
    mwery88 Posts: 22 Member
    Maybe you arent eating enough, or the work outs are wearing you out.

    It might be, but I feel like any exercise does that to me. I've never been one to do it regularly until now.
  • LadyK1P1
    LadyK1P1 Posts: 69
    I'm just getting back to work after being out almost 2 weeks with extreme fatigue & weakness. I finally went to a different doctor about it - they did blood work and found I had been exposed to Epstein Barr and cytomegalovirus. I don't actually have it but at some time was exposed to someone who had them and said was making antibodies to fight them off. I'm not saying that's what you're going through - but there are a few viruses going around now. If you need the rest - then rest. They said the only thing that would help me was nutrition and rest - don't push yourself. You could just get a check up to be sure it isn't something that maybe you might need an antibiotic for. They checked me for mono and thyroid problems too (came back negative) Just take care of yourself until you're yourself again. Drink enough so you're not dehydrated too. It never hurts to get a check up once a year anyway. Maybe just take some time to pamper yourself and relax :-)
  • s2001t
    s2001t Posts: 4
    Have you noticed if there have been lot's of contrails in the sky? (trails left by jetplanes). If so, did they dissipate quickly, or sort of linger around, spread out making odd cloud formations? Here's some interesting information about geoengineering: http://www.geoengineeringwatch.org/ It may seem a bit loopy, or extreme to think that this is happening, but I'm convinced of it. Furthermore, I believe that it also can effect our physical well being. I just had 2 weeks of feeling the lathargia that you described.
  • mwery88
    mwery88 Posts: 22 Member
    I'm just getting back to work after being out almost 2 weeks with extreme fatigue & weakness. I finally went to a different doctor about it - they did blood work and found I had been exposed to Epstein Barr and cytomegalovirus. I don't actually have it but at some time was exposed to someone who had them and said was making antibodies to fight them off. I'm not saying that's what you're going through - but there are a few viruses going around now. If you need the rest - then rest. They said the only thing that would help me was nutrition and rest - don't push yourself. You could just get a check up to be sure it isn't something that maybe you might need an antibiotic for. They checked me for mono and thyroid problems too (came back negative) Just take care of yourself until you're yourself again. Drink enough so you're not dehydrated too. It never hurts to get a check up once a year anyway. Maybe just take some time to pamper yourself and relax :-)

    I had a small cold last week and I kind of thought I was just recovering from that, but I figured I'd be over it by now. Maybe I do just need to get a check-up and make sure all systems are firing correctly. I'm always down for some self-pampering as well ;)