Am I too late? Weight plateau and heavy lifting



  • jmslewis
    jmslewis Posts: 52 Member
    Many of your entries are a bit suspect, i.e the pizza, meatloaf, oatmeal. The calorie counts are extremely low.

    Also, I would change your macros to get more protein and healthy fats and less carbs. Get away from the lowfat cookies, etc. They aren't any lower in calories, as they usually add more sugar and other carbs to make up for the lack of fat. Fat and protein will keep you feeling more satisfied and you won't be starving as much.
    A 30P/30F/40C is a good starting point for most people. Especially if you are going to start lifting, you will need more protein to feed your muscles.

    I know the pizza looks suspect, but it is all homemade and recipes I have built in the system. For example the meatloaf is a recipe from that I altered and built in the recipe area. It's the meatloaf cupcakes without mashed potatoes but with extra zucchini. They are muffin size and actually even lower in calories usually, but my husband bought the wrong ground turkey last time(he bought Jennie-O lean instead of extra lean), so the recipe had to be adjusted accordingly until the next time I make them. Also the pizza is all homemade. BBQ pizza for example is a Mama Mias whole wheat crust with 5 TBS of BBQ sauce, half an onion, 1 cup 2% mozzarella, shredded chicken and spices divided 6 ways. It's not Papa Johns or NY Pizza, but it does the trick. Just about every meal is homemade and built in my recipe builder. Snacks are usually store bought but always portioned out. I spend usually every other Sunday cooking, baking, portioning, and freezing. You will see 3 or 4 portions for one meal, but one portion may be muffin size or only 1/4 to 1/2 a cup. The portion sizes are small out of convenience for my kids more than anything. Whatever I cook for the week on Sunday's is also what my family eats during the week. So one muffin size meatloaf is more realistic for a 4 and 10 year old to eat. Also, makes it easy to grab and go during the week since I'm not home until late. You are definitely right about the cookies. I am trying to move away from the idea of "reduced fat" or low fat because of all of the chemicals alone, but then trying to stay in such a low calorie range makes it difficult to do so. That's why I became more interested in heavy lifting. I'm so jealous when I read other women having awesome results AND they get to eat 1700, 1800, 1900, some even 2000+ calories a day without spending hours on end in the gym every single day. I'm literally starving every single day, and I just don't realistically have the time to put into cardio. An hour heavy lifting 3 days a week is doable. I don't want to do anything to lose weight that I can't continue when I've reached my goal since this is a lifestyle change. Protein I know I need to work on as well. I will work on adjusting my protein, fat, carbs. I've been reading about macros and such, so I know I'm going to need to eat more protein. Thanks for replying :smile:
  • Mischievous_Rascal
    Mischievous_Rascal Posts: 1,791 Member
    If you eat below your TDEE you will not gain weight. It's simple math provided that you are accurate with your tracking. Also, cardio DOES NOT make you gain fat. Ever. Maybe you eat more because you're hungrier when you do it or maybe your glycogen stores increase causing a temporary water weight gain but cardio in and of itself contributes to a calorie deficit which leads to weight loss.

    The TDEE is what scares me. If I eat even a few hundred calories over 1200, I gain. Yesterday I had close to 1500, I gained 1.6lbs, so today I'm going to go under so I can hopefully balance out to 178 again. I measure everything and log everything even my binges. My daughter was in the hospital on and for the past two months. I struggled to stay at 1200 since I stayed with her (hospital and fast food were my options) so it balanced out to about 1500-1600 calories a day ( I would be up with her 18-20 hours a day)...I gained about 5 lbs in that time. It came off when I came home and reduced to 1200, but 1500-1600 calories isn't a lot, yet the weight came back. So when I think TDEE-20% being 1700 range...I just picture the weight packing on and gaining everything I've lost back.

    My TDEE scared me, too. I was exactly where you were, doing the exact same thing, so I'm not going to say you messed up your metabolism, but you may be experiencing some of the same hormonal issues I had on a VLCD. Once I got over this fear and started resistance training and increased my calories, it was like my body finally figured out I was going to feed it and strengthen it, and I dropped almost 10% body fat in six months and have been maintaining on 2600/day. Check out this thread:

    Start now, and best of luck!
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    Your answers to the diary question make sense. I was just wondering because without knowing the context it may seem off.

    My suggestion - pretty much everything that has already been posted.

    1. Put away the scale for awhile. Take photos and measurements.
    2. Start Stronglifts as planned.
    3. Move up to your TDEE - 20% ( you can do this slowly at first if you want)
    4. Adjust your macros. Up your protein. Yours is very low. This thread has some good info in it on how to along with a few other pointers
    5. Log as accurately and honestly as possible. Close your diary again if you need to.
    5. Be patient.
    6. Keep being patient.
    7. Re-evaluate after 4-6 weeks.

    You may also want to check out this group.
  • jmslewis
    jmslewis Posts: 52 Member
    Thank you everyone for replying. I know you are all correct about lifting. I know I need to hide the scale and measure. I've read quite a bit before posting, I just needed some reaffirmation, a final push so to speak. So I did. I had my first Strongifts workout, if you can call it that. I felt like a sack of fat because I couldn't even start at the bare minimum given on the app of 45lbs squats, 45lbs bench, 65 rows. It was more like 40lbs squats, 45 bench, and then 20lbs rows. I know what you are thinking about the 20. I did start with 45, but my husband said my form was awful (he lifts regularly), so he dropped it to 20 so I could do it correctly. The move still felt awkward. I'm sore. I felt like Gumby when I was done, but I finished so I'll give myself that. My next question is....when can I start increasing calories? Should I do it immediately (that kind of freaks me out), gradually, or give it a month? Do you just say...okay I lifted today so I'm going to eat TDEE-20%. Do I still eat TDEE-20% on my off days. Since I'm not weighing(that is going to be a heck of a withdrawal), how can I tell if I'm eating too many or too little calories? Second question. My husband said I use my right arm strength more to compensate for a weaker left arm. So he had to stop me several times to make sure the bar was even. Should I do something on the side to strengthen my left arm so I do not continue to do that? They are the same size, but I guess the left is weaker.
  • niftyafterfifty
    niftyafterfifty Posts: 338 Member
    You have to eat an extra 3500 calories to gain one actual pound.
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    Thank you everyone for replying. I know you are all correct about lifting. I know I need to hide the scale and measure. I've read quite a bit before posting, I just needed some reaffirmation, a final push so to speak. So I did. I had my first Strongifts workout, if you can call it that. I felt like a sack of fat because I couldn't even start at the bare minimum given on the app of 45lbs squats, 45lbs bench, 65 rows. It was more like 40lbs squats, 45 bench, and then 20lbs rows. I know what you are thinking about the 20. I did start with 45, but my husband said my form was awful (he lifts regularly), so he dropped it to 20 so I could do it correctly. The move still felt awkward. I'm sore. I felt like Gumby when I was done, but I finished so I'll give myself that. My next question is....when can I start increasing calories? Should I do it immediately (that kind of freaks me out), gradually, or give it a month? Do you just say...okay I lifted today so I'm going to eat TDEE-20%. Do I still eat TDEE-20% on my off days. Since I'm not weighing(that is going to be a heck of a withdrawal), how can I tell if I'm eating too many or too little calories? Second question. My husband said I use my right arm strength more to compensate for a weaker left arm. So he had to stop me several times to make sure the bar was even. Should I do something on the side to strengthen my left arm so I do not continue to do that? They are the same size, but I guess the left is weaker.

    You started thats all that matters. Dropping weight to get form is exactly what you should do. It will come.

    When to increase calories? I'd start now, even if by 100 a week. Change the macros too.
    TDEE is meant to be the same everyday, its your activity averaged out over the week. You selected 1-3 days per week for activity which is good.

    You can't tell yet if you are eating too much or too little. The scale won't tell you either, not over a course of a day or two or even a week or two, especially at the beginning. You have to trust the process and wait. That's why I stress the importance of accuracy of logging and patience. The photos and measurements should tell you at the end of a few weeks. The scale will too eventually, but like I said, my weight went up and stayed there for an entire month at the same weight and changed all over my body for the better. Only after 4 weeks did the scale start to move.

    The left side vs right - not sure. We all have a stronger and weaker side. I wouldn't worry unless it is quite significant. Its good he is keeping an eye on it, I'd just be aware and try to correct the compensation.
  • jmslewis
    jmslewis Posts: 52 Member
    If you eat below your TDEE you will not gain weight. It's simple math provided that you are accurate with your tracking. Also, cardio DOES NOT make you gain fat. Ever. Maybe you eat more because you're hungrier when you do it or maybe your glycogen stores increase causing a temporary water weight gain but cardio in and of itself contributes to a calorie deficit which leads to weight loss.

    The TDEE is what scares me. If I eat even a few hundred calories over 1200, I gain. Yesterday I had close to 1500, I gained 1.6lbs, so today I'm going to go under so I can hopefully balance out to 178 again. I measure everything and log everything even my binges. My daughter was in the hospital on and for the past two months. I struggled to stay at 1200 since I stayed with her (hospital and fast food were my options) so it balanced out to about 1500-1600 calories a day ( I would be up with her 18-20 hours a day)...I gained about 5 lbs in that time. It came off when I came home and reduced to 1200, but 1500-1600 calories isn't a lot, yet the weight came back. So when I think TDEE-20% being 1700 range...I just picture the weight packing on and gaining everything I've lost back.

    My TDEE scared me, too. I was exactly where you were, doing the exact same thing, so I'm not going to say you messed up your metabolism, but you may be experiencing some of the same hormonal issues I had on a VLCD. Once I got over this fear and started resistance training and increased my calories, it was like my body finally figured out I was going to feed it and strengthen it, and I dropped almost 10% body fat in six months and have been maintaining on 2600/day. Check out this thread:

    Start now, and best of luck!

    That link was awesome. THANK YOU!!! And congrats on your 100lb loss!!! Truly awesome!!!
  • DebbieLyn63
    DebbieLyn63 Posts: 2,650 Member
    Thanks for clarifying the recipes. They actually sound good. I may have to check out that site myself. You have lost 80 lbs, so you are definitely doing things right.
    After losing 50 lbs, I plateaued for awhile, but actually I was just eating at my new maintenance level. I didn't stress too much about it, as I figured my body could use a diet break, but when I started trying to lose again, I found it very difficult to do so. I didn't want to lower my cals too much more, and couldn't increase my exercise, so I tried Intermittent Fasting/5:2. I was able to finally break thru the plateau and lose another 5 lbs over a couple of months. You might want to do some research on it and see if it is something that might help you as well.
    Best wishes!
  • jmslewis
    jmslewis Posts: 52 Member
    Thanks for clarifying the recipes. They actually sound good. I may have to check out that site myself. You have lost 80 lbs, so you are definitely doing things right.
    After losing 50 lbs, I plateaued for awhile, but actually I was just eating at my new maintenance level. I didn't stress too much about it, as I figured my body could use a diet break, but when I started trying to lose again, I found it very difficult to do so. I didn't want to lower my cals too much more, and couldn't increase my exercise, so I tried Intermittent Fasting/5:2. I was able to finally break thru the plateau and lose another 5 lbs over a couple of months. You might want to do some research on it and see if it is something that might help you as well.
    Best wishes!

    No problem. I knew the diary would seem misleading since so much is coming from the recipe builder. Thank you for taking the time to look at it!I love Lots of excellent ideas that are easy to tweak if needed. I have picky eaters and they love the recipes too! Congrats on your weight loss as well! I will check out the fasting 5:2. Thanks!