70 lbs to loose, looking for a pal with similar goal.

I've gained so much weight in the last few years! I started at 115lbs in 2010. I was a jogger. After a crappy relationship, back to school and dealing with teenagers I really got off track. I didn't care about myself at all. Now, I'm ready to be the master of my life/body again and get healthy for good. I'd love to be able to run again.
I'm looking for friends that can understand the journey I'm starting. 70lbs has come and gone 2x already for me after having 2 kids. I'm 42 and want more then anything to avoid health problems because I'm obese. I struggle with shame everytime I look in the mirror. Although I'm in therapy for my emotional issues I would love to have someone to chat with. I deactivated my facebook account and do not participate in any social media groups due to inadequate privacy policies, but I will go out on a limb and stay connected here on MFP. I choose to socialize with people that are seeking to improve their health/appearance and avoid the drama. If you have a similar goal and would like support please contact me.


  • artslady96
    artslady96 Posts: 132 Member
    friend request sent
  • HSam1121
    HSam1121 Posts: 16 Member
    I'm looking to lose about 80lbs, and I'm ready to do this! I'll add you and we can get it done :)
  • LydiaZembower
    LydiaZembower Posts: 136 Member
    I would love to join! If I lost 70 pounds, I would look terrific!! Ideally I would like to lose 10 pounds a month which seems doable if I eat clean, drink water, and exercise. Please add me as a friend.
  • pipertargaryen
    pipertargaryen Posts: 303 Member
    I love the pals I have - but I only have like 8, which is not a big enough support net for the beast that is me!

    I'm looking to lose 75lbs. Started at 215, am at 190 now. 1/3 of the way there! Anyone - feel free to add me!
  • mindyb1
    mindyb1 Posts: 2
    Thanks Ladies! We can do this!
    I started the cabbage wonder soup diet last Monday. I didn't weigh myself that day, I've been avoiding the scale because I knew it was bad and I wasn't ready to face it. This 7 day menu works for me as a cleanse and a way to clean up my diet. It also helps me loose water weight. I'm glad it's spring break and I really didn't need to be around others because it gives me major gas! I'm grateful I share my bed with only cats lol I switch up the veggies and spices with each batch of cabbage soup I make which helps make it a tastier experience and I still feel like I'm creative in the kitchen. Tomorrow is day 7 and I feel alot better then I did last week. I've lost 2 lbs since I weighed myself last and I'm hopeful to feel even better a week from now.
    I'm going to start over again at day 1 on monday. As far as the menu plan goes, I've only cheated 2x, with a cheese sandwich and dipping strawberries in honey. I enjoy wine and I'm sure it doesn't help my weightless, however I'm not willing to completely give it up for a diet. I've been substituting Sake lately after reading about the major health benefits and it's sulfite free.
    I'm contemplating an exercise routine to start. Wish me luck. And congratulations to you all for accomplishment towards goals this week! ;-)
  • 2girlzmm
    2girlzmm Posts: 81 Member
    Hi Ladies...I too am needing to lose 70+ and looking for friends to join me on this journey. I am starting my journey at 201 would love to get to 130. I know we can do this together.:happy:
  • HSam1121
    HSam1121 Posts: 16 Member
    Thanks Ladies! We can do this!
    I started the cabbage wonder soup diet last Monday. I didn't weigh myself that day, I've been avoiding the scale because I knew it was bad and I wasn't ready to face it. This 7 day menu works for me as a cleanse and a way to clean up my diet. It also helps me loose water weight. I'm glad it's spring break and I really didn't need to be around others because it gives me major gas! I'm grateful I share my bed with only cats lol I switch up the veggies and spices with each batch of cabbage soup I make which helps make it a tastier experience and I still feel like I'm creative in the kitchen. Tomorrow is day 7 and I feel alot better then I did last week. I've lost 2 lbs since I weighed myself last and I'm hopeful to feel even better a week from now.
    I'm going to start over again at day 1 on monday. As far as the menu plan goes, I've only cheated 2x, with a cheese sandwich and dipping strawberries in honey. I enjoy wine and I'm sure it doesn't help my weightless, however I'm not willing to completely give it up for a diet. I've been substituting Sake lately after reading about the major health benefits and it's sulfite free.
    I'm contemplating an exercise routine to start. Wish me luck. And congratulations to you all for accomplishment towards goals this week! ;-)

    Cabbage soup diet?! You deserve a standing ovation for sticking with that, that's awesome!
  • I roughly need to lose 125-130 Pounds.
  • dintentions3
    dintentions3 Posts: 43 Member
    50 here. feel free to add me
  • KTemple1
    KTemple1 Posts: 8 Member
    I'm right there with you guys--about 70 pounds to go for GW. I recently started back to MFP after stopping a couple of years ago, so I'd love to have you all as friends!
  • bigmike069
    bigmike069 Posts: 40 Member
    in for results!
  • jenlswear
    jenlswear Posts: 1 Member
    I to am looking to loose about 50 lbs. I've never been very up to date with using MFP but I wan to change that. I just you an add :-)
  • monis01
    monis01 Posts: 46 Member
    I need to loose a "whole person"!!
    Could totally use the group support too....
    *Friend request sent* :)
  • scubasuenc
    scubasuenc Posts: 626 Member
    I need to loose a "whole person"!!
    Could totally use the group support too....
    *Friend request sent* :)

    You can do it. I've lost a small child. Next up an adult....

    Every once in a while it is fun to think about what you have lost. I laughed when I realized I'd lost a fully packed piece of luggage (50lbs).
  • I need to lose about 85 lbs. I am 5'8" (stretching) and started off this January (2014) weighing 235 lbs. My goal weight is 150 lbs. and toned! I have a very hard time sticking to anything. I started losing then got off track and gained some back and now I am going to start losing again...I hope! We can do it!!!
  • MaggieMay419
    MaggieMay419 Posts: 18 Member
    I have just under 70 to lose all together. Friend request sent! I just started my journey a week ago.
  • yolohunter
    yolohunter Posts: 79 Member
    Sounds like we have similar goals- let's do this! Friend request sent!
  • chelstakencharge
    chelstakencharge Posts: 1,021 Member
    As long as you can handle my sarcasm you can send a FR
  • mallyboo3533
    mallyboo3533 Posts: 41 Member
    I want to lose 100 lbs.. Feel free to add
  • AZ0310
    AZ0310 Posts: 201 Member
    I'm planning to lose 50-70. I'm hoping to lose 50 by the end of the year. I've lost 11 so far. Feel free to add me.